
Respond to snowfall Traffic management departments deploy in advance to launch bad weather evacuation plans in a timely manner Snow travel needs to pay attention to observation and caution

author:Tianjin Traffic Police

At 6 o'clock on November 6, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning of blizzard, and the city will usher in snowfall, and some areas are expected to have heavy to heavy snow. In view of the upcoming bad weather, the public security traffic management department deployed in advance, launched the bad weather traffic organization and evacuation plan in a timely manner according to the snowfall situation, increased the investment of road duty police force, and set up points along the city's main roads, key intersections, hospitals, subway hub stations and other peripheral areas, effectively coping with the impact of bad weather on road traffic and ensuring the safety of citizens' travel. The public security traffic management department reminds the general public that driving on snow days needs to be cautious and careful, driving should control the speed and maintain a safe distance, and cycling or walking should be doubly carefully observed.

Check the vehicle before you travel

●Before driving, you should check the safety status of the vehicle to prevent the failure of the vehicle in the middle of the road from affecting the road traffic, and ensure that the line of sight is good and dry the reversing mirror, so that the movement of the rear vehicle can be clearly observed during driving.

●Hot car: Snowfall weather accompanied by cooling, motor vehicle lubricating oil will be due to increased viscosity and not easy to flow, after starting the engine should be slowly driven for preheating. Pay attention to the speed of not 2500 rpm; do not step on the accelerator too violently; the hot car process should be carried out in a slow drive, and the EFI engine should try to avoid idling in situ.

● Wipers: Snowfall can seriously affect the driver's driving vision, so check in advance and make sure the wipers are effective. The maintenance of the wiper should pay attention to whether there is an abnormal noise in its use, whether the speed can be constant under different speeds, and whether there is leakage and unevenness in the wiping area. After the snowfall, the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car is large, and the fog that appears on the car glass will bring a lot of trouble to the driving. The following methods can be used to remove fog: one is to open the air conditioning refrigeration switch in the car, and the air conditioner blowing to the windshield will quickly remove fog; second, if the snowfall is not large, the windows on both sides can be opened to allow the air in the car to be de-fogged; the third is to spray the mist remover on the inner surface of the glass and wipe it clean, which can prevent water vapor from condensing on the glass to form a fog layer.

Drive with caution to avoid accidents

When driving on snow days, be sure to drive slowly, turn on the lights when visibility is low, do not use the brakes casually, and reduce the number of lane changes. When passing ramps and curves, reduce the speed of the car to prevent skidding accidents. In addition, increase the safety distance with the surrounding vehicles during driving. When turning, turn slowly, do not slam and turn, use foot brakes when stopping, and do not stomp to death. Empty-block snooping is prohibited. When going uphill and downhill, let the low gear pass smoothly and do not change gears in the middle. In the process of going uphill, beware of vehicles turning off, and it is forbidden to slip in empty gear when going downhill.

In particular, in case of side slip or tail flicking phenomenon on the way, do not panic, at this time should lightly close the throttle and then slightly return to the positive direction, in the steering and back to the positive constant adjustment, but not too large, to no more than the normal driving position of the wheel for the limit. After the vehicle is back in place, gently press the brakes until the whole situation is completely under control. Do not slam on the brakes when there is a side slip or tail flick, which will cause the vehicle to lose control and cause accidents. Manual transmission vehicles without abs system should be braked "one loose and one step" when braking. Vehicles equipped with abs braking systems must be pressed to the end once when braking, while controlling the steering wheel.

Ride and walk doubly carefully

Riding on snowy days, walking out, do not bury your head in the front, you should pay more attention to observing the surrounding situation than on sunny days, and consciously abide by the law. Riding on snowy days, it is best to wear raincoats and ponchos, do not hold an umbrella in one hand, and ride with a handle in the other. Do not organize scarves and clothes during the ride, and park your car in a safe area to make these preparations. Bicycle tires should not be inflated too much, which can increase friction with the ground and is not easy to slip. When riding on snow days, you should keep a large distance from the vehicles and pedestrians in front of you to avoid accidents.

Pay attention to driving and parking on icy roads after snow

After the snowfall, the temperature drops and the roads are prone to freezing. When driving at this time, you need to pay attention to the following points: the driving speed is lower than in snow, avoid accelerating violently. When acceleration or deceleration is required, the throttle should be slowly stepped down or released to prevent the drive wheels from slipping due to sudden acceleration or deceleration. When you need to steer, first slow down, increase the turning radius appropriately and slow down the steering wheel. Hold the steering wheel with both hands and handle it evenly and gently, otherwise side slip will occur. Never put on the brakes in a corner, inertia will throw the car out of control. Try to avoid overtaking on the ice and snow road, in the case of having to overtake, choose a spacious, flat, less ice and snow section, do not force overtaking, and exceed the front car do not immediately change the line, but try to leave a safe distance for being overtaken.

(Jiao Xuan, Liu Xiping)

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