
"Midnight Plastic Surgery Room" is scheduled for December 14 Grimace Plastic Surgeon Lu Zhengrong

author:1905 Movie Network
"Midnight Plastic Surgery Room" is scheduled for December 14 Grimace Plastic Surgeon Lu Zhengrong

A few days ago, the thriller "Midnight Plastic Surgery Room" released a final poster, officially announcing the national release on December 14. The film is based on the "haunted" incident of the abandoned mental hospital in Longquan, starring Wang Li Dani, Lai Jingjing, Chen Yao and Pan Yanfei.

The "haunted" incident of the abandoned mental hospital in Longquan was first put on the big screen

"Midnight Plastic Surgery Room" tells a "ghost" story caused by plastic surgery. A young girl died mysteriously in a plastic surgery hospital due to a failed operation, and then, the doctors involved in the operation, as well as a number of girls from the art academy next door who came here for plastic surgery, encountered supernatural events, some people were evil, and they cut their faces with knives beyond recognition! Some people have witnessed plastic surgeons become "faceless female ghosts", and some people have encountered "strong ghosts" in the middle of the night to ask for their lives...

It is reported that "Midnight Plastic Surgery Room" is based on the "haunted" incident of the abandoned mental hospital in Longquan. In the 1960s, a mental hospital in Longquan, Chengdu, was suddenly abandoned due to "haunting", and people went to the empty building overnight, and there were rumors of spiritual phenomena. In the past two years, the abandoned psychiatric hospital has become an Internet celebrity due to the surprise of the "faceless female ghost", and the horror pictures and strange rumors about the hospital have spread on the Internet, and "Midnight Plastic Surgery Room", which first put this story on the big screen, has also been listed in the annual film list of many horror film lovers.

Wang Li Dani once again showed off the seductive curves

One of the heroines of the film, Wang Li Dani, was once a lingerie model, and at the beginning of her debut, she swept the Internet with a group of hot photos, and was praised as "beautiful than Lin Chiling", which was loved by otaku fans.

On the final poster released this time, the plastic surgery female doctor played by Wang Li Danni, half of the face is charming and sexy, and the other half of the face is cut into a "rotten face" by the scalpel, revealing the terrible subcutaneous tissue, and the fingernails are as long as hooks, as if "ghost claws". "Midnight Plastic Surgery Room" is another urban work by Wang Li Dani after "All the Way to the West", in addition to showing the sexy curves again, it will also challenge the scale of horror. In the film, she took off her white coat in the hospital and revealed herself in the mirror to "paint the skin", which was a frightening index and was definitely a major attraction of the film.