
"Graduation Song" ended Song Yunhao's clever trick to decompress the acting skills full score

author:Hebei News Network
"Graduation Song" ended Song Yunhao's clever trick to decompress the acting skills full score

Hebei News Network News As the "highest-value" anti-war drama, the youth inspirational anti-war drama "Graduation Song" that gathered Li Xiaoran, Fu Xinbo, Wang Yaoqing, Zu Feng, Song Yunhao, Wen Yongshan, Wang Sisi and other idols from the three places on both sides of the strait recently ended perfectly in the golden file of Jiangsu and Hebei David TV.

Song Yunhao's clever trick to decompress the acting skills are full of points

The play does not praise the heroes, but it includes the lives of ordinary people during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and it is the inspirational stories of these ordinary people that make young audiences tear up and resonate. In the play, Wen Xin, an elite engineer played by the national power actor Song Yunhao, also left a deep impression on the public, and his character who sacrificed for the family and the country, his caution in life, and the calm atmosphere when he was heroic and righteous were loved by the audience.

In order to perfect the interpretation, Song Yunhao, who is harsh on his role, is under great pressure, and the high-intensity shooting during the performance causes him to be fat and thin, and often insomnia. For decompression, Song Yunhao also has his own unique set of ways, he laughed and said, if today's self is more excited, he will find some literary and artistic films to calm himself down, if today's self is more irritable, he will call and chat with his family, or watch some comedy works to dilute his bad mentality, these do not work, then go directly to the gym, negative emotions will slowly flow away like sweat (laughs).

Pressure gives me pleasure to him

"Acting seriously, being a good person, taking good care of your family and the people around you, and being a practitioner of both virtue and art" this sentence is almost an inspirational quote of actor Song Yunhao along the way. Song Yunhao frankly said that he is very satisfied with his current life, the health and happiness of his family is the biggest motivation for his hard work, and he hopes that the pressure of life is given to himself, and his family only needs to be responsible for happiness.

It is reported that Song Yunhao, who has full marks in acting, is currently filming the spy drama "Crossing the Line", the TV series "Graduation Song" and "Hero Don't Shed Tears" starring him have been broadcast one after another, and the TV series "Iron Blood song" starring him will land on CCTV eight sets in October, so please pay attention.

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