
Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

author:Poster News

On the afternoon of September 4th, Professor Sun Yi of Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts officially presented his carefully created "Zhong Kui Nafu" to the organizing committee of the "Tell the Story of Shandong" competition as a gift to help the successful holding of the third "Tell the Story of Shandong" essay contest. And with the deputy director of the organizing committee and Shandong Haidai traditional culture research and development center director Zhao Guiqin, the public network reporter Hou Yanxiao, Qilu Yidian calligraphy and painting channel editor Jia Jia and other cultural media circles to discuss the topic of integrated development of culture and art, the event site, Professor Sun Yi told his own road to art, bumpy and wonderful art stories and with their own funny and humorous "Jiaodong" accent, let us have a deeper understanding of Professor Sun Yi and painting works.

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Professor Sun Yi donated his paintings to the organizing committee of the "Telling the Story of Shandong" competition

Study hard and practice hard, you have to be consistent

Professor Sun Yi is a well-known designer, expert and painter in the field of design in China, a recipient of more than 20 utility models and invention patentes, and a lover of porcelain restoration, paper cutting and other folk crafts. Behind these many role "labels" can not hide his love and experience of life, is his inheritance and promotion of traditional Chinese culture, and is also the transmission and display of his abundant personal emotions and rich inner world.

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Professor Sun Yi's work "Zhong Kui Nafu"

Looking at this painting of "Zhong Kui Nafu", the concise use of the pen, the strong color of the atmosphere, and the meticulous expression of Zhong Kui all show Sun Yi's profound artistic foundation and high artistic attainment. Speaking of the control of lines and the skillful performance of characters, Sun Yi introduced: "Today's presentation in the painting is inseparable from my accumulation when I prepared for and participated in the art examination for three consecutive times. From the beginning of a large number of copying a copy of the "Character Line Drawing Reference Materials" bought for me by the second brother, to the real learning from the teacher, my sketches, sketches and colors laid a solid foundation for my future creations. Back in the three years when I was preparing for the art exam, while working in the farm at home, while lighting kerosene lamps to paint, when the farmer was busy, I threw myself into high-intensity agricultural labor, and when the farmer was idle, I could concentrate on painting, and I was always in a state of half cultivation and half reading, and its difficulties and hardships far exceeded the imagination of today's children. Since December 1981, he has published many sketches in the "Popular Daily" such as "Basket Weaving Basket" and "Between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-Law". Modern painter Wu Changshuo described himself as 'a cultivator from the field', and I deeply felt the same way. But a point of hard work, a point of harvest, yesterday's efforts and hard work make me still very useful in today's creation. ”

Indeed, the expression of traditional Chinese painting of "modeling with lines and writing gods with shapes" is highly realistic with the traditional figures of the West, and the grasp of the body, texture and sense of space of the picture is reflected in Sun Yi's works at the same time. Carefully appreciating this work, it can be seen that Sun Yi enters the line with cursive writing, splashes ink freehand, vigorous and powerful lines and bold use of color, making Zhong Kui's image exaggerated and ethereal, dynamic and explosive. In the face and hand holding the sword performance is also very wonderful, only to see Zhong Kui bearded, angry round eyes, Kong Wu powerful, exaggerated deformation on the basis of the basis of also showing Zhong Kui Weiyi's unworldly image and a stubborn and arrogant style. Sun Yi is also ingenious in rendering the artistic conception, he sprinkles many white dots under the picture, creating an atmosphere of Zhong Kui Snow Day holding a sword and dust servants rushing to ward off evil and Nafu, with a unique sense of humor and cuteness.

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Professor Sun Yi's work "Sunset"

The spirit is full of charm and the interest is infinite

In addition to Zhong Kui, the theme of the shepherd boy buffalo written by Professor Sun Yi is also full of spiritual charm and infinite interest. In his work "Evening Wind Pastoral", the willow branches flutter, and the buffalo walk or lie down, very peaceful. Admiring his works, unconsciously in my mind will come up with the lyrics of the Beijing rhyme drum "Ugly End YinChu" - the cow herding boy kept singing loudly, I only saw him, wearing a bucket hat on his head, wearing a cloak, wearing water pants, stepping on grass shoes under his feet, riding on the back of a bull with a cane whip on his wrist, piccolo with a mouth, blowing a free ride, the mountain song that was blown out was wild and cavityless, this did not cross the creek... Art critic Li Xinping once wrote an article to appreciate Sun Yi's works: "Appreciate his "Liu Yin Licking Calf Play water map": a few ink strokes in a blank space will smudge the natural pleasure and natural interest of 3 buffalo and a calf playing in the pond, while the shepherd boy riding on the back of the ox to gaze at the depiction of licking calves adds poetic feelings, coupled with the sound of birds, the bright eyes of the willows, so that the paintings are refreshing, full of spiritual charm, infinite interest, and the appreciation is suddenly in a paradise.

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Professor Sun Yi's work "Evening Wind Pastoral Song"

The leisurely nature of the theme of shepherd boy and cow is also reflected in his flower and bird paintings, such as "Xiaolu Weixi" and "Looking at the Branches from Afar", he boldly subjectively imagines the picture on the basis of sketching, constantly innovates the best products with his own styling characteristics, and strives to open up the deep spiritual structure of the work while highlighting his own talent and spirituality. In its "Flowers Weeping Purple Jade, Good Spring Light", the lush flowers and leaves are like a scene of beaded curtains hanging in the brocade tent, the flowers are like pearls and jade stars, eye-catching and dazzling, its pen and ink layout is exquisite and graceful, deep and beautiful, and then add two vivid starlings to echo the sound, creating a harmonious and happy atmosphere between natural animals and plants, and sublimating the artistic conception of the work to a new height.

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Professor Sun Yi's work "Xiaolu Weixi"

Sun Yi believes that Chinese painting is a form of painting that sustenance and spirit, and it is necessary to pay great attention to culture and humanistic spirit in the choice of theme and content, as well as in the creation of artistic conception and atmosphere. It is precisely because of this thinking that his paintings have always been praised for inheriting traditions, deriving from life and daring to come up with new ideas and profound literary meanings. In 2015, his new exhibition of Chinese paintings, "Traces of Snow and Mud", was exhibited at the Shandong Provincial Cultural Center, and an old man once left a message with a brush after visiting the exhibition: "Guan Sun Yi's masterpieces, flowers, birds, landscapes, figures, gold paintings, and seal carvings are all exquisite, and they are really Qilu painters." ”

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Comments from viewers at the "Traces of Slush" exhibition in 2015

Immerse yourself in painting and be indifferent

As a mentor in the field of art and design, Sun Yi has been immersed in painting for many years, and the creative method of "walking on two legs" makes them more curious about the state of the combination of the two. When talking about this issue, Sun Yi said: "The development of a certain professional field will not be a single straight line relationship, just like a person's simplest walking temperament, behind him in addition to education, cultivation, physique, may be more cross-field influence, such as performance, dance, sports, etc., will not be a straight line relationship." In fact, before entering the design industry, I studied traditional Chinese painting in Shanghai for two years, which laid a solid foundation for me to pursue a career in the design industry. In the painting industry to distinguish, our college is generally called the academic school, we do not rely on selling paintings for a living, more importantly, close to the classroom teaching, in addition to the annual spring outdoor landscape sketching and autumn classroom body sketching, this is the 'teacher method of nature'. Design and painting complement each other, and in my opinion, costume design has a lot of help in painting in terms of character expression, aesthetics and composition. ”

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Professor Sun Yi's work "Looking at the Branches from Afar"

In today's society, the ebb and flow of the art market has left and right many painters, some of whom have not adhered to their artistic ideals, and some of whom have eclipsed their works of art because of the various "guidance" of collectors and art operators. Indeed, once painting becomes a means of survival, it is no longer pure and lifeless. Sun Yi is still very grateful to the enlightenment teacher who suggested that he "raise painting with design", and it is under his guidance that Sun Yi chose to design and obtained material freedom through his own talent and efforts, and also allowed his brush to "paint what I think, paint what I love", and more in the contemporary impetuous society, keep a quiet and indifferent heart, have a calm and calm beauty.

At the end of the event, Professor Sun Yi also shared with us the profound meaning implied in the seal in the "Zhong Kui NaFu". "In this work, I used the two seals of 'Don't Forget Your Initial Heart' and 'YouRong Nai Da', 'Don't Forget Your Initial Heart' is to praise Haidai Culture for always adhering to the original intention of carrying forward traditional Chinese culture and telling the story of Shandong, and has held a number of cultural projects, which have gained a lot and have far-reaching influence." And 'tolerance is great' is to describe the Haidai culture based on Shandong, looking at the global cultural vision and accommodating the world's broad mind. I wish Haidai culture can go better and further. ”

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

Sun Yi

Born in December 1962, a native of Fushan, Yantai, Shandong, he graduated from Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts and has been teaching at the school ever since. He is currently a professor of Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts, a member of the China Artists Association, a member of the Provincial Democratic League, the vice president of the Shandong Provincial Institute of Popular Literature and Art, the vice president of the Zhonghua East Yue Calligraphy and Painting Institute, the art consultant of Shandong Oriental Art Commune, and the owner of The Gengyanlu in Beijing. He was also a professor at the School of Art of Chinese Min University, an evaluation expert of the School of Art of Beijing University of Technology, and the director and professor of the Art Department of the School of Foreign Affairs of Shandong University of Technology. Since the early 1980s, he began to study the art of painting, and successively studied the theories and techniques of brushwork and freehand figures, flowers and birds and landscape paintings under the guidance of Han Heping, Wang Guanqing, Zheng Jiasheng and many other famous masters of the Hai School, and finally achieved success. His works were selected for the 9th National Art Exhibition; the 5th and 6th National Sports Art Exhibitions, the 60th Anniversary Art Exhibition commemorating Mao Zedong's "Speech at the Yan'an Literary and Art Forum", the all-army and national art exhibition celebrating the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Army; the silver medal of the First China Design Art Exhibition, the bronze medal of the China International Young Designer Grand Prix; the works have been collected by the German Pavilion of the Shanghai World Expo, the National Sports Museum, the Yan'an Memorial Hall, the Shandong Provincial Culture Center; 2 monographs have been published, "Traces of Snow and Mud - Sun Yi Chinese Painting", "Sun Yi Character Sketch" He has published more than 40 academic papers, obtained more than 20 national utility model invention patents, and 2 invention patents. In recent years, he has successively held exhibitions of chinese paintings in Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts, Shandong Provincial Culture Center, Jinan Tianxia First Spring, Shandong Provincial Library and other places, and hundreds of works have been collected by international and domestic art museums or individuals.

Tianqu Wild Yi Wenxin Poetry // Famous Painter Sun Yi Helps the Third "Telling the Story of Shandong"

This year's "Tell the Story of Shandong Well, Celebrate the 70th Birthday of the Motherland" essay contest will show the vigorous development and butterfly change of Shandong Province's cultural tourism industry since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up 40 years since the founding of New China, in an all-round and multi-angle manner, vividly display the profound and colorful cultural tourism resources of Qilu, innovate and show the overall image of the "Hospitable Shandong" Five Mountains, the sea shore, the land of Confucius and Meng, the country of etiquette, tell the story of Shandong to the world, and carry forward the Qilu culture. Inheriting the red gene, showing the new style of "hospitality Shandong" in the new era, and by enhancing the roots and homeland feelings of Shandong people inside and outside the province and overseas, arousing emotional and cultural identity, generating a strong aesthetic yearning for Shandong's tourist destinations, so that Qilu culture and Yimeng spirit can be rooted in the hearts of hundreds of millions of fathers and elders in Shandong, infecting 1.4 billion Chinese sons and daughters and affecting 6 billion people on the earth. I wish to present the 70th birthday of the Republic.

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