
Widowed marriage


Marriage is like having children, which can only be understood, not passed on. Although many people say that it is painful to have children, many people still choose to have children. People on the outside want to come in, people inside want to go out.

In the past, when my parents were old, they might get married after seeing each other, and even if they got married, even if an uncontrollable event occurred, they would choose to endure it, and getting married was a lifetime. Nowadays, with the improvement of people's ideological realm, the requirements for marriage are also getting higher and higher. It takes not only material satisfaction, but also the desire for whether the spirit is on a level. But God is already short of horns when he shapes man. Man is not perfect.

Thus, there was a widowed marriage. Everyone has an insurmountable "cleanliness fetish", but it is this "cleanliness fetish" that kills a happy marriage. For example, women like to be clean, but men just don't like to wash their hands and wash their faces and change clothes, that is, they are dirty and sloppy, and they don't care about their appearance. Another example: women like to go shopping to buy clothes and eat Western food, but men feel that these are tedious tasks and futile. Another example: women face pots and pans every day, face the crying of babies, children's naughtiness, children's homework procrastination; men do not leave their mobile phones after returning home, and housework is not in sight at all. Wait a minute. There are many details that lead to a quarrel between the two people, and the final result is that if the divorced children are pitiful, if they do not divorce themselves are pitiful. That's it.

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