
Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

author:Elf A's Food Shop

Hello everyone! Here is the elf kitchen, I am a working family of hemp, a small kitchen lady, a food expert certified by major food websites, good at home cooking and baking; in my free time, I like to make food, although not nearly perfect, but love to toss. If you have a chance to come into my space, please like, follow, leave a message, and share the article, because it is important to me; if you have a new trick, you can also leave a message, we will discuss it together!

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

Minced meat with roasted rice and tofu

Went to the vegetable market for a walk, bought some fresh vegetables and fruits and meat, when buying dried tofu, saw a few pieces of yellow, like tofu things, asked the boss lady, said that it is rice tofu; for fresh things that have not been tried, there will always be a curiosity, 3.5 yuan a piece is not weighed, thinking that cheap also want a piece, thinking that even if it is not delicious, it is not wasted much money. Home mobile phone checked, it turned out that it is ground into rice milk with rice, and then add edible alkali to boil, cooled to form "tofu". It was also searched to know that it turned out to be a big deal, it was Sichuan, Xiang, Gan, Qian, and even one of the most famous snacks in Hubei and other regions, but the elves were lonely and unheard of, and they didn't know it; forgive me for living for more than 30 years, and I really haven't eaten it.

Rice tofu, it is hot and cold food, cold food is mainly made into cold mix, add oil spicy seeds, balsamic vinegar, etc., the entrance is particularly appetizing; hot food is of course boiled, burned to eat. It contains a variety of vitamins, has the effect of clearing heat and defeating fire, weight loss and detoxification, refreshing and cooling, beauty and beauty; in addition, it is a weak alkaline food, and people with high uric acid have great help after eating.

Today, the method introduced by the elf to everyone is to eat hot, minced meat to cook rice and tofu, add a small amount of squeezed vegetable shreds, pour red oil before coming out of the pot, fresh and smooth, salty and slightly spicy, special appetizer, but also special rice. Originally thought that the family would not like it, but unexpectedly said that it was delicious, and our children directly took a spoon and scooped bibimbap to eat. An unintentional next meal, the cost is only about 6 yuan, but it can make the family's appetite open, what are you waiting for, come with the elves to do it!

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

Ingredients: 550 grams of rice tofu, 50 grams of minced meat, 20 grams of squeezed vegetables

Ingredients: 3 chives, 5 g ginger, 20 ml of soy sauce, 2 g of refined salt, water starch to taste, 20 ml of red oil, 30 ml of cooking oil

Production steps

1) 1 piece of fresh rice tofu.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

2) Prepare other side dishes.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

3) Wash the rice tofu and cut the nail-sized cubes, sit in a pot and boil the water, boil the rice tofu and blanch the water, cook for about 3 minutes.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

4: While waiting, chop the shredded meat and squeezed vegetables and the chives.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

5) Heat the pan with cold oil, sauté the minced ginger and sauté the minced meat.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

6) Stir-fry until the minced meat changes color and then squeeze the shredded vegetables.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

7) Stir-fry slightly and add water.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

8) Turn the heat to boil and blanch the rice tofu before boiling.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

9) Add soy sauce and salt to taste.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

10: Cook for about 3 minutes and add water starch.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

11) Drizzle with red oil, collect the juice over high heat, turn off the heat when the soup is thick, sprinkle the green onion and out of the pot.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

Genie Fragments:

1: Because the rice tofu is formed with alkali, blanching water before eating can remove part of the alkali taste.

2: Squeezed vegetables have a salty taste, so when adding salt, you need to add or subtract ha according to your own taste.

3) Rice tofu is fragile, so do not turn it over frequently after cooking.

Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs
Rice tofu is so delicious! Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and eating, one end on the table everyone grabs

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