
Kangxi Dynasty: Kangxi reused the Han dynasty to restore Shi Lang to Taiwan and return Taiwan to the embrace of the motherland

author:Three readings of the history of storytelling

During the Pingsan Dynasty War, Kangxi discovered an unexpected phenomenon, the Eight Banners Qing Army was overwhelmed in front of the Wu Army, while the low-status Han Army Green Battalion soldiers were brave and good at fighting, in the face of this indisputable fact, he decided to reuse the Green Battalion soldiers in order to reverse the once lost war situation.

In recovering Taiwan, Kangxi also attached great importance to Han generals. At first, he mainly adopted a policy of soliciting and appeasing, but there was no result, and finally decided to send a large army to attack Taiwan in order to achieve the goal of recovering the Zheng clique and stabilizing the southeast frontier.

Kangxi Dynasty: Kangxi reused the Han dynasty to restore Shi Lang to Taiwan and return Taiwan to the embrace of the motherland

Shi Lang

On October 20, 2011 of the Kangxi Dynasty, Shi Lang, the admiral of Fujian, received a holy decree from the emperor ordering him to conquer Taiwan.

Shi Lang was also a Han general who was good at naval warfare, and he was also a member of the Zheng clique who surrendered to the imperial court in the early days, and when he received the emperor's order, he was gathering all the general soldiers to conduct sea exercises, and he said that he would use the north wind to attack Taiwan in order to achieve the purpose of confusing the enemy's public opinion. In November, he claimed that the north wind was too strong to be easily attacked, so he temporarily held his troops still, so that the enemy could not understand his true intentions.

By the twenty-second year, the imperial court tried to appease the Zheng clan in Taiwan to no avail, so Kangxi urged Shi Lang to "quickly advance the army". In fact, Shi Lang had already made preparations, and as soon as he received the order to march in early June, he immediately gathered the warships and sailors of the brigade to Tongshan, and at the same time consulted Yao Qisheng, the governor of Fujian, on the issue of grain and reward for soldiers. Shi Lang adopted a reward mechanism to encourage the soldiers to bravely challenge the heavy burden.

On June 11, Shi Lang gathered the garrisons, the general of the thousands, and the general officers of the various towns, associations, and battalions of the army together, and arranged the silver rewards of the vanguard officers neatly on the case, and issued an order saying: When the penghu is conquered, if anyone dares to compete to become a vanguard officer, all the silver on the case will be rewarded to him, "so as to first rush to the shore and break the enemy."

Everyone knew that this was a fierce battle, and it was a rare sea battle, and after the order was announced, the scene was silent. At this time, the right battalion guerrilla Lan Li of the Bidding Office stepped forward and received the "Pioneer Silver Ingot", which was praised by Shi Lang.

Lan Li was also a member of the Zheng dynasty who was seriously injured in the fierce battle of Penghu and fought bravely in the face of a broken stomach and intestines.

Later, Kangxi learned of Lan Li's heroic deeds, so he specially summoned him to the imperial court, inquired about the situation of the Penghu war, and asked him to undo his shirt to see his wounds, and the cordial condolences made Lan Li quite moved, and finally Kangxi gave him the banner of "Invincible to the Emperor" in the imperial letter to show encouragement. This fully demonstrates the importance that Kangxi attached to the military policy of ruling the Han Dynasty according to the Han Dynasty.

On June 13, Shi Lang's troops held a sea sacrifice ceremony. At seven o'clock in the morning of the fourteenth day, he led more than 21,000 officers and men and more than 230 warships of various types from Tongshan to Penghu. On the sixteenth day, the warships gathered in Penghu and engaged in a fierce battle with Liu Guoxuan, a general of the Zheng Army stationed at Penghu.

In the initial battle, due to the underestimation of the situation and the defeat, Shi Lang and Lan Li still insisted on fighting despite being wounded, when the warship of The Thousand General Tour of Kinmen Town arrived and rescued Shi Lang and Lan Li's warship.

Shi Lang temporarily collected his troops, collected the large water division to the west island head in the evening, and made serious arrangements to prevent the enemy from riding the tide and carrying out a night attack.

Kangxi Dynasty: Kangxi reused the Han dynasty to restore Shi Lang to Taiwan and return Taiwan to the embrace of the motherland

On the twenty-second day, after full preparation, Shi Lang and Liu Guoxuan of the Zheng army launched a decisive battle, and both sides invested almost all their troops this time.

Shi Lang dispatched the accompanying governors Chen Bo and Wei Ming to lead fifty warships eastward into Jilong Island and Sijiao Mountain to form a pinch attack on the enemy army; he also sent Dong Yi, Kang Tongyu, and others to lead fifty warships west to Niuxin Bay as suspected soldiers to form a containment of the enemy; Shi Lang personally led fifty big bird ships to the center as the main attack team, and divided the troops he personally led into eight teams, each with seven warships.

The remaining eighty warships of the whole army were divided into two large groups and reserved for backup. After the battle began, the fighting lasted from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In battle, the Qing army adopted the "five plum blossoms" tactic, and the divine power was great, even if a few warships were besieged by enemy ships, they could be rescued.

In the end, the Qing army won a complete victory, burning and sinking a total of 150 ships of various types such as Zheng Jun's cannon boats and big bird boats, capturing a total of 35 bird boats, catching boats and other types of ships, burning and killing 47 senior generals such as General Zheng Fang, Admiral, General And Deputy General, more than 300 generals below the guerrilla attack, and burning and drowning about 12,000 enemy soldiers.

After this battle, the main force of the Zheng army was almost completely destroyed. Liu Guoxuan led the remnants of his troops to flee back to Taiwan from the north through the Roar gate.

In this way, the Zheng general Yang De, who was defending the cannon city of Niangma Palace, saw that he had become an isolated island and had no help, so he had to unload his armor and abandon his war and go to sea to surrender, so the thirty-six Penghu archipelagos were recovered. The Qing army suffered only minor casualties in the entire battle.

After the fierce battle in Penghu, Shi Lang's sailors completely annihilated the main force of the Zheng Army, which laid the foundation for the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue. After Shi Lang led his troops to retake the zhudao, he did not care about the revenge of the Zheng clan in the past, treated the enemy defectors kindly, allowed them to return to Taiwan to reunite with their relatives, and asked them to tell the Taiwanese that "if they come and descend quickly, they can not die; if they do not slow down, that is, they will continue to build the penghu", which will create the necessary momentum for the peaceful recovery of Taiwan.

On August 11, Shi Lang led his officers and soldiers to Taiwan to accept The Surrender of the Zheng Clan.

On the eighteenth day, Shi Lang read out the emperor's pardon in front of all the surrendered personnel, including Zheng Keshuang, the head of the Zheng clan, and his father and elders in Taiwan: "Er and others can repent and surrender, devote themselves to surrender, lead their subordinate pseudo-officials, soldiers, civilians, and others to the shore, and pardon the crimes of er and other former disobedience, and still record from the excellent narrative, and install them with grace, so as to get the order." Huanghuang's words, Bing is like the sun and the stars, and he will not break his word."

Kangxi Dynasty: Kangxi reused the Han dynasty to restore Shi Lang to Taiwan and return Taiwan to the embrace of the motherland

Zheng Keshuang and other surrenderees bowed to Beijing from afar. Since then, Taiwan has returned to the embrace of the motherland and reunified with the mainland.

After the Green Battalion soldiers entered the battlefield, because they were familiar with the habits of the enemy soldiers after all, they were tit-for-tat, and they had characteristics that the Manchurian soldiers did not have. Because of this, Kangxi insisted on taking the Green Battalion as the main force, making it play to its advantages, and continuously expanding the results of the battle until the Wu Sangui rebels were completely eliminated.

In the fourteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Pacification of the San Francisco War was in a stage of unfavorable to the Qing army, and the northwest battlefield was improperly handled due to the improper handling of the Qing government relations, and the viceroy Wang Fuchen rebelled in December of the previous year.

In February, the governor of Gansu, Hua Shanshangshu, said: "Wang Fuchen, the rebel minister, is now holding the east of Guanshan, north of Qishan, and south of the Yellow River, connected with the rebels of Wu Sangui in Sichuan, and coupled with the fact that the Hui forces of Xifan took advantage of this gap to invade the Central Plains, the situation in Hexi is critical, and in order to keep these areas from falling, it is necessary to reuse the Han army's admiral Daniel Zhang, and only he can reverse the unfavorable situation and restore the lost land.

Kangxi immediately adopted Hua Shan's suggestion, and made the viceroy of Gansu Daniel Zhang the title of "General of Jing Rebellion", entrusting him with the heavy task of recovering all of Gansu and increasing the power of the Daniel Zhang. Daniel Zhang did not live up to Kangxi's great expectations, and led his subordinates Wang Jinbao, commander-in-chief of Xining, Chen Fu, commander-in-chief of Ningxia, Sun Sike, commander-in-chief of Gansu, and soldiers of the Green Battalion to kill the enemy bravely and make many military achievements, which naturally made Kangxi very pleased.

On February 17, due to the fall of Lanzhou, Kangxi ordered the general Belle Dong'e, the general Amida and other commanders to lead a large army to march in separate ways, while the michigan Daniel Zhang and three commanders-in-chief led the army to form a pinch attack on the enemy.

Daniel Zhang personally led troops to Xiahe Prefecture and Taozhou to attack Gongchang as the Southern Route Army; Wang Jinbao led his troops to attack Lanzhou as the Western Route Army; and Chen Fu recovered Huamachi from Ningxia south. Dingbian and other places, as the Northern Route Army. Coupled with the strength of Dong Er and other troops on the East Road, wang fuchen was surrounded on all sides.

Sun Sike, the commander-in-chief of Gansu, led his subordinates to respond to all roads and concurrently led the military affairs of Liangzhou and Ganzhou, so that the advantages of the Qing army in the northwest battlefield had been formed. Due to the manchu inspector Hua Shan's recommendation, Kangxi Congshan Renxian, the main force of the Han army under the leadership of Daniel Zhang, after a hard struggle, from February to June only five months, except for Wang Fuchen's entrenched Pingliang and nearby Guyuan, the rest of the lost land was recovered one after another, and the three sides were gradually stabilized.

In the eighteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the counterinsurgency war had entered its sixth year, and in the first ten days of October of that year, Kangxi ordered the generals Daniel Zhang, Wang Jinbao, And Viceroy Zhao Liangdong, and Sun Sike to lead their respective Green Battalion troops to pacify Hanzhong and Xing'an as soon as possible, further restore Sichuan, and let the Manchurian soldiers cooperate in the action.

Kangxi Dynasty: Kangxi reused the Han dynasty to restore Shi Lang to Taiwan and return Taiwan to the embrace of the motherland

In the edict, Kangxi also said: "Since the ancient Han people rebelled, they were only suppressed by the Han army. This remark fully affirmed the combat capability of the Han Army. Wang Jinbao and Zhao Liangdong actively carried out Kangxi's decision-making orders and sent troops to operate separately. In this way, the Han generals formed their own army in the war to retake Sichuan, and it took only three months to recover most of Sichuan.

In late March of the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Zhao Liangdong proposed a new offensive plan as the governor of Yungui, mainly from Huguang, Guangxi, and Sichuan to Enter Yungui in three ways, and the time was about to complete the task of attacking and suppressing in August, and finally all roads marched in unison to directly attack Kunming, the old lair of the Wu army.

Kangxi thought it was feasible, so he approved Zhao Liangdong's plan in its entirety and asked him to send troops randomly according to the situation of the war. By September, Zhao Liangdong completed the task of pursuing and suppressing Wu Bing, led the Ningxia soldiers directly to Kunming, and conquered the city in time, which was praised by Kangxi. The reason why Kangxi particularly praised Zhao Liangdong was that he created a fait accompli, prompting Bei Zi Zhangtai to fully support and capture Kunming together, avoiding the mistake of the fighter. Zhao Liangdong's actions showed the decisiveness and fearlessness of the Han general.

Kangxi's heavy use of Han generals and their emphasis on subduing the rebellious imperial court forces had many connotations, and from the perspective of national psychology, it played a role in declaring to the rebel forces that the counterinsurgency war waged by the imperial court was reasonable.

Using the Han army to conquest, the imperial court has first won a moral victory.

On the other hand, if the Manchu army is used to quell the Wu Sangui rebellion and invade Taiwan, it will give people a sense of national oppression, which is psychologically difficult for the Han people in the conquered areas to a large extent, and if it is not handled properly, the Han people will also spontaneously organize armies to fight against the Qing army, which is bound to be detrimental to the unification of the country by the imperial court.

From this point of view, the use of Han army officers to solve the separatist forces against the Han nationality is not only an outstanding embodiment of Kangxi's military strategy, but also a wise decision of his governance, which is of far-reaching significance.

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