
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

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Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

There is a Lüliang Mountain in Shanxi, and the mountains and rivers are continuous, and the southernmost point of the mountain is Xiangning County in Linfen. Xiangning ancient name "E", located in the economic hinterland of the Golden Triangle of Jin, Shaanxi and Yu, is an important node of the Yellow River Tourism Belt. There are many stories that have happened here, and many stories are happening. Search for the source of E'e culture, understand the meaning of "neutralization", appreciate the countryside, taste the countryside, listen to the sound of the countryside, and read the nostalgia... To feel and participate in the wonderful stories that are happening, you need to go to Xiangning. I believe that the story will be more exciting if you have it.

Enjoy the countryside scenery Colorful and pleasing to the eye "township" scenery is unique

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Qingshan can't get tired of seeing, and the flowing water is interesting. Come to Xiangning to see the scenery, Yunqiu Mountain must go all the way. Xiangning's Yunqiu Mountain is known as "the most beautiful peak of Guzhi" and "the first scenic spot in Hefen", where spring trees are verdant, summer forests are green, autumn winds are dyed, winter pines are proud of snow, and they are beautiful. According to legend, this is the place where Fuxi and Nüwa bred Chinese descendants; when Yao Shunyu was in ancient times, this was also the land of Emperor Yao Wangyue; and Xihe (the mythical sun goddess) observed the heavens and earth to establish twenty-four solar terms here.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Yunqiu Mountain Scenic Area is located in Dahe Village, Guanwangmiao Township, Xiangning County, is a national aaaa-level tourist scenic spot, with a total area of 210 square kilometers and a maximum altitude of 1629 meters; it is a geographical indication of Chinese vernacular culture, one of the birthplaces of Chinese farming civilization, and also a non-genetic inheritance of Chinese culture. The magical natural landscape and rich cultural heritage have made it a Famous Taoist Mountain with the same name as Wudang Mountain, known as "South Wudang, North Cloud Hill".

Ancient village of Tarpo

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

In the historical evolution of Yunqiu Mountain, the three cultures of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism coexisted harmoniously. At the same time, Yunqiu Mountain has 11 thousand-year-old villages intact, which is a rare group of ancient villages in Jinnan Cave Kiln, among which the ancient village of Tarpo is known as the "living fossil of the thousand-year-old residential building", which has a history of more than 2500 years, and is named after Laozi Li Eryun who traveled the world to stay here. In addition, there are more than 2,700 kinds of animals and plants in Yunqiu Mountain, which is a paradise for rare animals and plant species such as brown horse chicken, a national first-class protected animal, and a second-class protected plant, such as the winged fruit oil tree.

Xiangning Jieyi Temple has a history of 435 years. Glass kissing beasts, bright colors, the temple is a well-preserved architectural complex in the ancient architecture of Xiangning.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Jieyi Temple

Xiangning Thousand Buddha Cave, the cave top is carved with flying algae wells, and the four walls of the cave are full of carved thousand Buddhas, and there are 951 existing statues.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Cave of a Thousand Buddhas

Xiangning Wenbi twin towers, two towers corresponding from east to west, proud of the clouds, blessed Xiangning. The twin towers of wenbi are located on the east and west sides of the Phoenix Ditch in Yuhuan Mountain, the south of the old county town of Xiangning, in a corresponding trend, with a straight-line distance of about 400 meters. The West Pagoda is a seven-story solid brick tower on the eight sides, covering an area of 48.3 square meters and a height of about 15 meters. Founded in the 34th year of the Ming Wanli Calendar (1606 AD), the 30th year of the Qianlong Qing Dynasty (1785 AD) was moved to this place, the tower body is adducted layer by layer, slightly parabolic, the eaves of each layer of the tower are stacked and protruding, the outer wall of the first floor is decorated with Bagua symbols, the top of the tower is pointed, and the brake is in the shape of a jewel. The east pagoda is the Jijiazhuang Feng Shui Pagoda, also an eight-sided seven-storey solid brick tower, covering an area of 16.7 square meters, with a height of 12 meters, and the octagonal tower, each side is two meters long and 2.2 meters high. The tower body is adducted from the bottom up layer by layer, the first floor of the tower body brick Bagua symbol, the eaves of each layer of the tower are stacked and protruding, and the north wall of the seven-story tower body has a small niche. The top of the tower is pointed, and the tower brake does not exist. The Twin Pagodas of Writing and Writing are built for the purpose of promoting the cultural movement and advocating the examination of science and technology, which means "the peak of the science and technology" and "the fame of the meritorious", and has more talents, and has long become a landmark building in Xiangning.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Writing twin towers

In this magical hot land, its tourism resources reach more than 450 individuals. Yunqiu Mountain, Fengling, Yellow River Grand Canyon, Gaotian Mountain, Qinwang Mountain and other famous mountains and rivers are excellent places for ecological experience, sightseeing and adventure, leisure and health, and summer cooling. Ancient Echeng And the border city ancient fortresses distributed throughout the county, the Jin Dynasty Shousheng Morning Bell, the Song Dynasty Baishan Temple, the Northern Dynasty Thousand Buddha Cave, the Sui and Tang Dynasty Wenzi Reading Cave, the Yuan Dynasty Duobao Lingyan Zen Temple, the Qing Dynasty Great Wall and other historical and cultural relics are scattered everywhere, all of which are engraved with traces of the origin and development of Chinese civilization.

Taste of the countryside Qiong brewed cuisine "hometown" taste is unique

When it comes to the taste of homesickness, you can't get around the wine. Rongzi Winery is located in the north wall of Xiangning County, which is known as the "golden area for wine grape growth", and there is also the world's largest loess cave cellar.

Taste the wine of the grapes and taste an ancient legend. More than 2,700 years ago, Rongzi, the mother of the Spring and Autumn overlord Jin Wengong, discovered the winemaking technology here, and rongzi winery got its name. Rongzi Winery currently develops a grape base of more than 5800 acres. The winery has introduced the world's advanced winemaking equipment, hired the world's top winemaking master Mr. Jean Claude Botu, and built a unique loess cave cellar in the world, which can produce 5,000 tons of medium and high-grade wines per year. The winery's imitation Song architectural complex has a unique shape, simple and elegant, lotus pond water berth, qu hall cloister, solemn and proud, constitute a distinctive wine culture sightseeing scenic spot, and become a beautiful landscape on the Loess Plateau.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Rongzi Winery

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Rongzi red wine

After tasting the grape wine, xiangning oil cake is also a must. Xiangning people love to eat oil cakes, diet every New Year, entertain relatives and friends, and celebrate and celebrate. In the southwest of Linfen, Xiangning oil cake has long been famous, its round like cake, shaped like a drum, color like copper, is made of white noodles after boiling water, wrapped in filling and fried, crispy skin and soft meat, sweet taste. "Cake" is the harmonic sound of "high", which means "step by step", and eating oil cake has become an auspicious symbol and has been passed down to this day. The annual "April 8" ancient meeting in Xiangning County has become the peak day of local oil cakes.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

During the "Oil Cake Festival", Xiangning became a world of oil cakes, a paradise of oil cakes, and an exposition of oil cakes. The streets and alleys are full of oil pots and tents, and there are as many as 100 oil cake stalls. In front of each cake stall, people are surrounded by people. The oil cake stalls are fried and sold now, often failing to meet the needs of the waiting masses. The masses who came here to catch the "oil cake meeting" often took pleasure in eating oil cakes with mustard and red oil roasted pepper noodles mixed with cold powder, and even made many funny jokes similar to "eating oil cakes and roasting the back". In the countryside, some elderly people, elderly people, and patients who are old or sick and cannot go to the city to catch up with the meeting often let people carry back a few bags of oil cakes and enjoy themselves after a full meal at home. Therefore, in Xiangning County, there are folk proverbs such as "ning poor for a year, not poor for a day" and "no money in April, a year in vain".

"Every festive season, I think of my family." The Mid-Autumn Festival is getting closer and closer, come to a piece of xiangning hollow mooncake to relieve homesickness. Xiangning hollow mooncake, originated in the Tang Dynasty, cooked oil and white noodles, wrapped in white sugar, brown sugar, sesame seeds, peanut kernels, walnut kernels, green and red silk and other mixed filling, after carving mold into shape and baked. Xiangning hollow mooncake hollow drum, stuffing wet brush, full as the moon, crisp crisp, sweet and delicious, endless aftertaste.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

What staple food to eat in Xiangning? A bowl of wonton noodles must be served. The noodles are known for their slender, fragrant noodles. The diced lamb, diced carrots, diced potatoes and diced tofu are cooked with bright red spicy seeds, which means that the day is red and hot, plus coriander and green onions, and the food is spicy and delicious.

In addition, there are also grounded and popular "jujube buns", apricot rice... "township" taste is innocent, full of fragrance.

Listening to the sound of the countryside is distinctive and full of "township" flavor

"It's really cool today, carrying a basket in your hand, a washing stick and a hammer slipping..." This is the lyrics of the Folk Song "Laundry" in Xiangning. The book is the same text, but the language is not pronounced, and the most beautiful is the rural tone. If you can learn one or two unique "Xiangning dialects" or hum two Xiangning folk songs, you can really come to Xiangning.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Influenced by the changes in the territory in history and the dialects of neighboring counties, the variety of Xiangning dialects is diverse, and there are about fifteen kinds of dialects if they are distinguished by phonetics: Chengguan, Taitou, Guanghua... Before and after the mountain, Kawakami and Kawakawa are not the same.

Rooted in the fertile soil of the Loess Plateau, bathed in the style of the Loess Plateau, Xiangning folk songs have both Jinnan style and Yellow River color, and Xiangning people sing folk songs and also sing life.

One side of the water and soil nourishes one person, and the other side of the water and soil also nourishes the folk songs of the other side. Folk songs originate from folk songs, folk songs of a place, and to some extent, are the humanistic symbols and cultural business cards of this place.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Wang Xiaopeng, a member of the Xiangning Provincial Writers Association, has his own views on folk songs in his hometown. He once wrote: Xiangning folk songs are deeply imprinted with the imprint of Xiangning's native land, and they have their own distinctive characteristics, which have both the characteristics of the folk songs of Jinnan and Sichuan, but also the characteristics of their own mountain songs; they have the characteristics of Shanxi folk songs and are also influenced by Shaanxi folk songs; they reflect more of the life of agricultural civilization and are influenced by nomads.

The western part of Xiangning is across the river from Shaanxi, so it is more influenced by Shaanxi folk songs, just like the "sun in June, the wind in the waxing moon" that sings love, and the folk songs here are a little more popular than other folk songs in Xiangning. The southern part of Xiangning is connected with Hejin, Jishan, Xindi and other places, and the folk song style is also deeply influenced by it, such as "Walking Daizhou", "Branding Oil Buns", "Selling Dumplings", although it does not lose the characteristics of mountain songs, but also has more melodious tunes, plus its mountains are densely forested, life is not easy, people are eager for happiness, eager to go out of the mountains, folk songs will have more pride. The folk songs in the central part of Xiangning mainly refer to the county town and its surroundings, and its folk songs are a little more euphemistic and delicate, and "Laundry" can be said to be its representative work. Xiangning City is located in the north of Ji County, and its ancient Rongdi settlement, such as "Maozi Brother", although it is already a later work, there is still no lack of nomadic rugged atmosphere. The eastern part of Xiangning is the place where the folk songs of the county flourish, because of the close distance between yaodu and Jindu in ancient times, and the influence of Yao culture and Jin culture, folk songs are not only widely circulated, but also have a wide range of themes, high cultural content, melodious and gentle tunes, and subtle and gentle emotions. His masterpiece "Picking Peppercorns" works and sings at the same time, which has the legacy of ancient poetry; "Pair of Flowers" is elegant and beautiful; and "The Silversmith" is a little more ridiculous and cunning.

Folk songs are a true reflection of the lives and emotions of the people, and are living fossils left by the ancient ancestors to future generations. It seems to be an endless casual chant, but it has an irreplaceable role in enriching the cultural life of the masses and promoting people's physical and mental health.

Xiangning has a vast area, and the customs of various places are very different, which are reflected in folk songs, and the southeast, southwest, and northwest have their own characteristics, so the folk songs of Xiangning are rich and colorful, and they are a wonderful flower to be proud of in the treasure house of Chinese national literature and art.

Nostalgia The "hometown" sentiment of Eshan and Eshui is still the same

Xiangning ancient name "E" sound é, there are Eshan, Ehe (water), historically there are Ehou, the ancient city is called Ehou Gulei, Xiangning people are also known as Eren. "History of Suoyin": "The early Jin Dynasty was sealed in the Tang Dynasty, so it was called the Jin Tang Uncle Yu Ye." And after Tang Benyao, he was sealed in Xia Ruins, and all of them were in Yu'e. The first sentence of the section on the history of Xiangning in the Tongzhi of Shanxi is: "Ancient Xiadi." At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, Uncle Tang first sealed here. To this day, Xiangning is still called "Xia Ruins" and "Ancient Xiadi" by historians, which is the reason why the Xia Dynasty called it "Xia".

Once upon a time, a group of E-people went out, went to the east, west, south, and north, spreading with their own civilization and becoming the original force that promoted the development of the Chinese nation. Together with the achievements of the ancestors, the "E" gradually disappeared in the process of great national integration.

Riding on the legacy of their ancestors, today's Xiangning people have completely preserved the tradition of "Zhonghe Festival" with a history of more than 1200 years, and perhaps only Xiangning people know the true meaning of "Neutralization" best.

Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi
Linfen Travel Guide's Hometown Ning: "Township" in the Golden Autumn Season about Eyi

Cloud Hill Mountain Neutralization Festival

Every year in the second month of the lunar calendar, tens of thousands of people from all directions spontaneously go to Yunqiu Mountain to worship the mountain. In 2011, yunqiu mountain zhonghe festival was officially listed as a national intangible cultural heritage.

More than a thousand years ago, the national historical festival Zhonghe Festival was a festival set by Tang Dezong Li Shiqin, and only Yunqiu Mountain is still passed down in the country. Every year on the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth months of the second month of the lunar calendar, tens of thousands of people from Jin, Shaanxi, And Yu and other places spontaneously gather on Yunqiu Mountain, raise flags, beat waist drums, sing songs, and drive the building, and go to the Five Dragon Palace, the Eight Treasures Palace, and various temples to watch the god race, praying for smooth wind and rain and abundant grain. Young men and women hold whips, flower baskets, worship the pagoda, make pilgrimages, touch dolls, eat jujube flowers, seek a happy marriage, and reproduce. People's every move reflects the profound humanistic connotation of China and Culture.

According to the excavation and research of experts and scholars, the Yunqiu Mountain Neutral festival of "taking the middle as the heart and using harmony" is the origin, essence and soul of traditional Chinese culture and an important embodiment of the humanistic spirit of the Chinese nation, and its three elements are: fertility worship is the root of China and culture, the unity of heaven and man is the soul of Chinese culture, and harmonious development is the light of culture; the four prayers are: pray for the wind and rain to be smooth, and the grain is abundant; pray for the protection of the gods, the peace of the country and the people; pray for a beautiful marriage, a good marriage; pray for the descendants to be long, and there will be people after them.

The idea of "neutralization" is one of the core spirits of traditional Chinese culture, and its neutralization of "Zhongzheng", "Moderation", "Appropriateness" and "Harmony" is the fundamental principle and ideal goal of the Chinese nation to correctly handle the ethical relationship between man and nature, man and himself, and between people. China and culture have a profound ideological foundation and a long historical origin, containing the world outlook and philosophical outlook of "the unity of heaven and man", "heaven and earth and man" and others living in harmony with nature, which have an important position and far-reaching influence in the history of Chinese thought.

In the golden autumn season, the "township" is about E'yi

With its long history, rich and splendid connotations, and distinct and unique style, it has bred the unique famous mountains and rivers of Xiangning and the customs and customs of different localities. This year, on the occasion of the tourism development conference, Xiangning vigorously carried out the "Year of Global Tourism Promotion" activities, accelerated the construction of strategic pillar industries by creating tourism models, promoting integrated development and optimizing the tourism environment, and strived to cultivate global tourism into a new engine to promote economic transformation and upgrading.

Golden Autumn Festival, "Township" about Eyi.

Source: Linfen Daily