
On June 24, the epidemic in Tokyo rebounded, former Philippine President Aquino passed away, and China called for a thorough investigation of Canada

author:Defense Times vanguard

The world is changing every day, and only the unchanged is "change"! There are unpredictable storms in the sky, and people have bad luck and bad luck...

On June 24, three more major events occurred in the world that deserve attention.

The Philippines' former "anti-China vanguard" has passed away

On the 24th, former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III died at the age of 61. Some say he was a passerby, some say his death will restore calm to the South China Sea.

On June 24, the epidemic in Tokyo rebounded, former Philippine President Aquino passed away, and China called for a thorough investigation of Canada

The former President of the Philippines is known as the "anti-China pioneer", but he has inseparable ties with China, knowing that his mother is of Chinese descent, but eventually became a "pawn" of the United States.

During his administration, Sino-Philippine relations deteriorated sharply, and there was also fierce friction on the South China Sea issue, and even he tried to bring external forces into the South China Sea dispute, and contradictions broke out at one point. He even went to the so-called international court to "appeal" and wanted to sue China, and in the face of the unreasonable demands of the Philippines, China gave a tough counterattack, and in the end, it lost everything.

He followed Japan's lead, supported the United States, and as president, he achieved almost nothing in his homeland's peaceful development strategy during his administration. Not only betraying the ancestral homeland, but also doing things that harm the peace in the South China Sea, if you use a word to describe, it can be said that "the late festival is not guaranteed."

As his next president, Duterte visited China as soon as he took office, and outsiders lamented that Aquino, who had gone to China to worship his ancestors, was not as good as an "outsider". Fortunately, today's China-Philippines relations have gradually turned better, shelving disputes and working together for win-win cooperation. After all, stability in the South China Sea not only contributes to peace, but also to economic growth.

If Aquino's death does not arouse more interest, compared with the Tokyo Olympics, which opened a month later, perhaps it can make the public have more "sense of substitution"...

Tokyo outbreak rebounds! wary

The much-anticipated Tokyo Olympics, postponed for one year due to the epidemic, was originally opened in 2020, and was postponed to 2021, but even if it was postponed for a year, the outside world 'called off' the Olympic Games is still endless.

On June 24, the epidemic in Tokyo rebounded, former Philippine President Aquino passed away, and China called for a thorough investigation of Canada

Under the repeated guarantees of the Japanese government and Suga Yoshihide, this Olympic Games is "indispensable." However, on the 23rd, less than a week before the end of the epidemic emergency in Tokyo, there were signs of a rebound in the local area. You know, there is only one month left before the opening of the Olympic Games.

As of the 23rd, There were 619 new confirmed cases in Tokyo, compared with the previous week, the number of new infections was 1.08 times that of last week. Japanese media reported that the fifth epidemic in Tokyo is very likely to break out during the Olympic Games.

In order to prevent and control, Tokyo has activated the state of emergency three times and adopted "key measures such as spread prevention", but the effect is still not satisfactory. More notably, Hiroshi Nishiura, a professor of epidemiology at Kyoto University, also presented an estimate at the meeting, showing that by the opening day of the Tokyo Olympic Games on July 23, the more contagious "Delta" variant strain may have about 70% new cases in Japan.

As soon as the news came out, the Olympic Games were like a time bomb, and the outbreak of the epidemic was always hanging in the hearts of the Japanese people. This is even more stressful for the Olympic Committee. According to the latest news, the organizing committee of the Tokyo Olympic Games may abandon more ticket sales plans, and the spectators who hold tickets also need to enter randomly through the form of lottery.

The rehearsal site of the opening ceremony prepared for this Olympic surprise was also particularly deserted, and under the guidance of the staff, although it was carried out in an orderly manner, it lacked the enthusiasm and passion that the Olympic Games should have.

The Olympics in this controversy are undoubtedly the "biggest problem" facing the Japanese government, and in addition to speeding up vaccination and epidemic control, it seems that it is more about "providence" to act.

China's appeal: a thorough investigation of Canada

The epidemic in Tokyo is heart-wrenching, and Canada's heinous crimes against indigenous people are painful, if the epidemic makes people lose their lives as an "accident", then one after another Canada's "genocide" events have brought countless lives to an abrupt end, which is the biggest evil!

Previously, the remains of 215 children were excavated under the site of an old Indian boarding school in Canada, and the youngest of them was identified as only three years old. The incident was immediately exposed, revealing the truth about Canada's ugly and evil "genocide".

On June 24, the epidemic in Tokyo rebounded, former Philippine President Aquino passed away, and China called for a thorough investigation of Canada

Overwhelming news reports demanded that the Catalan government continue to dig into the boarding school and demand a thorough search and investigation. Therefore, on June 22, at the UN Human Rights Council, China, together with Russia, Belarus, Iran and six other countries, issued an appeal to the UN to thoroughly investigate the human rights issues of relevant Gadana, approve those responsible, and provide financial compensation to the victims.

Although Ghazal's crimes have long been made public, he has always been reluctant to face up to his past evil deeds. Over the past few years, in order to find a sense of existence in the international community, Canada has constantly made a big fuss about the China issue and made irresponsible remarks about the so-called "human rights issue" in an attempt to divert the public's attention and erase its own evil deeds.

However, facts are facts, and no matter how much Canada finds a way with rhythm, it cannot hide the true face of its bad deeds. Just a while ago, Canada joined forces with the United States and a number of other "allies" to impose "human rights sanctions" against China, but what is false will never come true. This time, China's tough attack and demand a thorough investigation of Canada can be said to have given a heavy blow to the Western countries, and before smearing and spreading rumors about China, we must first weigh ourselves. (New text)

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