
Fruit that no one wants on the ground, a pound of 3 yuan a day can pick up hundreds of pounds, have you ever seen it?

author:Camellia pick-up

The most important thing in the mountains is all kinds of flowers and trees, many trees will bear unknown fruits, especially in the late autumn, no one disturbs the mountains, at this time many of the fruits on the trees are dropped on the ground, and now to pick up that must be a full harvest.

Fruit that no one wants on the ground, a pound of 3 yuan a day can pick up hundreds of pounds, have you ever seen it?

In the south, after the frost, there is an oil crop that has just matured for a period of time, most of the home-grown crops have been harvested, leaving only some wild, or unattended for many years, and gradually ripened and fallen to the ground, it is the camellia oleifera fruit, which at first glance looks like a chestnut, but it is actually a good thing that can be squeezed for oil.

Fruit that no one wants on the ground, a pound of 3 yuan a day can pick up hundreds of pounds, have you ever seen it?

Camellia oleifera trees can only grow in a few areas in the south, Hunan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other places have been planted, once everyone's favorite cash crop, but because of its growth cycle is too long, low oil yield, not easy to sell, many people who previously planted camellia oleifera trees, finally let it go.

Fruit that no one wants on the ground, a pound of 3 yuan a day can pick up hundreds of pounds, have you ever seen it?

Frost began to be the best time for the harvest of camellia oleifera trees, generally to the tea fruits that have not been harvested by anyone now, and finally they have fallen to the ground to become the nutrients of the land, looking at the tea fruits that no one picks up on the ground, some people will go into the mountains to pick up, you can use them to squeeze oil, you can also sell them to make money.

Fruit that no one wants on the ground, a pound of 3 yuan a day can pick up hundreds of pounds, have you ever seen it?

This year's camellia oleifera fruit is a bumper harvest year, fresh tea fruit can sell for 3 yuan a catty, for some people in the hometown, this is a good source of income, do not need to spend much effort, with the back basket into the mountain to pick up, a little industrious, a day can pick up dozens of pounds of hundreds of pounds.

Fruit that no one wants on the ground, a pound of 3 yuan a day can pick up hundreds of pounds, have you ever seen it?

In the past, picking tea fruits can be said to be a big thing, a family went out to pick a few days, and then dried and pressed oil, you can eat it yourself and sell it to make money, then a pound of tea oil is more than 30 pounds, and now the cheapest is 60 pounds, the quality of pure is more expensive, and some people even have to ask someone to help pick it.

However, in recent years, there are fewer rural people, young and middle-aged people are going out to work, and the people who stay behind can't take care of the oil tea trees that come to the mountains, many of them are abandoned, and only a few oil tea gardens are still insisting, so many oil tea fruits on the mountain have fallen to the ground and no one has picked them up, unlike before everyone scrambled to pick up tea seeds.

Fruit that no one wants on the ground, a pound of 3 yuan a day can pick up hundreds of pounds, have you ever seen it?

This year's tea seed picking season has also arrived, together with the back of the basket into the mountain, experience the joy of white picking tea seeds, if lucky, you can also squeeze out a lot of tea oil Oh, the time to pick up tea seeds is not much, the general frost falls after a week is the best, and then late will be broken, everyone went to pick up tea seeds when they were young? Welcome to leave a message to share Oh ~

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