
At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

author:Bean and fruit delicacies

Yesterday I saw Sachima on the hot search, which suddenly evoked my memory of this snack.

When I was a child, my family occasionally bought back one or two pieces, and my sister and I broke each other to taste, soft and sticky taste, soft and crisp, crisp and sweet, really like this taste. After growing up, the brand of Sakima in the supermarket is very rich, and it is said that you can eat it if you want to eat it, but now you rarely buy it yourself.

During this time at home, I was bored to study various foods, and I realized that Sachima could also make it herself at home. Beat the eggs into the flour, knead them into a wet dough, loosen them and sprinkle them with corn starch, roll them out and cut them into small strips, fry them until golden brown, then boil the syrup, let the fried noodles tumble in the syrup, press them tightly while hot, and cut them into pieces after cooling.

However, there are two points to pay attention to when making Sachima yourself, the first is to prepare a non-stick mold, and the second is not to over-boil the syrup, and use chopsticks to provoke it to draw wire.

Today I will share this small snack with you.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

(Share from Bean Fruit Food Certified Q Pig Baby)


High gluten flour 135 g, low gluten flour 65 g, baking powder 5 g, eggs 3

a water 10 g, corn starch 20 g, peanut oil 1.2 liters, caster sugar 160 g, maltose 100 g

b Water 35 g

【Detailed method】

1: Mix low gluten powder, high gluten powder, baking powder and sift it onto the kneading pad, then hollow out in the middle and pour in the whole egg liquid.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

2: Knead into a moist dough, add 10 grams of water according to the wetness of the flour, knead into a very sticky and soft state, it is said that the sachima that comes out of this is soft.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

3: Sprinkle a little cornstarch on the surface of the dough, knead it round, cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

4: Sprinkle cornstarch on the dough for stick resistance, then roll out into 0.2 cm thick flakes.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

5: Cut the large dough into small pieces, then cut into thin strips, sprinkle corn starch on the leather strips to prevent sticking.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

6: Start the oil pan and sift the thin strips to remove the excess starch.

7, put a blank into the oil pan to test the oil temperature, if the billet quickly floats up and rises to indicate that the oil temperature can be, start to put in the blank, fry the billet.

Fry until golden brown, scoop it up and let cool and set aside.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold
At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

8: Put 35 grams of water, fine sugar and maltose into the pot and simmer the syrup on a slow heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved and a thick foam appears.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

9: Boil the syrup to about 115 degrees. If you do not have a thermometer, use chopsticks to pick up the syrup, and after cooling slightly, you can pull out the filaments.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

10, turn off the heat, pour in the fried strips, quickly stir while hot, so that each strip can be stained with syrup. You can also add dried fruits such as black sesame seeds, raisins, peanuts, cranberries and so on at this step.

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

11. Pour the mixed blank into the non-stick mold and press tightly while hot. After cooling, use a scraper to pick it up from the edge and pour Sachima out of the mold.

Cut into small pieces, serve with a cup of hot tea and enjoy it beautifully!

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

Put a dried version of the nuts and fruits of Sachima

At home, the recently super-hot Sachima is crispy and soft and non-sticky, and it is better than some brands sold

The method is simple, Sachima, crispy taste adults and children should like, want to eat the collection hurry to try it!

I am a bean and fruit food, and I will share the most reliable recipes every day and eat well with you. What you want to eat, pay attention to me first and then leave a message with me