
Biographies of the chairman, deputy director and secretary general of the new Standing Committee of the Dali Prefecture People's Congress


According to the News of Dali Daily in Yunnan, on February 6, the first session of the 14th People's Congress of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture held its third meeting, electing Li Xiong as chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th Dali Prefecture People's Congress, electing Cheng Yunchuan, Xu Yingsu, Hong Yunlong, Wang Zhaowei, and Li Dong as vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the 14th Dali Prefecture People's Congress, and Cha Xingpei as secretary general of the Standing Committee of the 14th Dali Prefecture People's Congress.

Li Xiong's resume

Li Xiong, male, Bai ethnicity, born in May 1961, Eryuan, Yunnan, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1985, joined the work in July 1981, graduated from the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee.

1979.07-1981.07 Majored in Finance and Accounting, Big Financial Trade School

1981.07-1983.11 Worked at Qiaohou Grain Management Institute in Eryuan County

1983.11-1989.07 Deputy Director of Eryuan County Audit Bureau (during the period: 1984.03-1984.08 Yunnan Institute of Finance and Trade Audit Director Training Course; 1987.09-1989.07 Provincial Party Committee Party School Political Management College Study)

1989.07-1993.03 Director of Eryuan County Finance Bureau (During the period: 1992.03-1992.08 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Department of Finance)

1993.03-1996.02 Executive Deputy Governor of Eryuan County (During the period: 1994.09-1995.01, he served as assistant director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau of the Provincial Department of Finance)

1996.02-1996.03 Deputy Secretary of Yunlong County Cpc Committee, Deputy County Governor, Acting County Governor

1996.03-1998.01 Deputy Secretary of Yunlong County Committee and County Governor

1998.01-1998.07 Secretary of Yunlong County Party Committee

1998.07-2003.03 Director of Dali Prefecture Finance Bureau (during the period: 2000.09-2002.12 Provincial Party Committee Party School, major in finance and taxation)

2003.03-2004.06 Deputy Secretary-General of Dali Prefecture Government, Director of The State Finance Bureau

2004.06-2009.12 Vice Governor of Dali Prefecture Government (During the period: 2007.03-2007.09 Deputy Director General of pollution control department of State Environmental Protection Administration)

2009.12-2011.11 Deputy Secretary of Baoshan Municipal Party Committee, President of Party School of Baoshan Municipal Party Committee, President of Municipal Socialist College

2011.11-2012.12 Deputy Secretary of Baoshan Municipal Party Committee, Director of the United Front Work Department of Baoshan Municipal Party Committee, President of Party School of Municipal Party Committee, President of Municipal Socialist College

2012.12-2013.08 Deputy Secretary of Dali Prefecture CPC Committee

2013.08-2016.02 Deputy Secretary of Dali Prefecture Cpc Committee, President of Party School of Dali Prefecture Party Committee, President of State Socialist College

2016.02-2016.03 Secretary of the Party Group of the Dali Prefecture CPPCC Committee and Candidate for the Chairman of the Dali Prefecture CPPCC Committee

2016.03-2017.11 Chairman of the Dali Prefecture CPPCC Committee and Secretary of the Party Group

2017.11-2017.12 Chairman of the Dali Prefecture CPPCC Committee, Secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the State People's Congress

2017.12- Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Dali Prefecture People's Congress and Secretary of the Party Group

He is a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th Provincial People's Congress

This article originated from the Economic Daily - China Economic Network Synthesis

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