
"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

author:Komi Hanashi

As the saying goes, "the iron tree does not flower for a thousand years, and the jade tree does not flower for ten thousand years", which is used to illustrate that it is not easy for these two plants to flower. But this is not the case, iron trees and jade trees are easy to flower when the environment is right. Especially the Yushu, this is not, the Yushu that Uncle Wang's family has raised for 18 years next door has blossomed again!

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

After uncle Wang next door retired, he liked to raise flowers and grass at home, and what satisfied him especially was the jade tree that he had raised for 18 years. When I first started raising, it was just a small seedling more than 10 centimeters high, and the back was getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger every year, and it bloomed every year after 10 years, which was not flowering again this year, and the amount of flowers was more than ever.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Yushu is a succulent plant of the Sedum family, and like most succulents and longevity flowers that have recently become very popular, they are all sedum plants. But Yushu is easier to feed than succulents and longevity flowers, and it is easier to grow old piles year after year. The main trunk of the old pile is already very thick, and the periphery is more than 30 centimeters.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

The charm of the old pile is self-evident, and I think that no one who raises bonsai would refuse such a thick branch.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Every year, when the jade tree of Uncle Wang's family blooms, it is always possible to attract people from neighbors to come and take a look and sit down. Uncle Wang is always very happy to tell everyone about his experience in raising Yushu. When we talk about it, the joy overflows into words, as if our own children have come out.

Uncle Wang's skills in raising jade trees can always say a basket, I listened and listened, so I summed up some of the main points.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > the maintenance of Yushu</h1>

First, Yushu is easy to raise and not squeamish

Yushu is a common potted plant, not only the city people like to raise, many rural people also raise Yushu, but also gave it a very grounded name, called "thick skin", because its leaves are indeed very thick, and it is easy to feed, do not have to take care of themselves can be raised very well, it is not called thick skin who is called thick skin?

Uncle Wang said: "Yushu this kind of plant, very solid skin is easy to feed, and it seems to be a bit "cheap", you don't care about it, just put it there, watering the sky, fertilizer does not need to be applied, it is very good. Once you get into the heart, give it a little more care, apply more fertilizer and water more, it will not grow well enough. It's really a "base bone", but this is also especially suitable for us to raise it, don't worry too much! ”

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Second, the Yushu tree is drought tolerant and does not need to be watered much

Yushu is a succulent plant, its leaves are very thick, the stem is also fleshy, it can store a lot of water, so it is particularly drought-tolerant, so there is no need to water more in the usual maintenance process.

In addition, the root system of the Yushu tree is very shallow, and it is easy to rot the roots when it is watered too much, and it is harmful and harmless. Uncle Wang said that he didn't understand it before, and when he first started raising it, he also raised rotten roots. So after re-cutting and feeding, I changed the breeding method and gave less water, but this jade tree grew quite well and very fast.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Third, Yushu likes the sun, and should bask in more sun

Although the Yushu tree is a leaf-oriented green plant, it is particularly sunny. Except for a little shade in the summer heat, all other seasons can be given full sunshine.

Uncle Wang said that this was all figured out by himself. The jade tree is raised in a shady place, and after a long time, the stem will grow old and long, even if it is long, the key is that it is still very thin, so the thin branches are easy to break, so it can only be moved to the place where there is sunshine. Later, when the sun was too poisonous, it was found that the leaves of the jade tree showed signs of burns, so a layer of shade net was used to shield it from part of the sunlight.

I have to admire the uncle's heart! The process of raising flowers is the process of continuous accumulation, continuous tossing, and continuous progress, praising Uncle Wang's patience.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Fourth, Yushu is afraid of the cold and wants to enter the room in winter

Uncle said that the first year of raising a jade tree was not very smooth, except for the occurrence of rotten roots and sunburned leaves. When the frost fell in the second half of the year, the temperature suddenly changed, and the Yushu was frozen and hung its head and bent over. This can make the uncle feel bad.

Therefore, when raising jade trees in the second year, Uncle Dai was particularly popular with weather changes. Every day, when the weather forecast is observed, once the temperature is found to be falling, then the Yushu will be moved indoors by the uncle.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > the conditions for the flowering of jade trees</h1>

Speaking of the flowering of the jade tree, Uncle Wang said that at the beginning, he did not know that this plant would still flower, but he kept it, and by the 10th year, it suddenly bloomed. A month or two later, a clump of snow-white flowers bloomed, which made him happy.

Then he kept pondering the conditions for the blossoming of the jade tree, constantly checking the information on the Internet or consulting other flower friends, and came up with the following points.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

One. Trees that have reached an age of more than 5 years

Uncle Wang said that when the first jade tree he raised flowered, it was about 10 years. Has grown a very large old pile, I did not expect him to blossom, by chance, the conditions are suitable, flowering, but also to the flower people to bring unlimited surprises.

Later, he mastered the habits of the jade tree, the precautions for maintenance, and the second pot of flowering jade trees was cut from the branches of the old jade tree and cut them alive. This pot of jade tree grew rapidly under his more skilled maintenance, and it took only 5 years to flower. Therefore, if you want to raise a jade tree to blossom, you must first understand its habits, raise it well, and then feed it.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Two. The temperature is suitable

The season when the jade trees are budded is the beginning of autumn and winter. That is when the sunlight gradually shortens during the day, because the jade tree is a plant that blooms in short days. But often at this time the temperature becomes very low, and the Yushu is not hardy, so at this time must provide the right temperature.

Now the north is better, because there is indoor heating, so as long as it is cold to move the Yushu to the home. But in the south, it is a bit troublesome, because the temperature in the south is very low in winter, and there is no heating, so compared with the north, the conditions for raising jade trees in central China are actually not good. However, like Yunnan, Hainan, Liangguang and other places, the temperature is high throughout the year, but it is quite suitable for the growth of jade trees.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Three. Plenty of sunshine

Although the Yushu tree is a plant that blooms in short days, it must be sufficiently illuminated. How to understand this? That is to say, the sunlight required for the flowering of the jade tree does not have to be long (6 hours is better), but once there is a sun, this light must be sufficient. If there is not enough sunlight, it is not easy to flower, or there are fewer flower buds.

If you have outdoor conditions to raise jade trees, you must put them outdoors to raise them, because sunlight is the most suitable light source to promote the flowering of plants. Like indoor lights or fill lights, there are certain defects, but also consume electricity.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Four. Fertilize flowers

Uncle said that the jade tree is very good to feed, it can grow well without fertilization, but if you want it to flower, you must fertilize reasonably, and you must have skillful fertilization.

He said that he also listened to the experience introduced by flower friends, originally he thought that fertilization is any kind of any kind, but later listened to the flower friends to introduce that flower fertilizer is also divided into different types, and there are special flower promotion fertilizers. So whenever the Yushu was about to beat the buds, he would use the potassium dihydrogen phosphate prepared at home to mix with water and spray its leaves.

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Five. Proper water control

Uncle said that there was no flowering in his family's jade tree for one year, but he was puzzled, thinking that all the maintenance methods he should do had been done, but the jade tree just did not flower. Later, a careful analysis showed that the rain in that year was too sufficient, causing the jade tree to grow too vigorously and forget to bloom.

Therefore, after that year, whenever the jade tree was about to beat the buds, in addition to giving it plenty of short daylight and fertilizing flowers, Uncle Wang would also appropriately lengthen the watering time. Especially when the rain is abundant, he does not water the jade tree, so that the jade tree blooms a lot of flowers every year. Clump by clump, cluster by clump, real Yushu Qionghua!

"Ten thousand years of jade trees do not blossom"? Wrong, the old pile jade tree is easy to flower, the real jade tree Qionghua jade tree maintenance jade tree flowering conditions

Flower friends, do you have a jade tree? Have you ever raised flowers? Welcome to the comments section to dry the flowers you are very satisfied with. Like my article, remember to like it after reading it, follow me, and learn more about flowers.