
The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

author:Fu Fat Movie
The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

God knows how many weird movies I've watched.

"The Giant Diamond Storm", also known as "Crocodile Head Black Star", was released in 1978. Directed by Li Zuonan, starring Jim Kelly, Tan Daoliang and Chen Xing, the martial arts director is Liang Xiaolong.

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly
The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

Dragon Fight Tiger Fight

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

"50 Bad Movies in Film History"

The overseas version of the film was advertised as Black Belt Jones 2. Apparently, Jimmy Kelly is seen as the real male number one. He won the MiddleWeight Championship in the International Karate Competition in 1971, became famous in 1973 for starring in Bruce Lee's "Dragon Fight Tiger Fight", and has since made a large number of kung fu films. Although he prides himself on being the first black martial artist to become a star, the films he starred in are widely regarded as "blaxploitation." His masterpiece , Black Belt Jones , was ranked 38th in the 2004 documentary Film History '50 Worst Films" ( .

blaxploitation : noun [u] Black exploitation (especially when the image of black people is stylized and detached from reality in film) the use of black people in films/movies, especially in a way which shows them in fixed ways that are different from real life - Oxford Dictionary
The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

Jimmy Kelly

In addition to his karate and film achievements, Jimmy Kelly is also a professional tennis player. He died on 29 June 2013 at the age of 67.

As the name suggests, the story revolves around a valuable diamond. The kind-hearted Dong Hao (Tam Do-leung) remembers his old love and is unable to extricate himself from the theft syndicate led by Boss Luk (Chen Xing), on the other hand, due to the theft of diamonds, the insurance company sends former CIA agent Lucas (Jimmy Kelly) to Hong Kong to investigate the matter.

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

Tao-Liang Tan and Jimmy Kelly

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

Chen Xing, Jiang Dao, Yang Si, Tan Daoliang

This film is a typical double male model, and it is also a rare fashion film of Tan Daoliang. Tan Daoliang, Chen Xing, Yang Si, Jiang Dao, and the four major Hong Kong-produced B-grade film kings gathered together to add a lot of color to this film. Master Tan stole the limelight of male No. 1 Jimmy with his usual stretching and powerful leg technique. Jimmy clings to the aura of the protagonist, blindly pretending to be cool and clumsily imitating Bruce Lee. A dispute with martial arts instructor Leung Xiaolong forced Jimmy's plans to shoot more Hong Kong films to be terminated, and he had to return to the United States (supposedly banned by the Hong Kong film industry).

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

"Fat Dragon Across the River", Li Haisheng

In the same year's kung fu film "Fat Dragon Crossing the River", a black martial artist appeared, played by Li Haisheng smearing his face. This role appears to be a prank of Jimmy by Hong Jinbao and Ni Kuang (another story is that the character originally belonged to Jimmy, who was temporarily replaced due to his hasty departure). It is worth mentioning that Li Haisheng also made a cameo appearance in this "Giant Diamond Storm".

Either way, Jimmy didn't go any further in a Hong Kong kung fu film. He lost the opportunity to work with famous directors Liu Jialiang, Hong Jinbao, Yuan Heping, which is not a loss for the audience.

Tan Daoliang has collaborated with director Li Zuonan many times, including the previous "South Fist and North Leg Living Yama King", "Dragon Fist Snake Hand Fighting Spider" and later "North and South Leg King". It is said that Li Zuonan should be well aware of Tan Daoliang's advantages, but this time under the intervention of overseas capital, he not only has a bias in the action scenes, but also adds a lot of unnecessary nudity scenes, which is really detrimental to the image of Master Tan.

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

Chen Xing, Li Haiji, Li Zuonan

Misaki name from Japan and another supporting actress, Zheng Shuying, both have benefits to offer.

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

Front: Liang Xiaolong, Liang Xiaoxiong

In "The Giant Diamond Storm", Jimmy has fought with Tan Daoliang, Chen Xing, JiangDao, Yang Si and others, all of whom have the upper hand. At the end of the film, Tan Daoliang fought Chen Xing and still wanted him to finish. To be fair, the movements designed by Liang Xiaolong are still very exciting.

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

Huang Yifei made a cameo

In addition to the series of intense action scenes, the soundtrack of this movie is also very emotional (Chen Xunqi), and the song "Little Li Flying Knife" has appeared many times. In addition, in addition to Li Haisheng, Liang Xiaoxiong (Liang Xiaolong's younger brother), Huang Yifei, and Cen Qianbo also made cameo appearances in this movie. With all due respect, Huang Yifei is really ugly like a ghost.

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly


Every movie has its own story. via@ Fu Fat Movie

The Diamond is a fashion kung fu film by Tan Daoliang in collaboration with black martial artist Jimmy Kelly

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