
Shift the stars | Scorpio Crescent to explore and express your unique personality

Shift the stars | Scorpio Crescent to explore and express your unique personality
Shift the stars | Scorpio Crescent to explore and express your unique personality

On November 5, 2021, the crescent moon in Scorpio was hedged against Uranus. Therefore, the spiritual significance of the November 2021 New Moon is related to the struggle for independence, which may be related to exploring and expressing your unique personality and personality.

The New Moon in November 2021 also brings with it the potential confusion of unexpected and sudden changes that are difficult to adapt to. However, keeping an open mind can provide a unique opportunity to find a better way forward in turbulent and chaotic times.

The meaning of the new moon

The crescent represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. The Sun and Moon get an active energy and active bursts. So this is the perfect time to start over, turn a new page, or start a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you look for new and creative ways to make progress.

New Moon in November 2021

The crescent moon hedges against Uranus with an impulse that allows you to try new and exciting ways of living with maximum energy. You seek the freedom to do things your own way and are likely to resist being told what to do. The struggle for independence may be related to the struggle to explore and express your unique personality and personality.

You may be expecting something new or feeling nervous. Sudden changes and unexpected encounters and events can make you feel uneasy and anxious. Learning to adapt to change can make you feel less isolated. Keep an open mind and any change that provides a better way forward will bring exciting opportunities.

It is best not to resist new and unusual impulses, or to rebel against changing conditions. Otherwise, these spontaneous energies may escape in a destructive way, such as a small accident. Strange behavior or radical transformations from people close to you can also cause anxiety. Quarrels or separations may be due to impatience or unwillingness to adapt.

Mercury six venus brings encouragement to peace and harmony while reducing stress. A more stable mindset and good communication skills make it easier to deal with any sudden changes or unexpected events caused by the new moon against Uranus.

Uranus can also alienate and impulsive people, which can lead to sudden breakups. But Mercury six venus, love, friendship, cooperation and diplomacy help you bring people together, find peaceful resolution of disputes, and break down any barriers to progress. A good sense of business can also help you find opportunities for success.

The New Moon's revelation of different zodiac signs


The new moon appears in your sign, which is a great way to celebrate your birthday month. This new moon will help you showcase your dream wardrobe and plan your style so that you can become a complete version of yourself and what kind of person you aspire to be. When you know what you want, the universe will give it to you. Yes, this includes attracting a lover, so be specific if it's not clear yet.


This Scorpio Crescent will help you discover how your growth is holding you back from expressing your true feelings. Sometimes, it's hard to realize how your family and childhood affected your character. This new moon will give you a little awakening and help you understand the words that you don't usually say.


Open your outer ring a little. If you can step out of your comfort zone and attend a virtual happy hour or small party, you'll find an exciting new opportunity to come to you. Showing a willingness to pursue success can help you, especially if you're brave enough to follow your instincts. You may feel that your values are moderately challenged, so try to accept compromise.


Humble Aquarius, the new moon is smiling in your professional palace. You may feel a little vague about your desires and needs, but believe that if you are willing to face your own hesitations, you will realize how normal your fears are. Sometimes going beyond yourself is the first step to achieving a wish.


Pisces, this new moon is the perfect time to relax, light a candle and read a book. During this celestial movement, you should take the time to learn. Show a willingness to go against your instincts, especially when your instincts challenge you to go beyond "safe." Uncomfortable information can help you understand yourself more deeply.


Open your heart and accept others. This looks like a meaningful project, with the important other half being prepared to take off. Are you ready? You ready? You ready? Be conscious about what you want and be clear about your intentions. There are a lot of obstacles on the road, but overcome them to become a star.


When your work starts to get better, make sure you're not neglecting your body. Mild headaches and minor pains are possible in the process, however, these phenomena may not mean anything other than the fact that you need to take care of yourself. Take the time to grab a book or communicate with your body. Paying attention to your health is a great way to start this month.


Waking up to your desires is a great way to make your life interesting. Over the past few months, you've been encouraged to focus on expanding and reflecting. If you've done your job, that's great. Be sure to let the past be the past, and clinging to past disappointments can hinder your ability to flirt.


Despite Scorpio's energy, there is a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere that can lead you on an adventure. Don't take yourself and your relationships too seriously. The unity you are seeking may emerge after more courses and your dream journey. Do you want to pack your bags and try your luck?


There are some facts about your family life that you need to face. It's easy to feel comfortable in your space, especially when you spend a lot of time adjusting it to your desires. Be clear about how your field feels about you, and is there anything that needs to change? Buying something small for your cabinet or drawer can make a big difference.


You're the kind of person who takes words to heart, especially when you're still struggling to understand how to communicate accurately in order to get others to hear you. This new moon will leave you with some mundane interactions. Don't push them aside, and don't ignore the difficulties in your intimate relationship. Things occasionally break down, but that's part of building a solid structure.


Do you know what you value, or do you just go with the flow? Sometimes it's hard to understand how our daily lives affect our view of the world. If possible, get out of your romantic relationship and enjoy a lonely time. Being alone will make you more aware of your personal needs.

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