
Wang Feng investigated and supervised the prevention and control of the epidemic and nucleic acid testing

author:Nine factions view the world

On November 1, Wang Feng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, investigated and supervised the prevention and control of the epidemic and nucleic acid testing. Yi Zhonghua, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and Xie Ting, deputy county magistrate, accompanied him successively.

Wang Feng investigated and supervised the prevention and control of the epidemic and nucleic acid testing

At the county epidemic prevention and control headquarters, Wang Feng listened carefully to the current situation of nucleic acid testing in our county and the report on the investigation and control of personnel entering the county and returning to the county in key areas and other medium- and high-risk areas. Wang Feng demanded that we should fully understand the current epidemic prevention and control situation, strictly follow the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, rationally allocate medical and nursing forces, standardize the workflow of nucleic acid testing organization, sampling, testing, reporting, etc., strictly standardize the sampling process, and further improve the capacity and efficiency of nucleic acid testing.

Wang Feng investigated and supervised the prevention and control of the epidemic and nucleic acid testing

At the nucleic acid testing sampling point of the first primary school in the county, Wang Feng inspected the setting of the nucleic acid testing sampling point, inquired about the progress of the nucleic acid testing work and asked the staff to do a good job of on-site control measures, so that it is not crowded and orderly, do a good job of protection and on-site disinfection measures, and cast a solid campus epidemic protection security wall.

Wang Feng investigated and supervised the prevention and control of the epidemic and nucleic acid testing

On doing a good job in the mapping of close contact personnel and community prevention and control, Wang Feng demanded that we should increase the investigation of close contact personnel and personnel in high-risk areas of the epidemic, and strengthen the epidemic prevention and control management of urban and rural areas (communities) in the county in a strict and down-to-earth manner. It is necessary to implement the epidemic prevention and control management measures during the period of home medical observation and the community (village) "one-to-one" prevention and control responsible person system, and fully reserve epidemic prevention and control materials and related drugs. It is necessary to strengthen publicity, timely release the latest reports on epidemic prevention and control and prevention and control measures through the media, guide residents to consciously implement epidemic prevention and control management regulations, do a good job of protection, reduce personnel gathering, and effectively protect the safety and health of the people.

Wang Feng and his party also went to key epidemic prevention and control management places such as pharmacies, restaurants, and supermarkets to check whether they had done a good job in epidemic prevention and control measures such as three-code joint checks, body temperature detection, and disinfection in accordance with regulations.

【Source: Guangchang County People's Government_Guangchang News】

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