
5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

author:Shadow life

Today I recommend 5 simple and cheerful movies, and the words that these movies can be summarized are "cool".

Keywords: Hell Rock

Douban score: 7.8

Imdb score: 7.1

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

For Japanese film and cult fans, this is not an unpopular, but most people should not have seen this rhapsody film that integrates comedy, rock, religion, fantasy, inspiration and other elements.

Director Kankuro Miyato is known for his whimsical ideas, the shooting methods are often subversive, and watching his films and TV series is always surprising.

The film opens with a group of high school students traveling, and it was thought that the film would be a typical Japanese gore, sadistic movie, similar to "Real Devil's Game".

But as the plot develops, more and more surprises. Daisuke, played by Ryunosuke Kamiki, meets Killerk, the lead singer of the Hell Rock Band, after his death in a car accident, and the plot alternates between Daisuke's continuous reincarnation and the Hell Rock Contest, with laughter and adrenaline rushing together.

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

But this movie is not just a brain-hole film, it tries to reveal the true meaning of life in a spoof way.

Choose heaven or hell, choose boredom or choose restlessness, after watching this movie, you will have more thinking about your life path.

Keywords: heavy mouth zombie

Douban score: 7.7

Imdb rating: 7.6

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

If you don't like to watch zombie movies and cult movies, please take a detour, because this movie is a bit heavy. But for zombie movie lovers, it is definitely a meal god.

Peter Jackson not only made such masterpieces as "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", but also has a fondness for cult films, and the early "Cosmic Freaks" and "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" are typical representatives.

"Corpses Play Across the Line" combines zombies with comedy, and does not put much effort into the rendering of the horror atmosphere, but in terms of playing, Peter Jackson is let go and play again, without the slightest scruples and convergence, so that even the stills are not suitable for release.

Without further ado, it's a feast for zombie movie lovers, so let's try it.

Keywords: acting on biao

Douban score: 7.9

Imdb rating: 6.6

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

Fans like Zheng Baorui's "Dog Bites Dog" the most, Chen Guanxi and Li Cansen acted on Biao in this movie, vividly interpreting two desperate and fiercely bitten "evil dogs".

The protagonists of the film are the killer Peng played by Chen Guanxi and the agent Ah Wei played by Li Cansen. Born in Cambodia, Killer Peng was adopted by the Black Boxing Gym since he was a child, and every time he fights in the boxing ring, he is dead or alive. Ah Peng, who grew up in this environment, was cold-blooded and ruthless, and his methods were vicious, and he made a living as a killer. Ah Peng didn't actually kill people for money, he just followed the instructions and completed the task, and the tragic growth experience left him with no other choice.

The killing scene at the beginning of the film fully shows Ah Peng's inhuman side, decisively shooting after devouring a table of things, and at the end of the day, he did not forget to grab food and continue to eat.

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

The police officer Ah Wei, played by Li Cansen, is as violent as the killer Ah Peng, but his violence stems more from his disappointment in his father. His father, as a police detective, knew the law and broke the law, engaged in drug trafficking, and his disappointment with his father made Ah Wei lose control of his emotions and gradually become violent.

Ah Peng and Ah Wei, like two vicious dogs, began to bite all the way.

Keywords: Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy

Douban score: 8.3

Imdb rating: 7.9

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

Some time ago, Edgar Wright's "Extreme Car Thief" received completely different evaluations in China and Europe and the United States, but considering the cultural differences, this situation is also normal.

Edgar Wright, who excelled at mixing multiple elements, became famous for his "Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy," in which he replaced each film with a cute multi-ice cream with a different flavor.

Red represents Shaun the Zombie, blue represents Hot Blood Detective, and green represents The End of the World. The success of the trilogy also stems from the "Iron Triangle" of Life's Friends, Simon Peggy, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright.

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

"Hot BloodEd Detective" is a comedy film, but also a police film. In order to shoot the film, Peggy and Wright watched 138 police films behind closed doors, which also vividly reflected Wright's otaku attributes, combining the film with otaku culture, and there was a "blood and ice cream" trilogy.

Edgar Wright is also the only famous director to disclose his film history 1000 best, imdb has his film history 1000 best film list, interested can take a look.

Keyword: human nature

Douban score: 8.0

Imdb rating: 7.7

5 simple and cheerful, blood-boiling movies, all watched and counted as I lost the 2016 | "Early Death and Early Reincarnation of Hell Rock" 1992 | "Corpses PlayIng Across the Line" 2006 | "Dog Bites Dog" 2007 | "Hot Blood Detective" 2000 | "Battle Royale"

Students who like the "Eat Chicken" game must check out Shinji Fukasaku's "Battle Royale".

Fukasaku Shinji is very good at excavating human nature, and he knows that under extreme conditions, people can only show their true faces. In the film, the Japanese government randomly selects a class of students from schools across the country every year to go to the desert island to carry out the survival limit challenge - the teacher gives the students maps, food and various weapons, causing them to kill each other until the last one who survives can leave the desert island.

Under such extreme conditions, human nature becomes extremely distorted, and everything is for survival.

The students' desert island survival is not a deception in the adult world, the reality is always cruel, the majority of the losers, to the end of the few.

Unfortunately, Kenta Fukasaku did not think as deeply as his father, and the subsequent Battle Royale 2 Town Soul Song was completely reduced to a joke.