
Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

by Orange Flavor 825 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】

8 crystal fish

Salt to taste

1 teaspoon ground pepper

Cumin powder 1 teaspoon

Onion ginger to taste

1 scoop of cooking wine

1 scoop of light soy sauce

Cooking oil to taste

BBQ sauce to taste

White sesame seeds to taste

Cumin granules to taste

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

1, the crystal fish internal organs take out, clean, in the fish body on both sides of the two sides of the knife respectively, convenient into the taste, do not scratch too deep, otherwise it is easy to break when grilling

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

2: Add shallots and ginger slices

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

3. Pepper

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

4. Raw soy sauce

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

5. Salt

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

6. Cumin powder

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

7: Stir well and marinate for 30 minutes

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

8: Preheat the steak machine, brush a layer of cooking oil, add the marinated fish and cover with a lid

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

9: Fry until golden brown on both sides

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

10, brush on the barbecue sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds and cumin grains, then turn over, then brush the barbecue sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds and cumin grains, and then turn the noodles to heat up to get out of the pot

Homemade grilled fish to be prepared

11. Finished product drawing


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