
Heart Creation 365 Recommendation: A Psychological Movie Worth Watching: "Breaking Out of Adversity"

author:Yan Qing's physical and mental pressure is relaxed

Psychological films are gradually developed along with people's gradual understanding of psychology. The characteristics and nature of mental illness greatly stimulate the imagination of filmmakers, open the door to the increasingly depleted source of subject matter, and inject fresh blood into the dying and struggling melodrama; films also need mental illness as their plot tools and background colors to promote the audience's re-understanding of human behavior, so the new film genre of psychological film is added to the long list of feature films, comedies, action films, crime films, violent films, etc.

The psychological movie recommended to everyone today is "Rushing Out of Adversity"

First, let's take a look at the plot of "Out of Adversity":

The film depicts Naval sailor Anthony Fisher in the course of his service, through the interaction with the medical officer Danze Washington, through the interaction between the teacher and friend, to shake off the trauma and regain the long-lost courage and hope in his life. Recreate the journey of the original novel protagonist Anton Fisher to find his birth mother, and bravely face the trauma of childhood sexual assault buried deep in his heart.

Anthony Fisher, a young naval soldier and black lad, had a very short temper, but he himself was powerless to change his temperament. It was because of his bad temper and frequent fights with people that he had been imprisoned for it before joining the Navy. In the naval unit, his bad temper often led him to clash with his comrades-in-arms, and his superiors were very nervous about it. In desperation, his superiors had to order him to be treated by a psychiatrist in the naval department, hoping to alleviate the potential explosion of fiery nature in his heart. Anthony was not at all dismissive of this, and in his opinion, every fight was deliberately provoked by his comrades-in-arms. The reason why he reluctantly reported to the psychiatrist was only because he did not want to leave the army.

Faced with an impatient Anthony, psychiatrist Jerome Davenport hopes to learn his story to help him overcome his undesirable psychological distress. But Anthony's refusal to stay thousands of miles away has delayed the progress of treatment. With Jerome's patience, Anthony was finally willing to tell some of his own story. It turned out that Anthony was born in prison, his father had been killed by his girlfriend very early, and he was sent to an orphanage. At the house of Pastor White, where he was housed, Anthony was treated very unfairly and was often beaten. And his mother didn't come to pick him up after he was released from prison, which left a huge shadow in his young mind.

During the course of his treatment, Jerome listens to Anthony's story and develops deep sympathy for him, and Anthony grows to trust the patient psychiatrist. But for his current life, he still has a big psychological obstacle. Under Jerome's careful counseling and treatment, Anthony began to face the first half of his life again, gradually coming out of the shadow of life abandoned by his family since childhood.

After watching this movie, from a psychological point of view, what inspiration can it bring us:

The protagonist of "Breaking Out of Adversity", Anthony Fisher, is a black member of the Navy with aggressive tendencies, and the story tells the story of Anthony Fisher who, with the help of a Navy psychiatrist, got rid of the shadow of his childhood and began a happy new life.

The story begins with Anthony Fisher's dream. In the dream, the childhood Anthony Fisher was surrounded by his family and happily ate a big meal. According to Freud's classic psychoanalysis, dreams are a reflection of the human subconscious, which shows that in Anthony Fisher's heart, there has always been a desire to be reunited with his family, to be noticed, and to be pampered.

Childhood shadows are the main source of Anthony Fisher's psychological problems in adulthood, and according to the data, many of people's psychological problems are more or less related to childhood experiences. The protagonist Anthony Fisher's father was killed by his ex-girlfriend, and his mother was a prisoner when he was born, these family backgrounds formed an inferiority complex in Anthony Fisher's psychology, so they will be very sensitive to the surrounding things, even if some small jokes by people are easy to "stimulate" Anthony Fisher's psychology, thus becoming aggressive, and these are the manifestations of its freedom protection. Later, Anthony Fisher was adopted by a black woman, but his life did not get any better, but he was abused by his adoptive mother, and these experiences deepened the shadow in Anthony Fisher's heart, causing him to have a strong hatred for his adoptive mother. After joining the Navy, this subconscious hatred also caused Anthony Fisher to develop an aggressive tendency. In addition, because of being forced in childhood, Anthony Fisher's heart has always had fear and disgust for sexual behavior, which manifested itself as an excessive squeeze of desire in his adulthood, and in Freud's theory of personality structure, people's physiological needs are people's original unconscious instincts, especially human sexual instincts, and excessive backlog of desires can also cause people's psychological diseases. In this story, it is the protagonist's unconscious aggressive tendency as a way to vent.

The counseling process of naval psychiatrist Jerome Davenport is the clue and highlight of the whole story. The treatment process was not smooth, at the beginning, Anthony Fisher was very uncooperative with the treatment, which was a psychological resistance, and Porter was not eager to communicate and treat directly, but was silent until Anthony Fisher took the initiative to start communicating. The previous period of time together can be said to be the early stage of the trust relationship between the psychiatrist and Anthony Fisher, and only when the psychologist and the consultant are familiar with each other can it be possible for the patient to unload his guard and open a corner of his heart. Rogers believes that the recipient is in a state of disorder and is therefore vulnerable and anxious, so if there is enough patience, the vulnerable side of the recipient will be revealed. In addition, the indispensable part of the psychotherapy process is the unconditional attention of the psychologist to the patient. In the film, Dr. Potter is very concerned about Anthony Fisher's life, from criticizing Andthony Fisher's mistakes, to later teaching him how to pursue his girlfriend, which makes Anthony Fisher's heart feel unprecedented care and warmth, so that later Anthony Fisher has an empathy phenomenon, when Dr. Potter found out and said that the treatment was over, Anthony Fisher was very excited, felt lost, and told the experience of his only childhood friend dying in front of him. Dr. Potter grasped the crux of the matter and encouraged Anthony Fisher to go to his relatives and make him aware of his emotions instead of relying on a psychiatrist. In this episode, Dr. Potter has a sentence that impresses me, when Anthony Fisher asks himself why he is looking for a mother who abandoned him, Dr. Potter replies: "I am looking for a family to start a new life for myself." This sentence evokes Anthony Fisher's determination to find his relatives, and also lays the foundation for him to break through psychological barriers and make his dreams come true. In psychotherapy, the therapist must have empathy, empathize with the experience of the recipient, and give him unconditional positive care, and Dr. Potter is to stand in the perspective of his patient, let Anthony Fisher correctly adjust his cognition, and seek the direction of self-development. In the film, Anthony Fisher's girlfriend also played a great role in his psychotherapy, she was very active in her interaction with Anthony Fisher, and paid positive and unconditional attention to it, when Anthony Fisher was going to find relatives, she gave up her job and chose to accompany her boyfriend.

In this film, another person who has a similar psychological problem to Anthony Fisher is Anthony Fisher's adoptive mother, and it is mentioned in the film that due to the long-term oppression of black people, many black people will have a slave complex, and Anthony Fisher's adoptive mother is a typical case, she is very good to the mixed-race adopted son Keith, but in contrast, the treatment of Anthony Fisher and another black adopted son is very harsh, even abusive. But later, when Anthony Fisher found her adoptive mother because she was looking for her biological mother, Anthony Fisher's adoptive mother was very happy with the visit of her adoptive son, and although Anthony Fisher had a bad attitude towards her, which made her very frustrated, she still told Anthony Fisher's father the name, and from this plot, Anthony Fisher's adoptive mother still cared about him very much.

The story begins with Anthony Fisher's dream and ends with Anthony Fisher's dream come true, during which it is a difficult psychotherapy process that results in a triumph of the mind. After reading this story, I hope that we can also correctly face our own psychological problems, face them positively, and create a better life in the future.