
Golf course employees suspected that they were drowning for a club, and the deceased could swim

author:China Youth Network

Yesterday, an internal letter suspected of being written to members by Shanghai International Automobile City Yingyi Golf Club Co., Ltd. was exposed.

The text states that on August 18, an "excellent and enthusiastic employee of the company accidentally drowned in a drowning accident while actively helping guests to go into the water to pick up clubs." Although everyone organized rescue at the first time, and after repeated rescue by medical personnel, "his life could not be saved."

Golf course employees suspected that they were drowning for a club, and the deceased could swim

At noon today, a thoughtful reporter came to the club, and the security personnel confirmed to the reporter that the employee drowning was indeed a problem, and the club "has now taken protective measures and does not let people get close to the surrounding area." When the reporter tried to go to the scene of the incident to see the security measures taken by the company after the incident, he was obstructed by the relevant workers of the club's "departure station". The reporter left contact information at the club, and at the time of writing, the club had not yet contacted the reporter.

Golf course employees suspected that they were drowning for a club, and the deceased could swim

One club kills one life

People familiar with the matter claimed that the drowning accident occurred at about 12:00 noon on August 18, and guest Du accidentally threw the No. 1 wooden pole into the water when testing the swing, because the No. 1 wooden pole was relatively light, drifting farther and farther in the water, and almost floated to the middle of the water surface. The caddy on the spot used the walkie-talkie to call the "departure station" and find someone to catch the club.

Because Zhang can swim, he has also helped guests fish for a club before, and the relevant staff went to the garage to find Zhang Mou, who is nearly 40 years old.

Golf course employees suspected that they were drowning for a club, and the deceased could swim

However, this time, when Zhang went into the water to swim near the club, he suddenly sank down and began to struggle. There were two guests and two caddies, as well as another garage manager. After the people at the scene saw the situation, they quickly called the "departure station" to look for people who could swim.

A few minutes later, when the rescue personnel rushed to the scene, Zhang had completely sunk to the bottom. Four male caddies who can swim go into the water and salvage Zhang together. Because the distance from the "departure station" to The Eighth Cave, where the incident occurred, there are two holes, and the person familiar with the matter said that even if you drive past, it will take about five minutes. And for drowning people, this is golden time, because people drown for about 5 minutes, they will die.

The club's "letter to club members" reads: "The first time the incident occurred, the company's management personnel and emergency response team immediately started, the first time to organize employees to carry out rescue at the site of the incident, until the hospital emergency personnel arrived at the scene, the first aid to the drowning employees has not stopped." ”

Golf course employees suspected that they were drowning for a club, and the deceased could swim

People familiar with the matter said that after Zhang was fished out of the water, he has been doing various first aid measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration. After the 120 ambulance came, it also rescued the river for a long time, but there was still no response.

The company said in the letter: "After the accident, the company's management personnel accompanied the family members throughout the process and cooperated with the police arrangements with a heavy heart, and actively handled the aftermath. ”

A member of the club told reporters that the pond where the accident occurred was not very large, almost the same as the school's pitch area, but the water was still relatively deep. People familiar with the matter also said that the water surface is relatively regular, about 50 meters wide, and the deepest point is about 5 meters. On the pitch, the surface of the water, like a small hill, is used to create obstacles. Moreover, the stadium resembles a lot of water surfaces.

In the relevant introduction materials, the reporter learned that the club covers an area of 1800 acres, because it is located next to the Wusong River, the layout of the entire stadium makes full use of water resources.

Golf course employees suspected that they were drowning for a club, and the deceased could swim

Three Questions Yingyi Golf Club:

◎ A question: Why would the club let a garage manager go into the water to catch clubs? Doesn't the club have professional staff?

People familiar with the matter said that the drowning Zhang Mou was originally working in the garage, but because he could swim, he also went into the water to help guests fish for clubs in March and April this year, so this time, the "departure station" people first thought of him.

Then, a garage manager, without any skills and qualifications, without any protection measures, will be found at any time to do the salvage work. Didn't the golf course have professional staff?

◎Second question: Deep water is a special operation, why does the club allow employees to go into the water without authorization?

Since the water depth reaches four or five meters, there are no boats or rubber rafts, etc., if you go into the water without authorization, even if you can swim, your life will be in danger. Why didn't the club expect it? After Zhang Mou went into the water for the first time to help guests catch clubs, why did the club not take precautions?

◎ Three questions: Is there a design defect in the stadium? Why can't guests play a little farther from the pond?

Guest Du lost his hand, and the first pole flew off the pond, which showed that the pond was close to the guest's safe activity area. With such a deep water depth, does the club take into account the personal safety of its guests?

Golf course employees suspected that they were drowning for a club, and the deceased could swim