
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

author:Gold Broker
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

The broadcast of "Cool Life, Can We Not Be Sad" has come to an end, and this story of love and friendship that spans ten years is about to come to an end in this winter.

With some regrets, we had to say goodbye to the firm and warm Cheng Tianyou and the kind and strong Jiang Sheng. But the small talk that always accompanied Liang Sheng and Jiang Sheng, the persistent teenager Bei Xiaowu who only had Xiao Jiu in his eyes, also made people reluctant and let people remember.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

No impurities, really "human flavor"

In "Liangsheng", Bei Xiaowu is a very special existence, there is no bumpy life, there is no indescribable pain, he is lively, talks a lot, speaks loudly and loudly, and is no more ordinary, like a childish teenager around you and me.

This kind of grounded "human flavor", the subtleties to see the real characters and emotions, is the most real and moving place that Runo feels about this character.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

In the past ten years, everyone's emotions have been going around, or they are hesitant or difficult to choose. Only Bei Xiaowu's eyes were only Xiao Jiuyi from beginning to end.

His feelings came and went on a rampage, unable to hide, like a young boy looking at a toy airplane in the window, a look that fully exposed his careful thoughts.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

Xiao Wu rarely says like, let alone love easily, but it is a simple sentence "I think you are good." "It's not reasonable, it's not embellished, but it's enough to convey his whole heart."

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

When he learned of Xiao Jiu's mother's illness, Xiao Wu, who was once childish and stubborn, learned to take responsibility and also understood responsibility.

The contrast between Runo's performances seems to allow us to truly witness the growth of a boy to a man.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

In the play, Runo's treatment of the characters is always in place, especially one plot that is very impressive.

Xiao Jiu once told Xiao Wu that if he ate the next apple on Christmas Eve, the people he missed would appear. Xiao Wu was convinced of this, and when he nibbled on the apple, he seemed to swallow this grievance and miss into his stomach.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

Until Xiao Jiu, who did not say goodbye, suddenly appeared in front of him. Half of the apple in his mouth, the hands that did not hug him for a long time, and the aggrieved and happy sentence "Where have you been?" Set off by these small natural details, the emotions of the characters jumped on the screen.

All the emotions are on point, but they firmly grasp the audience's attention.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

I discussed with the director for a long time how to shoot this scene, and we used a less conventional means to shoot, as little as possible. I think the feelings of normal people at that moment will be overwhelmed and do not know what to say.

In The performance, Runo clearly knows that "less is more". When lovers look at each other silently, the strong emotion in their eyes cannot deceive anyone.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

"The process of acting is always painful"

A group of young people get together, live and work together, and it sounds like countless interesting things happen every day. But in Runo's memory, it seems a little difficult to remember one or two interesting things.

He said that when he was acting, most of the time was quite painful.

"I never thought there was anything particularly fun in the performance. I once heard that a very famous old artist in China said that acting is like making a game, it is very happy and enjoyable, but I don't think so. ”

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

"Every day I want to break through myself, but the process is actually quite painful."

Crush yourself, break it, stuff it into another body, recombine it, and then be reborn. In Runo's world, the performance is like this, full of the joy of rebirth, but it is also bound to bear the pain of reshaping.

In the movie "Old Cannon", he put on a motorcycle vest and put on a thick chain, becoming a desperate drag racing party Ah Biao for his buddies, and slapped director Feng Xiaogang fiercely.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

In "Born on a Brilliant Day", he and Zhang Jiayi played Guo Xiaohai's youth and middle-aged respectively, silently entering the crowded alley, shaping the "Chaos Demon King" who was full of guts to life.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

There is also the "bad boy" Luo Tao in "Seventeen Years Old Who Will Hurt", who wears earrings and tattoos on his flower arm. These characters, like Xiao Wu, look brash and unrestrained, with a full handsome temperament. Always in some subtle places, unreservedly show their soft and warm heart.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

Such a Runo, everyone is familiar. Sometimes the audience even extends the emotions of the characters in the play to life, as if Runo is such a big boy who is not inhibited.

But once again, Runo used his works to break everyone's stereotype of himself. Yue Sheng, a foreign-style agent who is good at flirting with his sister, in "Good Guys", and Li Tianhu, who is the male number one in the work "Spy Lotus", has both agility and a witty mind.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

Facts have proved that every role from entry into the industry to the present, no matter how many roles and types, he has used a painful "remodeling" in exchange for his transformation again and again in countless roles.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

More real, from acting to life

Runo has never been a good self-evaluator.

Although Bei Xiaowu's performance has attracted him a lot of attention and received many praises, he does not know how to rate his performance. "I know that I have so many skills, I can only say that I have done enough hard, and the rest can only let the audience rate my performance." 」

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

Although in the eyes of his friends and staff around him, he is an exceptionally strict self-disciplined person, but if he is asked to evaluate himself in this way, he is always a little embarrassed.

"Everyone's standards of requirements for themselves are different, and I personally feel that all my will qualities are not so strong, and I can only try to do what I can do." Although I may still be worse than other actors, there is still a big gap. ”

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

This strict and rigorous attitude extends from his work to the bits and pieces of his life. Seven points is rigid, very traditional, and the time outside of work is basically exercise and exercise, and when I get home, I basically watch a TV, and the locked is also some news, sports, and agriculture channels.

In an era when social networks dominate our lives, his microblogs are less updated, and he plays with his mobile phone more often than he can catch up with the older generation at home. Especially when filming in the group, it is common not to touch the mobile phone at the end of the day.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

But in the monotonous and long time, Runo has never lived up to the word "actor". The wonderful roles of the past and the future are the best testimonies to his trueness, these efforts and efforts.

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

Entering the play with heart and constantly looking for breakthroughs, Runo described each character as a thrilling and wonderful adventure, perhaps detouring, tired, and encountering obstacles is also a common thing, "But looking back at myself as I am growing, I think that is not in vain." ”

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

Click on the artist's photo to view past interviews

Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play
Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

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Runo: It's painful because it's more real, and it's enjoyable because it's in the play

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