
26 years ago "Vulture and Little Girl" photo, what happened to the girl? Photographers more tragic vultures and little girls volunteering ambitious photographers have been questioned

author:Nanzan Ronin

Sachs once said such a sentence.

Most of the world's poverty is a pathology.

It is the result of a bad life, a bad environment, a bad idea.

Often we despise poverty.

It is always believed that the poor are the result of poor will.

It is the result of willingness to sink.

But the world is vast, and there are always things happening that we didn't expect.

In fact, most people are struggling.

At either extreme, they want to get out of touch with the status quo.

Don't despise them first, learn their story first!

26 years ago "Vulture and Little Girl" photo, what happened to the girl? Photographers more tragic vultures and little girls volunteering ambitious photographers have been questioned

In 1993, a photograph was published in The New York Times.

No beautiful moving views.

Nor are there outstanding beautiful models.

Some are a little girl with a lot of flesh.

She looked like she was dying, lifeless.

And behind her, there was a vulture!

We see more than just girls and vultures.

What this photo reveals is war! It's a natural disaster!

It's killing! It's hunger! It's death!

It's tragic as far as the eye can see.

So, to be expected.

The photo caused a sensation as soon as it was published.

People all over the world are sighing, behind the original beauty.

There is still such a place as a Shura Field.

This picture puts reality in front of people's eyes.

It's called Hungry Sultan.

Then 26 years ago "Vultures and Little Girls" photo.

How did the girl end?

26 years ago "Vulture and Little Girl" photo, what happened to the girl? Photographers more tragic vultures and little girls volunteering ambitious photographers have been questioned

The first thing to clarify is to be clear.

The little girl that everyone thought was actually a boy.

His name is Kong Nyong.

At the time of the photo shoot, his mother went to collect food.

He was left alone in the open space.

I didn't expect to provoke a vulture!

Of course, the vultures didn't succeed.

After the photographer took the shoot, he hurriedly drove the vulture away.

Leave it inorganic.

The boy survived.

When their mothers returned from their food, they went home.

Kong Nyong's life was hard, but at least he didn't starve to death.

However, in 2007, he had a high fever and had not yet received timely rescue.

Finally, he passed away.

Kong Nyong was skinny from the original.

It survived until 2007, with international help.

He poured the love and sympathy of many into him.

On the other hand, the photographer's ending is even more tragic!

26 years ago "Vulture and Little Girl" photo, what happened to the girl? Photographers more tragic vultures and little girls volunteering ambitious photographers have been questioned

The photographer's name is Carter, and he was born in South Africa.

Because I was dissatisfied with racial discrimination since I was a child.

He did many things to protect black people.

Later, he was beaten by others!

But Carter never stopped dreaming.

He wants to contribute to stopping racism.

At the age of 23, he became a war correspondent.

A lot of shocking photos were reported.

Because of his boldness and excellent expressiveness.

He has always been a great photographer.

In 1993, war raged in South Sudan.

In the end, it is the masses who suffer.

They were tormented by famine and suffered terribly.

Carter was sent to South Sudan to report on their hungry population.

Bring their suffering before the people.

Give them the opportunity to get more help.

Carter was very interested in the task.

It was as if that was his mission.

He should go there and find out the truth!

26 years ago "Vulture and Little Girl" photo, what happened to the girl? Photographers more tragic vultures and little girls volunteering ambitious photographers have been questioned

The Hungry Sultan is the most satisfying photo he took there.

Composition of "Vultures and Little Girls".

One glance will make people tear up!

The publication of the photo has given South Sudan more attention.

And with that comes the attention paid to photographers.

Carter won a Pulitzer Prize for this photograph.

It is the highest award in the American Journalism Awards.

26 years ago "Vulture and Little Girl" photo, what happened to the girl? Photographers more tragic vultures and little girls volunteering ambitious photographers have been questioned

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However, there is no glory.

The public's evaluation of him is invariably dissatisfied.

They questioned Why Carter had time to take pictures.

But did not come forward to save the little girl?

There's no denying that the photos are well taken.

But it's a picture of stepping on a corpse!

Carter won the award, but seemed to have lost his ethics.

He suffered.

Public opinion pushed him to the cusp of the storm, and he stood up to explain.

He chased the vulture away, and the little girl staggered away.

He wanted to come forward to help, but the little girl was carrying a United Nations bracelet on her wrist.

That meant someone would soon come to her rescue.

That's why Carter didn't go ahead.

However, people only believe in what they see with their own eyes.

They think these are carter's one-sided words.

A feeling of powerlessness spread throughout Carter's body.

Not only that, except for the doubts and insults of others.

Carter also had to face all kinds of torture.

Despite being a professional war photographer.

Whenever you see the scene of the killing, you still feel a chill.

I want to take the most realistic and shocking pictures.

Carter had to go to the battlefield.

When the real scenes in the movie, the story appear in front of you.

Who dares to say that they will not be afraid?

Carter could not back down, but could only face the difficulties.

26 years ago "Vulture and Little Girl" photo, what happened to the girl? Photographers more tragic vultures and little girls volunteering ambitious photographers have been questioned

To overcome his fears, Carter smoked cocaine every day.

Cocaine gave him a moment of relaxation.

The physical damage to him was immeasurable.

His shooting process was also difficult.

One side has to dodge stray bullets and sand and gravel during war.

On the one hand, it is also necessary to overcome the fear of being watched.

That's right, every picture of Carter was done under surveillance.

Every time he went out to work, he was followed by a group of armed rebels.

They had guns in their hands and serious faces.

Undoubtedly, this is an unimaginable psychological pressure.

In addition to these, Carter also had the last straw to bend him.

When he went to collect the award he had won.

His good brother was shot while filming!

Carter had always blamed himself.

He thinks if he doesn't go to collect the award, it's him who goes to take pictures.

Then it was he who should have died!

All sorts of mental torture plagued Carter.

He can no longer face up to his "bad" life.

So in July 1994, he ended his life.

That night, in the car.

He suffocated himself with carbon monoxide.

Forever away from invective, away from blame.

Maybe that's really a relief!

Carter's departure is a pity for the whole world.

We lost a photographer who could see the ugly.

We have lost a man with a good heart.

He died, and the truth of the matter was discovered.

People felt sorry for him and owed him an apology.

Perhaps, in his final days.

He was the little girl who was curled up.

Hide your head in the crook of your arm and dodge the "vulture" behind you!

I'm sorry because when we really lose.

We will see the other side of the truth.

We didn't just miss a good photographer.

He also missed a piece of his once sincere heart.

References The New York Times

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