
Gunshots erupt in the United States! 430 people were brutally killed, and Biden was so distraught that he really couldn't do anything

author:Absolutely military

Text/Fat Guy Eggplant

The spiritual core of the Olympic Games is peace, but peace is undoubtedly extremely precious to Americans today. In recent times, gunshots have been frequently heard on the streets of the United States, more than 400 people have died in a week, and even the police chief has admitted that he cannot control the situation, which shows how bad the situation in the United States is.

Gunshots erupt in the United States! 430 people were brutally killed, and Biden was so distraught that he really couldn't do anything

(People present flowers to the remains of the victims of the shooting)

According to the Global Network quoted by the United States CNN and other foreign media reported on July 28, in recent times, the frequency of shootings confirmed by the US police has further increased, and the casualties cannot be ignored. According to the data provided by the U.S. Gun Violence Archive, in the short seven days from the 17th to the 23rd local time, at least 915 shootings occurred across the United States, at least 430 people were unfortunately killed in the shooting, in addition to more than 1,000 people injured to varying degrees. According to this data, the average number of shootings in the United States during that period was one every 12 minutes, which shows the high frequency.

Gunshots erupt in the United States! 430 people were brutally killed, and Biden was so distraught that he really couldn't do anything

(U.S. police block the scene of the shooting)

For the increasingly frequent cases of gun violence, New York Police Chief Dermot Shea recently held a press conference and admitted at the press conference that the number of shootings that have occurred this year has increased by more than 100% compared with the same period last year. "It's great that the police's top priority right now is to confirm who brought the gun to the street, but it's hard for us to achieve that," he said. He concluded by admitting that New York City police have taken more detailed street duty measures as much as possible, but still can't stop shootings from happening more and more frequently.

Gunshots erupt in the United States! 430 people were brutally killed, and Biden was so distraught that he really couldn't do anything

(Director DeMot Shay)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of as many as 38,826 U.S. citizens have died of gun violence each year over the past five years, of which about 60 percent are suicidal, while the vast majority of the remaining 40 percent are related to the growing prevalence of gang violence, drug or addictive drug trade, and domestic violence in the United States. It is worth mentioning that in 2020, due to the new crown epidemic, more than 43,000 people died in gun violence in the United States, which is the year with the heaviest casualties at present.

The proliferation of gun violence in the United States is showing a very dangerous gang and younger age. Statistics show that of the victims who died this year, more than 600 victims under the age of 18 were shot to death as a result of gang violence. It can be seen that in the United States, more and more teenagers are being guided by wrong ideas, and taking up guns to go to those street gangs will eventually not only bury their young lives, but also lead to great challenges to social security in the United States.

Gunshots erupt in the United States! 430 people were brutally killed, and Biden was so distraught that he really couldn't do anything

(The victim of the shooting is being taken to an ambulance)

In recent years, the gap between rich and poor in the United States has become wider and wider, more and more people are struggling to feed themselves, and social contradictions have become extremely acute. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. economy has been hit so hard that many desperate people have been forced to pick up guns and become street criminals, and even anger other innocent people because of their own situation, and then carry out indiscriminate shooting attacks. But behind all this is the existence of an inactive U.S. government.

Gunshots erupt in the United States! 430 people were brutally killed, and Biden was so distraught that he really couldn't do anything

(Americans hold aloft cardboard protesting gun violence.)

In recent years, several US presidents have done nothing to control gun violence, because they dare not oppose the vast number of gun-owning people and make a mess of their support rate, nor do they dare to oppose the big chaebols and economic groups that control the vast majority of the US economic resources, because they are the people who really control the US political circles behind their backs. In this situation of "no cure for the symptoms and no cure for the root cause", both Biden and Obama can only watch the gun violence worse and worse every year. Therefore, it can be said that in the absence of a thorough reform of the existing political system in the United States, the phenomenon of gun violence in the United States can never be eradicated, and in the future, more tragic shootings will continue to be staged on the streets of the United States.

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