
There are two babies at home, saying that they will fight, and it is also very warm after playing and hugging

author:Burberry Parenting Comics

In "Longing for Life", Huang Lei once said that the family has two or three children, so that it is lively! It's like a home!

No, if there has always been only one child in the family, it does not seem to be lonely, but if there have always been two children in the family, and suddenly only one child is at home, it is inevitable that it will seem particularly lonely and lonely. The two children have a companion together, although there are fights and fights, but they also love each other. Today we will take a look at the clip of two treasures loving and killing each other at home!

There are two babies at home, saying that they will fight, and it is also very warm after playing and hugging

If the age difference between the two babies is not much, it is easier to play together, and of course, it is easier to fight. We can't blindly call the big one and let the small one, this big one is still a child.

@Sheep: There are two monks in my family, sometimes I only take the big monk out when I go out alone, and the big monk will deliberately say to the little monk before going out: "Brother, brother is going to go out to play!" You don't have to go! Originally, the little monk was there to play with his father, and when he heard his brother say this, he began to cry, and his brother was even happier when he saw it. But every time before going out to go home, the brother will remember to bring some good food and fun home for the younger brother, and the two people are tired and twisted together.

@ Sisi: On the contrary in my family, I take my brother out, and my brother will say to my brother: "Brother, you can't go out if you want to write your homework, I can!" "I'm mad at my brother!" The younger brother has no heart and no lungs when he plays outside, and he will not bring anything delicious for his brother when he comes back.

There are two babies at home, saying that they will fight, and it is also very warm after playing and hugging

The above are all relatively gentle versions, when the child is older and has a certain degree of aggression, it is really a problem that can be solved by hand.

@ Yingbao mother: My family has a lot of toys, but the brothers like to grab a toy, the younger brother can't grab the brother will use the palm of his hand to hit the brother's head and body very hard, cry while playing, and come to the mother to complain after crying. The older brother watched his brother fight, and occasionally he would fight back, as long as he fought back, the younger brother cried more fiercely, just like the out-of-control little lion, seeing who bit whom. But if one of the two brothers is bullied outside, the two brothers will join hands to "beat" the children outside. Maybe it really responded to the sentence "My own brother, only I can fight." ”

Compared to brothers killing each other more than loving each other, sisters are more in love than killing each other.

@ Yiran: Sometimes when I see what Xiaobao did wrong, I will criticize it severely, and Dabao will come out to protect Xiaobao and say: "Sister, let's go, ignore mom!" "Maybe I'm the one who picked it up!" But sometimes, the two sisters will fight each other because of food and play, but the fight will not last more than 30 seconds, because the sister can't beat the sister, and she will cry and leave the scene. It may be a girl, generally not heavy, that is, you push me, I push you, spanking or back.

There are two babies at home, saying that they will fight, and it is also very warm after playing and hugging

@ It rains: There was a time when my sister was at home on vacation, and the two sisters were together day and night, quarreling with chickens and dogs, and they began to grab things and fight when they didn't agree. So one night I slept separately between the two sisters. As soon as they separated, the two sisters stopped doing it, crying and crying, asking for their sister to have a sister. My sister cried and said to me, "Mom, I want to sleep with my sister, we are two sisters!" "I feel like a sinner!"

In addition, there are two brothers and sisters, and the two sisters and brothers love and kill each other. I once heard a friend of mine say that she is still used to yelling at her brother when she is an adult, and my brother has gone from beating people roughly when he was a child to losing his professional sister a hundred years when he grows up, and now their mode of getting along is to blacken each other.

But no matter what, it is better to have someone accompany you to love and kill each other than to talk alone, with your left hand and right hand! What's the funny thing about your two babies falling in love and killing each other?
