
Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, every day there are several dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the taste of the tongue of the world.

The outer part of the solanum is crisp and tender, and the soup is sweet and sour.

Today to share with you a "fish fragrant eggplant dragon", there are like friends below to see how to operate it.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

Ingredients: Eggplant, pork

Accessories: white onion, garlic, pickled pepper, two thorn strips, eggs, bean paste, tomato sauce

Seasoning: sugar, aged vinegar, soy sauce, pepper, dark soy sauce

1. Prepare the ingredients below

Prepare a long purple eggplant, cut the eggplant at a 45-degree angle, do not cut through.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

Then, turn it over again, 90 degrees perpendicular to the eggplant under the knife, you can first pad a thick chopstick, so as to avoid accidentally cutting through.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

After cutting, as shown in the picture, pull away continuously.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

Prepare a small piece of pork and chop it into small pieces.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

2. Prepare the excipients below

Cut the green onion into green onions, flatten the garlic and cut into small pieces, and chop the pickled pepper and the two wattles.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

Two spoonfuls of bean paste (PiXian County), one spoonful of tomato sauce.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

3. Start wrapping the batter below

Two eggs, a handful of flour, add water, stir into batter, then add eggplant, wrap the eggplant cracks in the batter, be careful not to tear it off.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

4. Start frying below

When the oil is heated to 50% heat, the eggplant is fried in the oil pan, carefully plated, slowly fried over low heat, the process takes almost 5 minutes, and finally fried into a golden brown can be fished out of the oil control.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

5. Start mixing the fish sauce below

Put two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of aged vinegar, one tablespoon of light soy sauce, and one spoonful of pepper in the bowl, stir well, add a few drops of dark soy sauce to the base color, stir again and set aside.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

6. Start making below

Heat the oil in the pan, heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the meat foam, stir-fry until it changes color, pour in the green onion, garlic foam, pickled pepper, stir-fry the garlic, pour in the bean paste, tomato sauce.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

After frying the red oil of the watercress sauce, pour in a little water, pour in the fish sauce just prepared, add the cooking wine, stir the soup evenly, add the water starch, the soup until viscous and blistered, before cooking, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, so that the soup is more bright, and then pour the soup on the eggplant.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

Well, a sweet and sour fish eggplant is ready.

Eggplant can not be missed, take the meat is not exchanged for the fish fragrant solanum, sour and spicy, the taste is scorched

Technical Summary:

1. When cutting eggplant, put chopsticks on the mat so as not to cut through it all at once

2. There is no need to add salt to it, and the saltiness of the soy sauce is enough

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical dishes for your reference every day