
The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

author:Dusty said classic

The beginning of "The Great Gatsby" is amazing.

When I was young and inexperienced, my father taught me a sentence that I still remember. "Whenever you want to criticize anyone," he said to me, "you remember that not everyone in this world has the advantages that you have."

This is not only about Nick coming from a privileged background, but also about having a compassionate insight into life. In the world, too many people are accustomed to judging others and ignoring the real plight of others.

I am not preaching the judgment logic of "he is weak and he is justified", but I am saying that when we judge others, we must not forget that too many sad people in the world have pity.

Most movies promote Balzacian optimism, where humanity "will crush all obstacles," but real life is Kafka-esque pessimism, "all obstacles will crush me."

Matsuko's life is a life shattered by obstacles.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

After her death, Matsuko's brother said she had spent a boring life.

Aaron says that pine nuts are his salvation.

Xiao Wei said that Matsuko was a girlfriend she didn't want to give up.

Ah Sheng said that pine nuts are admirable.

The same pine nuts, the evaluation is different.

I would like to say that Matsuko's life was a life shattered by the patriarchal society.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

When she was a child, in order to please her father, she went to the school that her father liked and made a funny expression that his father loved to laugh.

After becoming a teacher, she had to deal with a theft case. Matsuko desperately protects her students and takes the blame herself, and in the end she loses her job and her love withers.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

Since then, her life has begun to bloom in the mode of rotten peach blossoms.

The writer's boyfriend, grumpy and irresponsible, commits suicide.

Being someone else's mistress, being played with feelings without knowing it.

Unable to bear on Onodera's betrayal, he kills his boyfriend.

On the way to escape, he met a barber who thought he could live an ordinary and stable life, and was sentenced to eight years in prison.

After Matsuko was released from prison, she looked for a barber and found that the other party had turned on the hot kangtou mode of his wife and children.

By chance, Matsuko meets his student, Yūichi Ryu, who is unable to bear Matsuko's love and eventually abandons Matsuko.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

A period of fruitless love crushes the pine nuts who are already old and fading. Finally, one day, Matsuko accepts her girlfriend's advice and decides to cheer up again, but is killed by the little hooligan.

A man of many disasters and hardships eventually fell.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

Her life was destroyed by her original family, and it was also a life destroyed by scumbags, and in the final analysis, she was killed by the patriarchal society.

Her original family created her strong, paranoid character.

In Matsuko's original family, there is a cold and eccentric father. When she saw her father give all his love to his disabled sister, she desperately wanted to get his father's attention and care.

The lack of maternal love exacerbates her deliberate courtship of her father, which sows the seeds of Matsuko's tragic life.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

Because of the lack of love, when she saw a man slightly overbearing, she fought hard.

She loves every man who appears in her life very hard, but she always draws water from the bamboo basket. When youth and beauty and money are gone, she finally gives up on herself. Even if you start all over again, you are still tricked by fate.

At first glance, the root of this misfortune is because she has a father who doesn't show love, a scumbag who only writes "News of no pine nuts today" in his diary. In fact, behind the tragedy of Matsuko, the lack of a mother who has no right to speak is also to blame.

In her original family, which followed the values of male superiority over female inferiority, Matsuko did not consider herself to be an individual worthy of love. In order to get love, she does not hesitate to learn clowns and make funny expressions to please her father.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

Matsuko has never been able to recognize that she is an independent individual who deserves to be respected.

Therefore, in front of men, she does not know how to distinguish between right and wrong, in the face of male violence and insults, she will only endure tolerance, never reflect, being insulted and hurt should not be her fate.

Matsuko finally dies under the stick of the little bastard, which is not an accidental setting that facilitates the end of the plot.

The little gangster uses violence to fight back against Matsuko's teachings, that is, male power brings children an unconscious sense of superiority. They don't accept women's admonitions that they don't return home late at night.

Matsuko's goodness was unleashed by the boys.

She eventually died in the malice of patriarchal culture.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

"The Life of the Abandoned Pine Nuts" has a great setting, that is, the film constantly changes the narrative perspective and looks back on the life of the pine nuts.

These retrospectives are not autobiographical and lose the perspective of "me".

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

As the deceased, Matsuko cannot be the first narrator, but is presented through the perspective of relatives, lovers, friends, etc.

Whether these people's retrospectives are the real life of Matsuko, we don't know.

This narrative perspective that lacks "me" also echoes Matsuko's life as a life without self. She can't look back on her life, she can't explain her life, her life is a life imposed on her by others and society.

Ah Sheng highly praised pine nuts:

"I don't know anything about God, and I haven't thought about it. However, if there is a God in this world, like an aunt, let people laugh, make people cheer up, love others, but they are always scarred, so lonely, completely unable to keep up with the trend, stupid to the bottom, if God is like an aunt I am willing to believe in Him. ”
The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

I believe in his sincerity.

Because through Matsuko's life, he seems to wake up to the fact that if he maintains the rhythm of his current life, he will also copy Matsuko's life.

At the beginning of the film, a lot of details are used to prove the fall of Ah Sheng.

I haven't seen my father for two years, I came to the big city to pursue my musical dreams, the guitar is dusted, and the dream has long been asleep.

Strained with his family and looking for joy in love action movies, he and the fallen Matsuko are so similar to Nair.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

As for whether he can find the direction of life, we do not know.

But I know that Matsuko's story will be over, and her tragedy will still be repeated.

As long as the soil for discrimination against women exists, such a tragedy will not be played and will not be finished.

The Life of the Rejected Matsuko: Born to be human, I am sorry

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