
"Spring and Autumn" (156)

author:Shaoxing Li Zhen

"Spring and Autumn" (155)

Fifteen years after the proclamation of the Emperor (Part 2)

The 150th time, he listened to the advice of his relatives and hated shen, and gave meritorious service to the recommender

  In June, the Jin dynasty destroyed the Chi Di Lu clan and returned with the Luzi baby. The Qin people cut down the Jin Dynasty. Wang Zhazi killed Zhao Bo and Mao Bo. Autumn, ant. Zhongsun scorned Qi Gao to be stubborn in Wu Lou. Initial tax acres. Winter, bats. hungry.

Chi Di "Lu Guo" (Viscount, formerly surnamed Jiang after the surname of Lu, by the Yellow Emperor, the descendant of the Yan Emperor, Samlu, northeast of present-day Changzhi Lucheng, Shanxi, still red), the monarch Luzi Infant Lady was the sister of the Duke of Jinjing. When the "Lu State" prime minister Shu Shu (姬姓, 酆氏, mingshu) was in power, he not only killed his wife, but also injured Luzi's eyes. The Duke of Jin Jing went on a crusade, and the doctors advised: "No, Shu Shu has three talents, it is better to wait for his succession." ”

Bozong (zi surname, Bo ShiWu) said: "You can crusade, Chi Di has five sins, how can three things cover up the five crimes?" First, do not sacrifice; second, alcoholism. 3. Without the sage Zhongzhang, seize the land of the "Li Clan" (Yin Shang Ancient Kingdom, southwest of present-day Changzhi County, Shanxi). Fourth, kill Berger. 5. Wound the eyes of his monarch. Relying on talent, not virtue, is deepening sin karma. If the successor respects virtue and righteousness and serves the gods and consolidates the fortunes of the country, what will happen then? If you don't crusade against guilt, you're still waiting, isn't that okay? Relying on talent and large numbers is the way to destroy the country; this is how the Shang Dynasty was destroyed. Heaven does not obey the orders and is called disaster, the earth violates the nature of things is a demon, and the people do not follow morality. Chaos will lead to demons and disasters. Therefore, the text describes that the reverse writing of the "positive" character (small seal) is the word "lack", and these things all exist. Duke Jing of Jin obeyed, and on June 18, Xun Lin's father defeated Chi Di at Quliang (曲梁, in present-day Changzhi, Shanxi, renamed Shiliang). On June 26, the "Lu State" was destroyed, and the prime minister Shu Shu fled to Wei Guo, who returned to the Jin State and was killed by the Jin State.

  The Three Secretaries of the Zhou Dynasty, Wang Sun Su, Zhao Dai Gong, and Mao Bowei continued to fight for power, and Tianzi asked Prince Jie (姬杰, Wang Zhazi) to kill Zhao Dai Gong and Mao Bowei, and then summoned Dai Gong's son Zhao Xiang to be the ruling secretary. Three people died two, one person remained, and the new person was supported to take the position, and the problem was finally solved.

  In July, Duke Huan of Qin rebelled against the Jin dynasty, and the army was stationed at "FuShi" (present-day Dalidong, Weinan, Shaanxi). On the afternoon of the 27th day, Jin Jinggong conducted a military exercise at "Jidi" (稷地, in present-day Jishannan, Yuncheng, Shanxi), seized the Land of the Di people, returned to the division after lihou administration, and went to the "Luohe River" (present-day southeast of Dali, Weinan, Shaanxi), where Wei Jue, the son of Wei Yi (chōu Yinzao), defeated the Qin division in the "Battle of Fushi" (present-day southeast of Dali, Weinan, Shaanxi), and captured Du Hui alive, the hercules of the Qin state, and gave credit to the Jin state.

  The following history books record a strange event, the reason for how Wei Yi made meritorious deeds: Once Wei Wuzi (Wei Yi) had a favorite concubine who had no heirs, Wei Wuzi fell ill, and told Wei Zhen: "When I die, let her marry." Critically ill, he commanded, "Let her be buried." Until Wei Wuzi died, Wei Zhen arranged for her to get married. He also said a sentence: "The dying consciousness is scattered, and I respect my father's arrangement when he is sober." This time, in the "Battle of the Fu Clan", Wei Juan saw an old man tripping Du Hui with a straw knot, so he was captured alive. That night I dreamed of the old man saying, "I am the father of the woman you arranged to marry, and I have come to repay you for carrying out the words you said when your ancestors were sober." "This matter is called the virtue of the living, and the ancients called it the accumulation of yin virtue, because the accumulation of yin virtue, the father of the yin people came to repay, so he had a battle merit."

"Spring and Autumn" (156)

Jinci Wenchang Palace

The Duke of Jinjing rewarded Xun Lin's father (Zhonghua Huanzi) with thousands of households in the State of Di, and rewarded Shi Bo (士沃浊) as the county seat of Guayan (present-day Xiaoyi North of Lüliang, Shanxi). When the reward was awarded, he also said: "I have received the land of the Kingdom of Di, and you have a credit." Thanks to your reminder, otherwise I would have almost lost Father Xun Lin. ”

The Jin Dynasty Felt Fair about the way Jin Jinggong rewarded him, and couldn't help but marvel: "The Book of Zhou and Kang Shu records that 'mediocrity, only mediocrity.' (Translated as: Appoint the one who should be used, respect the person who should be respected.) That's the current situation.

Shi Bo (Shi Wo Hun) felt that Zhongxing Bo (Xun Lin's father) could be appointed, and the monarch believed in him and appointed him, which was Matilda. Even if King Wen of Zhou established the Zhou Dynasty, he would not exceed this. Therefore, the Book of Poetry, Daya Wenwang: 'Chen Xizha Zhou. (Translated: 'Give him Zhou Bang generously.') ') Widespread kindness. How can there be no success in following this path? ”

The position of Grand Master Yang Tongue was equivalent to making a concluding speech to his monarch, Marshal Xun Lin's father was defeated in the encounter with the Chu army "Wu Di", if it were not for the advice of Shi Bo (Shi Wo) and had already committed suicide, how could he have achieved later merit? However, the monarch rewards the land for the selection of talents, and gives thousands of households with military merits. It can be seen that the people who recommend talents are in the forefront; and the praise of the sheep tongue for good behavior can be seen that they have a broad mind; and even more see the soundness, wisdom and open-mindedness of the Jinjing public personnel mechanism, and another wave of Jinguo talents has emerged. The clear distinction between the monarch's reward and punishment as a guiding norm encourages all the subjects to return to their hearts and open up a good situation of unity of purpose.

  Jin Jinggong sent his subordinate zhao tong (原同) to Chengzhou to take prisoners, and Zhao Tong was disrespectful to Tianzi. King Ding of Zhou's half-brother Liu Kanggong (Ji Jizi) prophesied: "In less than ten years, there will be disasters for the original uncle, and the heavens have taken away his soul." Do not underestimate this judgment, and ultimately summarize it as a correction of whether your knowledge is correct or not in your lifetime.

  In this year, the State of Lu began to tax according to the acres of land, and the history books criticized it, why? Because the Zhou Dynasty implemented the well field system, peasant households had already worked free of charge on public land, and they had to be taxed according to the fields and acres, which was equivalent to doubling the tax, which was completely inconsistent with the etiquette system.

Autumn locust plague, there is famine, but not very severe.

"Jin Jinggong"

Jing Gong was generous and took the opportunity to take the opportunity, and the timing of the advice was good to listen to.

The king lost his majesty and was furious, and the shame of the first battle was revealed.

Talent elects the first merit to say, forgive the heart marshal harmony.

The rewarder clearly remembers the person thickly, and the meritorious king remembers the master.

August 17 of the year of the Ugly Year

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