
The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

author:Small courtyard for raising flowers

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

Yushu is called "lazy flower" by many flower lovers, mainly because it is very drought-tolerant and easy to raise, and the plant can grow very vigorously without much management. But if you want it to grow into a stout old pile bonsai as soon as possible, and maintain a better tree shape, it is not okay not to manage, and it may not take a year for the branches to grow very messy, affecting the ornamental effect.

Autumn is the peak season for the growth of jade trees, this time it is even more necessary to strengthen its maintenance and management, in order to let it grow rapidly, and maintain a better tree shape, but also allow it to safely overwinter.

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

Turn the pots for soil

Yushu is a very good flower, its soil requirements are not strict, even if you use ordinary garden soil, you can also raise it very vigorously. However, if the old pile of the jade tree that has been raised for many years does not change the pot for a long time, when the nutrients in the soil are absorbed, it is easy to appear compaction, which affects the absorption of water and nutrients by the root system and slows down the growth rate of the plant.

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

Autumn this time, the temperature is suitable, very suitable for the growth of the jade tree, this time to it after the pot change, the plant can serve the pot faster, return to normal growth. When changing pots, it can be pruned off the old and weak root system, and then cultivated with loose and breathable culture soil, and it will not take long for the plant to grow more vigorously.

Trim and shape frequently

Many flower lovers see the jade tree bonsai raised by others, not only grows very thick, but also the branches are coordinated, the tree shape is beautiful, but their own is not a little tree shape, the branches grow disorganized, this is because they usually do not prune it.

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

The growth rate of Yushu is very fast, in the peak growing season, the plant will continue to germinate new branches and leaves, if you do not prune and shape all year round, it will make the branches grow, not only will consume a lot of nutrients, so that the plant growth rate is slower, but also lose ornamentality.

Before entering the winter, it is actually possible to prune it once, cut off some messy thin branches, and shorten the branches that grow too tall and too long, so that the plant can maintain a better tree shape, but also reduce nutrient consumption, which is more conducive to overwintering.

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

Fertilize regularly

In fact, the old stump of the jade tree that has been raised for many years is also very beautiful every year, but the jade trees of many flower lovers have not flowered for several years. Some are because the age of the tree is too small, some are caused by insufficient nutrients, if you do not usually do not fertilize it, or only apply nitrogen fertilizer, it is not easy to flower.

Want the jade tree to grow vigorously, and flower every year, in the maintenance, in addition to often applying some rotten organic fertilizer to it in the pot, before the plant flowering period, you can also add several times of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and put the pot in a sunny environment, so as to promote the plant to grow flower buds as soon as possible.

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

Let it see the sun more

Yushu is a light-loving plant, in addition to a little shade in the summer, in other seasons, it is completely possible to put the potted plant in a place with direct light and maintain sufficient light to make the plant grow vigorously and make the plant compact and stylish.

If there is a long-term lack of light, its branches will grow in vain, grow thin and long, appear very scattered, and less likely to flower. It is now October, the light intensity is weak, at this time you can transfer the home jade tree to a sunny environment for maintenance.

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

Reduce watering appropriately

Jade tree is fleshy stems and leaves, the plant body can store a lot of water, in the maintenance process does not need to water it too frequently, if the pot soil is too wet for a long time, it is easy to cause the root system of the plant to rot.

The family raises jade trees, does 5 things in autumn, grows thick, and the plant type is beautiful

After entering the autumn, with the decrease in temperature, the evaporation rate of water is slower, and it is also necessary to control it appropriately in terms of watering, as long as the potting soil is not dry, do not always go to water. In winter, keeping the potting soil slightly drier is more conducive to the safe overwintering of the plant.

If you want to know more about flower raising, please pay attention to the flower garden and share your flower raising experience with you every day! (The picture in the article comes from the Internet)