
A brief biography of the Manchu Qing dynasty minister Su Shun, and the deeds of Su Shun's characters

author:Interesting history

Early experience

Sushun was born on the eighth day of the first month of October in the twenty-first year of Jiaqing (1816), the seventh grandson of Zilharang the Prince of Zhengxian, and the son of Urgong Azi of Zhengshen. Ur Gong'a has one Concubine Fujin, two Side Fujin, and five Shu Fujin, and has eight sons, Sushun is the sixth oldest, and the third brother Isuan. Whether Sushun and Duanhua were the same mother, the historical records are different, some think that it is half-brother, and some think that it is the same father and mother. The "Genealogy of Ai Xin Jue Luo" also records that Su Shun's mother was the Side Fu Jin Hu Jia Clan (the daughter of yugui of the Military Guard School). It seems to be the same person as Duanhua's mother, Fu Jin Hu Jia. There are similar records in other history books, such as "Duanhua and his mother and brother Sushun". In fact, Sushun's mother was a Hui daughter, and said that "his father lured her back to buy a daughter, and heard about Jiang Ning Zheng's acceptance of the Ministry, and the one who turned the news to su in the mansion." Insushun was a direct descendant of Nurhaci's father, Xianzu Tak, and became a descendant of the clan, but "the son born of the concubine was an idle clan" and was not knighted. In the twelfth year of Daoguang (1832), after SuShun left the palace as an adult, he lived in the West Fourth Arch Building Split Chai Hutong (later renamed Peicai Hutong), with a thin family foundation. In his early years, Su Shun served in the Guard Department for a long time. In December of the sixteenth year of Daoguang (1836), The Third Rank Auxiliary General of the Imperial Household, the Minister of The Order of the Guards, the Second Pin Officer, the Food Three Pin Dai, "carried out the pro-army for guidance, and the Great Parade was guarded according to the team". In February of the twenty-fourth year of Daoguang (1842), Sushun sent the Qianqingmen to walk. In March of the twenty-eighth year of Daoguang (1848), he signed a change of public opinion envoy, "holding the book of public opinion and ordering the halogen, and distinguishing its name and its train." Where there are sacrifices, pilgrimages, time patrols, and great parades, the commanders offer their offerings. "In February of the twenty-ninth year of Daoguang (1849), he was entrusted with the honor of Yuan Qing, who managed the gardens and gardens, and was zheng sanpin.

A brief biography of the Manchu Qing dynasty minister Su Shun, and the deeds of Su Shun's characters


The Xianfeng Emperor ascended the throne, was promoted to cabinet scholar, and concurrently served as deputy capital commander, commander of the protective army, and envoy of Luan Yi. [4] In the first month of the third year of Xianfeng, Su Shun was awarded the deputy capital of the Yellow Banner of Mongolia, the acting envoy of Mi Yu in February, and the acting of the Red Flag Protector of the Imperial Army in September. In the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), he was appointed as a former imperial bodyguard and a waiter in the Relocation Department, and subsequently served in the Ceremonial Department and the Household Department. In the following months, he was promoted in succession, and in April he was appointed as the deputy governor of Manchuria under the red flag, the right shilang of the Ministry of Works, the wing commander of the training troops in June, the deputy governor of Manchuria under the blue flag in leap July, the left squire of the ministry in October, and the acting commander of the white flag escort army in December. In February of the fifth year of Xianfeng (1855), he managed the affairs of the Guide Office, that is, the presidential minister, and made various preparations for the emperor's tour, "knowing the path, detailing the place names, passing bridges, leveling dangers and obstacles, and calculating the distance and distance of the journey". It was also given left-wing supervision. In April, he was appointed commander of the Forward Battalion, Zheng Erpin, in charge of the "Police Guard". Soon after the defeat of the Northern Expedition of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Sushun was ordered to organize a patrol in May, and in September he was appointed to manage the chief of the Blue Banner, in November he was transferred to the left shilang of the household department and in charge of the affairs of the Three Treasuries, and in December he was transferred to the deputy capital of Manchuria under the White Banner. In the seventh year of Xianfeng (1857), Sushun was promoted to the position of Zuo Du Yushi (左都御史), and still held the position of capital commander. In the face of the decline of the Qing Dynasty, Sushun saw clearly that only the Han people could save this defeat, revealing the political sensitivity of "everyone sleeps and wakes up alone". SuShun believed that it was necessary to reuse capable Han bureaucrats in order to survive the difficulties. Zeng Guofan, Hu Linyi, and others formed their own regiments to train, and then formed a new private armed force to raise their own armies to feed more than 100,000 troops, so Sushun "often folded zeng Wenzheng's knowledge and Hu Wenzhong's talent." Of course, the decentralization of Han bureaucrats with local real power may lead to the decline of centralized power, but if Zeng Guofan and others do not grasp local real power, not only will the Xiang army be like a moth to the fire, killing itself, but the Qing Dynasty will also be unable to escape death. Su Shun "chose the lesser of two evils", determined to reuse Han Shi and secretly assist Zeng Gong. In particular, after Xianfeng was executed in February of the ninth year of the Xianfeng Dynasty by means of the PengwuKechang case, Sushun tried his best to let go of the use of the Han people. In July of the same year, Su Shun conferred the red flag on the han army, in August he was promoted to the Shangshu of the Imperial Household, in September he was transferred to the Ministry of Ceremonies to manage the affairs of the Imperial Household, in October he was given the great examination to translate the Han Zhan Reading Minister, and in December he was transferred to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Households. In the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), Shangshu of the Ministry of Ceremonies was still in charge of the affairs of the Yuan, and then transferred back to the Ministry of Households. In October, he was the minister of trial supervision and shooting in Wuxiang, and in December, he transferred the Shangshu of the Ministry of Households. In September of the ninth year of Xianfeng, he served as an examiner for the township examination, and in October he served as the minister of the ditch and river, and learned to walk on the imperial chancellor. In the first month of the Xianfeng Decade (1860), he was appointed as a former minister of the imperial court, and was directly spoken through the feast, and the former minister of the imperial court was mainly responsible for informing the emperor of the number and rank of the ministers to be summoned. "The former minister of the imperial court, the most respected of the system, Chinese called 'Ghoshon State'. Those who are not princes with heavy expectations can rarely do this. In March, Su Shunchong led the minister of the interior of the guards, and in May he was appointed as the minister in charge of the interior ministry, "The government decrees and the rule of the palace ban on the three banners are in charge of all the affairs of the officials, households, ceremonies, soldiers, punishments, and work of the government." In October, the Yellow Banner was awarded to the Han army. In August of the Xianfeng Decade (1860), the Anglo-French coalition army attacked Beijing, and after the Xianfeng Emperor fled north to Rehe, Sushun co-founded the university scholar with Hubu Shangshu and took charge of the internal minister of the guard. In December, he was awarded the Associate University Fellowship. On July 16, 1861, before the death of The Xianfeng Emperor, the xianfeng emperor sushun and eight ministers such as Zaiyuan and Duanhua were also "ministers of the government of Zanxiang", assisting the young emperor Zaichun, who was powerful and prosperous.

A brief biography of the Manchu Qing dynasty minister Su Shun, and the deeds of Su Shun's characters

Danger to death

In the tenth year of Xianfeng (1860), the British and French allies invaded the Beijing Division, sushun followed the Xianfeng Emperor "Northern Hunting", in Rehe, the Xianfeng Emperor trusted Sushun even more, "Emperor Wenzong liked Sushun the most, and his words were endless", and Sushun's political status was rising day by day. He was appointed as the former minister of the Imperial Household and the Minister of internal affairs, and was co-organized by Shoshu Tobe, and the minister of the interior of the ministry was appointed to supervise all affairs. After the Xianfeng Emperor arrived at Rehe, the chancellor of the Jingshi repeatedly asked the Xianfeng Emperor to return to the Mijing Division. Su Shun believes that "the enemy situation is a huge test." "It is not advisable to return to Beijing." When the capital began to rumor that the Xianfeng Emperor was unwell, Sushun began to promote and reuse loyal personnel. On July 16, 1861, the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861), the Xianfeng Emperor became seriously ill and issued an edict: "The emperor's eldest son, Yu Ming, is now established as the crown prince, and he has sent Zaiyuan, Duanhua, Jingshou, Sushun, Muyin, Kuangyuan, Duhan, and Jiao Youying to assist him with all his heart and praise all government affairs." Zanxiang, originally intended to assist and help with suggestions and specific handling, is known in history as the "Eight Ministers". Soon after, the Xianfeng Emperor died.

The coup was killed

After the death of the Xianfeng Emperor, the empress was left without heirs, and the crown prince Zaichun took the throne, and Sushun was well aware of the potential political dangers of the Nala clan. SuShun used the strategy of "suppressing the west and promoting the east" to give the two palace empresses successive titles, and also degraded the Nala clan in terms of ceremonial titles, so that the Nala clan was suspicious of the Eastern Palace Niu Kulu. The eight ministers, zaiyuan and Sushun, had serious conflicts with the new emperor Zaichun's biological mother, empress dowager Yehenara (i.e., Empress Dowager Cixi), who instigated the Xianfeng Emperor's empress dowager NiuHulu (i.e., Empress Dowager Ci'an) to fight for power with the eight ministers, and instructed Yushi Dongyuan to go to court to ask the empress dowager to listen to the government, which was immediately resisted by the eight ministers. On the other hand, the most recent prince of the clan, Yi Bi, and the Xianfeng Dynasty minister Senggelinqin and the military minister Wen Xiang were also extremely dissatisfied that they were excluded from the highest power. So Yehenara joined forces with Yi Bi and others to launch a coup d'état, known in history as the "Xin You Coup". On the night of October 2, 1861, in the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861), Sushun was arrested in Miyun and subsequently imprisoned on the way back to Beijing by escorting the Xianfeng Emperor Zi Palace. Soon after, he was beheaded at the mouth of the vegetable market, at the age of forty-five. History is called "Qi Xiang Coup". After Su Shun was killed, Guo Songtao, Zeng Guofan and others sighed. Zeng Guofan said miserably: "This unjust prison is also self-destructive to the Great Wall." Zeng Guofan knew very well that there were few people in the capital who could understand the general body except Sushun, and he was afraid that the Qing government's policy of using the Han people would have twists and turns, so that not only would the Taiping Rebellion be difficult to quell, but he would also be in danger of being framed.

Eliminate corruption and fight corruption

After Su Shun came to power, he faced the official corruption since the end of the Qianlong period with an iron fist, severely cracked down on corruption, severely punished dereliction of duty, and straightened out the official political style. His decisive handling of the "PengwuKechang Case" and the beheading of Bai Yao, a major member of the Yipin Dynasty,[21] greatly improved the official atmosphere of the Qing Dynasty in the following decades, especially the corruption that had become more and more intense since the late Qianlong period. In the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), the Shuntianxiang Examination was presided over by Shi Baiyao of Wenyuange University at that time. It was the seventh day of October of that year, less than a month before the unveiling of the township test that year, Yu Shi Mengchuan wrote a letter pointing out that there were serious fraud problems in the township test, such as the flag people's ordinary age, in addition to singing two good skin yellow, nothing, actually the seventh place in the high school, the matter was strange, please file a case for review. The Xianfeng Emperor felt that there must be something catty in it, so he ordered Zaiyuan the Prince of Yi and Duanhua the Prince of Zheng to try the case. With the deepening of the investigation, the case-handling personnel found that "there were as many as fifty books for investigation and discussion by the interrogation office", and even one examination paper "falsified to more than 300 words" could also be listed. The Xianfeng Emperor was furious and dismissed the chief examiner, Bai Yao, from his post. At the same time, Su Shun found out that the examiner Pu An and luo Hongxuan, the chief of the new examination, were privately "traffic joints". After summoning the person concerned, Luo Hongxuan, confessed that "in order to pass the examination, he had unblocked relations with Li Heling, a military attendant, and Li instead asked for the care of the examiner Pu An, who also greeted Jin Xiang, the doorman of Bai Bao. After the incident, Pu'an sent Bai Bao the sixteen silvers, and Li Heling demanded 500 taels of silver from Luo Hongyi, of which 300 taels were transferred to Pu'an. Because the case occurred in the year of Peng Wu, it was called the "Peng Wu Ke Field Case". It is listed together with the Ding Youkechang case in the fourteenth year of Shunzhi and the XinJiaokechang case in the fifty years of Kangxi and the three major fraud cases of the Qing Dynasty. In the end, under the strong leadership of Su Shun, shi Baibao of Wenyuange University at the time, Li Heling, the attendant of the military department, and Luo Hongxuan, the chief minister, were beheaded. The "PengwuKechang Case," which lasted for ten months, punished a total of 91 officials at all levels, and the imperial court officials ruled one of them. Shortly thereafter, Sushun took up the post of Hubu Shangshu for two years before and after thoroughly investigating the "Hubu Treasure Banknote Case". In the early years of Xianfeng's reign, due to the Taiping Rebellion, the hubu treasury was lacking, so the Qing court decided that the hubu would set up a treasure banknote office and the official money general bureau to issue a large number of banknotes. Instead of alleviating the finances, the indiscriminate issuance of official banknotes led to inflation and soaring prices, while officials and businessmen took advantage of the opportunity to collude, "encroach on misappropriation," "refuse to buy and pay for it," and profiteering from it, and passing on the evil consequences of the failure of the currency reform to the people. At the end of the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), Sushun was reappointed as Hubu Shangshu, determined to rectify the financial shortcomings. Su Shun started by investigating the accounts of the Wuyu official number, and to investigate the root causes, hundreds of people involved in the case, and raided dozens of household secretaries, merchants, and Manchu clans, which to a certain extent suppressed the atmosphere of bribery and bribery in the official field.

Reuse Hanchen

Although Su Shun was arrogant and arbitrary, and had no one in sight, he could treat the talented Han Chen with special courtesy. Sushun "light full" and "ya heavy Han celebrities". He was "very humble in his treatment of Han People", claiming that "Han people cannot be offended, and his pen is very powerful". His emphasis on the Han celebrities was not only in words, but also in action, and often selected sponsor talents in an eclectic manner, such as Sushun who did not hesitate to use Gao Xinkuo in violation of the rules and regulations of the science field. When Su Shun visited Li Huan, a Daoist official in Jiangxi, as a cadre official and had a name, he asked Li to hand him "Protégé Cambodian", "that is, he can be promoted to rank and rank two divisions". Sushun recommended Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Hu Linyi, Guo Songtao and other Han officials to the imperial court, and recruited talents for the pacification of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Tongguang Zhongxing. In particular, Zuo Zongtang, Zuo Zongtang came out of the Xiang curtain, and for the first time, he did not want to offend Fan Xie, the general of Yongzhou, and Guan Wen, the governor of Huguang, who jointly impeached Zuo Zongtang as an "inferior curtain", and the Xianfeng Emperor ordered The official Wen "once verified, the law will be corrected on the spot." Su Shun had long heard that Zuo Zongtang had great talent, and when he heard about this, he joined forces with Zeng Guofan, Hu Linyi, and other officials to write a letter to protect Zuo Zongtang, and invited Pan Zuyin, a talented son of Wu Di, who was deeply trusted by the emperor, to write down the words "The world cannot be without Hunan for a day, and Hunan cannot be without Zuo Zongtang for a day." After that, he recommended Zuo Zongtang in front of the Xianfeng Emperor and gave him heavy use. [28] After that, Zuo Zongtang also served as the chief of the military department and the deputy of the Sipin Military Affairs Department, the young secretary of the Taichang Temple and the viceroy of Jiangxi Xuezheng, the governor of Zhejiang, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu. Not only did he save a cadre to defeat the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, but he also listed Xinjiang as an imperial province for the empire to resist Tsarist Russia, and promoted a rare commander to resist France in three wars and three victories.

In the course of the negotiations on the Sino-Russian "Yaohun Treaty," he did not fear the threat of the Russians and safeguarded national dignity. In the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), the Russian governor of Siberia, Muravyov, took advantage of the opportunity of the Second Opium War between Britain and France to send troops to invade and occupy the key area of Heilongjiang, and then forced the Heilongjiang general Yishan to sign the Sino-Russian Treaty of Yaohun with him. In the ninth year of Xianfeng (1859), Russia sent the "expert of the East" Ignatiev to Beijing to exchange the treaty, urging the Qing court to demarcate the border between the two countries as soon as possible according to the agreement. The Qing court ordered Su Shun and Shangshu Rui of the Punishment Department to be responsible for handling negotiations. At the beginning of the negotiations, Ignatiev used his usual trick to threaten Su Shun: "China and Russia are adjacent, and Russia is more likely than any other maritime power to strike at China at any time and anywhere." Sushun was not afraid of the Intimidation of the Russians, but stressed that Yishan "had neither full powers nor formal defense" and could not represent the Qing government, so the Treaty of Yaohun was invalid. Ignatiev then seduced him with the idea that "the Russians are friendlier than Britain and France", pointing out that "the country has been with China for more than ten thousand miles from east to west, and although there are major events, there has not been a single confrontation; If England and others have been fighting for more than ten years, they have already clashed three times, but this is still the case for more than ten thousand miles, and the situation is almost here?" He also made a promise that, if the agreement was successfully exchanged, "Our country can guarantee that no matter what country it is, it will never be allowed to invade this place, so that the eastern border of China can also be safe." Su Shunze said in a word that he had broken his true intentions: "Your ministers are afraid that other countries will invade and occupy, and for the sake of our country's defense, it is inherently your country's good intentions, and it is definitely not to occupy our country's places." However, if other countries occupy it, our country has its own methods. Subsequently, Sushun discovered that there were a number of errors in the text of the treaty brought by Yi Shi. Ignatiev proposed, "There must be no mistake in such a great matter, please send me the original of your country." Sushun flatly refused on the grounds that "the original text of the edict is stored in Ouchi and is inconvenient to review." Seeing that the negotiations had not progressed, Ignatiev decided to forcibly blackmail and throw out the argument that "otherwise, he would be spared from encroachment." Su Shun countered violence with violence, threw the Treaty of Yaohun on the table, and angrily said, "This is nothing more than a blank piece of paper!" Seeing that the negotiations could not be concluded, Yi Shi immediately withdrew from the venue. The next day, Ignatiev issued an ultimatum to the Qing court, which was limited to three days to replace Sushun. The Qing court replied: "SuShun is a close minister of my great emperor, and it is difficult to replace him." Yi Shi announced that the negotiations had broken down, and then left Beijing for Shanghai and Hong Kong. After Ignatiev arrived in Shanghai, he actively approached the Anglo-French forces, stressing that it was necessary to intensify the crackdown in order to bring the Qing court into submission. During the conversation, he still did not forget his resentment toward Sushun, and said to the British and French commanders, "The powerful Sushun is the number one villain who is the enemy of Europe, and he has publicly declared more than once that all European barbarians must be driven out of China."

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