
Walking into the countryside to see the well-off | an asphalt road to drive a party to be rich

author:Hebei News Network

A paved road leads to a rich party

——The transformation of villages along the Tourist Road of Luquan District, Shijiazhuang City

Walking into the countryside to see the well-off | an asphalt road to drive a party to be rich

Aerial photo of Luquan District of Shijiazhuang City surrounding the Town of Tumenguan Yidao along the Tourist Sightseeing Road of Calf Village. Tumen Guanyi Road Town courtesy of the picture

In recent years, Luquan District has actively practiced the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", relying on geographical location advantages and the development planning of surrounding villages, built a tourist road around the Calf Village, opened a bus line, and created a "one village, one product" demonstration village and town through the business idea of "modern agriculture + tourism industry"...

On the evening of August 20, the breeze was gentle, and the town of Tumenguan Yidao was full of incense.

In the streets and alleys of green bricks and gray tiles, the shouts of selling are one after another, and tourists are lined up in front of various snack shops.

"Wait for me for two minutes, and the last pot of indigo candy will come out of the pot immediately." In front of the famous Shaanxi candy shop at the entrance, the owner Of the shop, Zhang Shuxin, spoke an authentic Luquan dialect and greeted the reporter with a smile.

"It's cool, there are many guests, no, I made another pot!" Looking back, she grabbed a honey candy from the basket and insisted that the reporter taste it.

Soft and crispy on the inside, sweet and delicious, it's no wonder there are long queues in front of her shop.

From learning crafts from Shaanxi masters to later opening his own independent shop, Zhang Shuxin of Xihushen Village in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang City, has been operating in Tumenguan Yidao Town for nearly 4 years. Two door facing rooms, not big in size but good business. Every holiday, the daily turnover will always exceed 1,000 yuan, and at most it can sell for more than 4,000 yuan.

To be able to sell for a good price, not only to taste good, but also to see the flow of people in the town.

Why do city people come here? Zhang Shuxin snapped his fingers and said happily: "The road in front of the door is called Huanhu Road." In addition to more than 120 special foods from all over the country in our town, there are also baolizhai scenic spots on this road, characteristic homestays in shiyao town under the shore, toon in Gujiayu, and pomegranates in Xixuezhuang... Walking around this road, you can eat, you can play, you can pick, every season is worth the trip, do you say people are willing to come? ”

The Huanhu Road in Zhang Shuxin's mouth is the 16-kilometer-long Huanhu Calf Village Tourist Road, passing through the two townships of Bailuquan and Shijing, and stringing together 11 villages along the way.

Although Luquan has achieved "village and village communication" in the early years, the density of the road network is insufficient, and it surrounds the surrounding villages of the Baolizhai Scenic Area, staring at the tourists in the Baolizhai Scenic Area, but there is no way to really leave the tourists.

In recent years, Luquan District has actively practiced the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", relying on geographical location advantages and the development planning of surrounding villages, built a tourist road around the calf village, opened a bus line, and created a "one village, one product" demonstration village and town through the business idea of "modern agriculture + tourism industry", and the villages along the line have developed organic vegetable greenhouses, leisure picking orchards, toon deep processing and other characteristic industries in combination with reality.

Since the asphalt road was built, more and more guests have come to visit the villages along the route every day.

Looking at the waves of tourists who came to pick apples on the mountain field, Han Xinchao, a villager in Xihushen Village, always felt like a dream.

"On the other side of the mountain is the calf village, but the villagers have been living a poor life." After the construction of the surrounding road, it attracted the Shijiazhuang Xiangdang Agricultural Science and Technology Company, and the land in the mountain field was transferred to develop forest fruit planting, and the days of the people were getting more and more delicious! From an ordinary farmer to the leader of the park management technology team, Han Xinchao talked about the 200,000 fruit trees in the park, and his eyes shone with light, "Every tree is a cash cow for our people."

Today, the park has transferred more than 5,000 acres of land from more than 240 villagers in the surrounding four villages, and the number of farmers working in the park like Han Xinchao can reach 300 at most. "My family's 6 acres of land are transferred to the company with an annual income of 7200 yuan, and my wife and I can earn more than 4,000 yuan a month working in the park, and there are more than 50,000 yuan in the account every year, and the small days can be rich." Speaking of income, Han Xinchao grinned and blossomed.

Along the Huanhu Road all the way to the north, the Stone Kiln Town Homestay in The Village of Shijing Township also makes the people in the city linger.

Liu Yuxia, a 34-year-old villager, serves as a homestay housekeeper in Shiyao Town and is also a witness to the great changes in the village. "Some people say that the stone kiln town brought fire to the shore village, but I think it was the surrounding road that brought the fire to the town." Liu Yuxia, who was carrying a large string of keys, said excitedly.

As Liu Yuxia said, in the past two years, Kishita Village has changed a lot, the villagers' awareness of "managing beauty" has become stronger and stronger, not only the streets and alleys have become more and more tidy, but every household has also cleaned up its own courtyard with special delicacy.

Driven by the stone kiln town, many villagers have built characteristic homestays in their own courtyards, and villagers have developed characteristic breeding, and the entire small mountain village is full of vitality. Pointing to the stall selling stupid eggs in the distance, Liu Yuxia smiled and said: "My mother-in-law has more than 50 chickens, and the eggs that the family can't eat, she will take them here every three to five to sell pocket money!" ”

Nowadays, from Tumenguan Yidao Town to The Stone Kiln Town under the shore, the characteristic agricultural planting bases along the way are colorful, and various new tourism formats are becoming more and more abundant. Between the traffic and traffic, the tourist road around the calf village has strung together a green economic "necklace" that shines with hope for rural revitalization. (Hebei Daily reporter Dong Chang)

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