
Cancer is not unique to humans: 11 of the 269 domestic chickens have cancer cancer for a long time, and it has been found from dinosaurs that the first is the Pato paradox violator Elephants will not get cancer p53 gene. The second is that naked coaster rats with a size of no more than 10 cm will not get cancer Research What is the significance of "cancer immunity" animals for human anti-cancer?

author:Wonderful materia medica

As long as humans have been alive, they will definitely have the possibility of cancer, because cancer cells originate from the mutation of normal cells in our body, and the longer we live, the more mutations there will be, and those "fish that have escaped the supervision of the immune system" will eventually develop into cancer.

But we don't seem to have heard that animals get cancer.

Is this the truth of science? The answer may disappoint you!

Cancer is not unique to humans: 11 of the 269 domestic chickens have cancer cancer for a long time, and it has been found from dinosaurs that the first is the Pato paradox violator Elephants will not get cancer p53 gene. The second is that naked coaster rats with a size of no more than 10 cm will not get cancer Research What is the significance of "cancer immunity" animals for human anti-cancer?

In 2003, scientists conducted a large number of dinosaur fossil samples, and they found that 3% of the fossil samples of duck-billed dragons had cancer, and it is very interesting that dinosaur species other than duck-billed dragons do not have this cancer phenomenon.

It is understood that this large dinosaur with a body length of ten meters and a weight of 4 tons lived on the North American continent, and has been 60 to 80 million years ago, and the birth of humans is only a few million years.

In response to this situation, scientists have done a comprehensive tumor survey of poultry and livestock, and after dissecting 269 domestic chickens, they found that 11 of them had liver cancer, stomach cancer and other cancer tumors.

Since animals get cancer like humans, is there an animal that doesn't?

Cancer is not unique to humans: 11 of the 269 domestic chickens have cancer cancer for a long time, and it has been found from dinosaurs that the first is the Pato paradox violator Elephants will not get cancer p53 gene. The second is that naked coaster rats with a size of no more than 10 cm will not get cancer Research What is the significance of "cancer immunity" animals for human anti-cancer?

Nature's "Pato Paradox" tells us the hypothesis that when the cell cancerous rate is consistent, the larger the body size and the longer the lifespan, the higher the probability of cancer, but this hypothesis is too simplistic, because cancer is affected by many factors, of which the elephant becomes the violator of this "paradox".

Elephants are large and long-lived, but rarely get cancer, through genetics and evolutionary research found that the reason for the rare cause of elephant cancer is related to genes, it turns out that only one part of the p53 gene in human cells in elephant cells is as many as 20 parts!

Cancer is not unique to humans: 11 of the 269 domestic chickens have cancer cancer for a long time, and it has been found from dinosaurs that the first is the Pato paradox violator Elephants will not get cancer p53 gene. The second is that naked coaster rats with a size of no more than 10 cm will not get cancer Research What is the significance of "cancer immunity" animals for human anti-cancer?

In fact, the p53 gene is known as the strongest and most powerful and important gene to inhibit cancer, and the protein p53 in the p53 gene can inhibit abnormal division of cells with color body aberrations or DNA damage after activation, prevent the transmission of aberrations to daughter cells to the greatest extent and protect healthy cells from cancer. The lack of the p53 gene in cells on the contrary leaves healthy cells out of protection and a greater chance of developing cancer. Therefore, compared with the 20 p53 genes of elephants, we humans have only one part of the p53 gene, which is very insufficient.

Cancer is not unique to humans: 11 of the 269 domestic chickens have cancer cancer for a long time, and it has been found from dinosaurs that the first is the Pato paradox violator Elephants will not get cancer p53 gene. The second is that naked coaster rats with a size of no more than 10 cm will not get cancer Research What is the significance of "cancer immunity" animals for human anti-cancer?

Compared with the large size of the elephant, the naked coaster rat with a length of 10 cm is very petite, but compared with the two-year lifespan of the close relatives of the baby mouse, the small naked coaster mouse has a lifespan of 30 years, and the naked coaster mouse will hardly suffer from cancer, and the secret that they will not develop cancer is that they can secrete hyaluronic acid.

Naked rats, as social animals, mainly live in dark tunnels, which require them to evolve and secrete hyaluronic acid-like hyaluronic acid on their own, which in addition to having a lubricating effect can activate the p16 gene in the naked coaster rat.

The p16 gene is controlled by the p53 gene and also has a cancer inhibition effect, that is, the p53 gene can activate the p16 gene and prevent the malignant proliferation and aggregation of cancer cells, and the naked coaster mouse is far from the threat of cancer because of this uniqueness.

Cancer is not unique to humans: 11 of the 269 domestic chickens have cancer cancer for a long time, and it has been found from dinosaurs that the first is the Pato paradox violator Elephants will not get cancer p53 gene. The second is that naked coaster rats with a size of no more than 10 cm will not get cancer Research What is the significance of "cancer immunity" animals for human anti-cancer?

Great scientists spare no effort to study animals and discover the secret of no cancer and anti-cancer, although the huge results obtained in the research process can not be fully applied to the road of human anti-cancer, but invisibly also provide the right direction and ideas for anti-cancer methods.

Previously, american geneticist Aberg and his team members synthesized the tp53 tumor suppressor gene, which was injected into the cells of the human body and the death of damaged cells in the body was increasing after DNA damage, which eventually played a role in inhibiting the spread and metastasis of cancer cells in the body.

In addition, a research report was also published in the British journal Nature, which detailed that scientists developed drugs that can prevent the spread of cancer cells through the study of mouse model experiments, which undoubtedly provides a positive effect on the development of follow-up anti-cancer drugs.

Resources: Wang Yu, Comparative Genomic Study on the Origin and Evolution of Ruminant Horn, Northwest A&F University. [2] Gao Liang, Quan Lei, Research Progress on Cancer Susceptibility Gene Discovery and Pluralism Theory[j], Smart Health.

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