
The 38th session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress was held! Cao Lubao's speech Decided to appoint Zhou Bin as vice mayor of Yancheng City and act as mayor

author:Yancheng released

On the afternoon of August 17, the 38th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress was held. Cao Lubao, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, attended the meeting and submitted a motion for the appointment and dismissal of personnel.

The 38th session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress was held! Cao Lubao's speech Decided to appoint Zhou Bin as vice mayor of Yancheng City and act as mayor

The 38th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress was held

The 38th session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress was held! Cao Lubao's speech Decided to appoint Zhou Bin as vice mayor of Yancheng City and act as mayor

Cao Lubao, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, attended the meeting and submitted a motion for the appointment and dismissal of personnel

The meeting voted and adopted the agenda (draft) and agenda (draft) of the meeting, listened to Cao Lubaozuo's motion on submitting the appointment of Comrade Zhou Bin, and deliberated the motion of the meeting of directors of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress on requesting Comrade Zhou Bin to act as mayor of the Yancheng City People's Government and Comrade Chen Lu to act as chairman of the Yancheng City Supervision Commission. Zhou Bin made a speech before his appointment as a deputy.

The meeting decided to accept Cao Lubao's request to resign as mayor of the Yancheng City People's Government and Wang Xiaohong to resign as director of the Yancheng City Supervision Commission, and to report to the Municipal People's Congress for the record.

The meeting decided to appoint Zhou Bin as vice mayor of yancheng city people's government, acting mayor; Chen Lu as deputy director of yancheng city supervision commission, acting director. In accordance with the provisions of the "Specific Measures for the Implementation of the Constitutional Oath System in Yancheng", the newly appointed personnel took the constitutional oath, and Zhou Bin took the oath.

The 38th session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress was held! Cao Lubao's speech Decided to appoint Zhou Bin as vice mayor of Yancheng City and act as mayor

The newly appointed personnel took the constitutional oath, and Zhou Bin took the oath

Cao Lubao first congratulated the newly appointed comrades, saying that the new post means a new duty and mission, and he hopes that the newly appointed comrades will take the sense of mission on their shoulders, the sense of responsibility of taking the initiative, and the sense of urgency of seizing the day, scrupulously fulfill their duties, work diligently, forge ahead in a pioneering spirit, really do solid work, earnestly take the trust of the organization and the people's trust as an encouragement and encouragement to themselves, and strive to make positive contributions to the high-quality economic and social development of Yancheng.

Cao Lubao pointed out

It is necessary to improve the political position, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, more consciously arm the mind with new ideas, guide practice, and promote work, and further enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards". It is necessary to carry forward the great spirit of party building, anchor the grand blueprint of "strong, rich, and high," resolutely shoulder the major mission of "striving to be an example, striving to be a demonstration, and walking in the forefront," closely focus on the direction of "facing the sea, developing toward the sea, empowering the future, becoming a model of green transformation, and letting the people's days in the old areas become more and more prosperous", deeply implement the strategy of "building an ecological city, a strong industrial city, and a prosperous and prosperous city", take the path of "opening up the coast, connecting with Shanghai, green transformation, and green leaps", and build an "ecological new salt city, an open new salt city, an industrial new salt city, Happy New Yancheng", to ensure the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the provincial and municipal party committees. It is necessary to enhance the ability to perform duties, focus on key work, lead the city's party members and cadres with a key minority, gather magnificent strength with sincerity for the people, take the lead in being anxious, busy, and run, and make every effort to shape the new image of the Yancheng cadre team of "plotting things and stressing politics, officials have passion, work with high standards, be tenacious in handling things, dare to take responsibility when things happen, and abide by the rules when things are done". It is necessary to persist in seeking truth and being pragmatic, actively practice the people-centered development thinking, take the spiritual realm of "success does not have to be in me" and the historical responsibility of "success must have me", deeply carry out the activities of "studying party history, doing practical things, and benefiting the people's livelihood" and the action of "two in two together" to build new merits, and strive to promote a good start in the modernization of Yancheng.

Cao Lubao stressed

At present, Yancheng is in a critical stage of catching up with and surpassing, and the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee should deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on upholding and improving the people's congress system, resolutely implement the spirit of the central government and the requirements of the provincial party committee, in accordance with the deployment of the 13th Plenary Session of the Seventh Municipal Party Committee, adhere to the performance of duties according to law, firmly establish the awareness of competing for the lead, continuously improve the ability to perform their duties, and promote the work of the people's congress to continuously achieve new results. Municipal people's congress deputies should focus on the center and serve the overall situation, improve the quality of handling motions and suggestions, and jointly push Yancheng's various undertakings to a new level. The municipal "one government, one committee, and two procuratorates" should consciously accept the supervision of the people's congress, support the people's congress in performing its duties according to law, and promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Constitution and laws and regulations.

Zhou Bin said in his speech before taking office that at present, Yancheng is at an important juncture of green transformation and leapfrog development, with rare opportunities and broad prospects. I feel honored and proud to be able to work in Yancheng and become a member of the people of Yancheng, and I also feel a heavy responsibility. Under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee, under the supervision and support of the municipal people's congress, the municipal CPPCC committee, and the people of the whole city, we will unite and lead a group of people in the municipal government to always maintain the heart of loyalty to the party, the heart of development and enterprising, the heart of the pure son of the people, the heart of honesty and honesty, work conscientiously and diligently, forge ahead, vigorously grasp the implementation, continue to push forward the city's various undertakings, and strive to write a modern chapter in the construction of the new Yancheng city of "strong, rich, and high."

Zhou Bin said that in the future work, we will strive to do the following: First, temper loyalty and character, and take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics. Earnestly study and comprehend Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the party's leadership throughout the entire process of government work, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", achieve "two safeguards", and ensure that all work of the government always advances in the right direction. The second is to keep firmly in mind the duties and missions and strive for development in the leading position. With the attitude of continuous struggle, firmly implement the "three cities strategy", continue to take the development path of "two seas and two greens", accelerate the construction of the "four new Yancheng", strengthen project attraction, promote industrial transformation, optimize the business environment, and strive to promote the high-quality development of Yancheng in the forefront. The third is to strengthen the sense of purpose and benefit the people's livelihood with heart and affection. Always keep the masses' "safety, danger, cold and warmth" and "urgent, difficult and anxious expectations" in mind, regularly go to the grass-roots level, listen to the people's voices, observe the people's feelings, do a good job in the people's livelihood, unremittingly grasp the work of epidemic prevention and control, safe production, environmental governance, etc., and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. The fourth is to firmly guard the bottom line of political work and set an example by being upright and honest. Strictly implement the requirements of administering the party in an all-round and strict manner, always adhere to administration according to law, take the initiative to accept supervision from all sides, create a strong atmosphere in which the government system is clean and upright, and officials start a business, earnestly shoulder the important mission of "striving to be an example in reform and innovation and promoting high-quality development, striving to be a model in serving the whole country to build a new development pattern, and taking the lead in realizing socialist modernization", and doing everything in our power to achieve socialist modernization in Yancheng, and strive to create brand-new achievements worthy of the party, the people of Yancheng, and the times.

Zhang Lixiang, executive deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and deputy secretary of the party leading group, presided over the meeting; Zou Yishi, Zhou Jianyun, Guo Yusheng, and Chen Ping, deputy directors of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress; Dai Rongjiang, member of the party leading group of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee; and Xiao Ruhong, secretary general of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, attended the meeting. Wang Shihua, president of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, Ge Bing, chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, and Liu Guangqiu, secretary general of the Municipal Government, attended the meeting as observers.

On the morning of August 17, the 68th meeting of directors of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress was held. The meeting discussed relevant matters submitted to the 38th session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress for deliberation. Yang Weida, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, made an explanation of relevant personnel matters.

Source: Yanfu Mass Newspaper Group, Dengying Observation

Reporter: Lu Zhenglong, Li Siyuan, Gao Yeqiao

Draft: Zhao Xinli

Editors: Cai Yue, Han Xinxu

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