
Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "Clannad" to the heart of the mixed taste

author:Orange Heart Lady

The author is a contracted author of NetEase News and NetEase "Each Has An Attitude"

Ilia new pv reveals poverty Would you like to help her?

Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "Clannad" to the heart of the mixed taste

For many homemakers, the new ova of Magical Girl Ilia is definitely the highest priority among all the works worth looking forward to, and according to them, there is no more exciting magical girl than Ilia. However, when Ilia's latest ova PV was released, some people stayed, saying that this Ilia revealed a sense of poverty, not only did not have the expected "Onuma Heart" shot, and even did not see the transformation battle, it seemed to be just simply selling cute and funny. Seeing such a poor Ilia, it was almost unbearable to cry. That said, since you like her so much and think she is poor, shouldn't you actively help her at this time? Buying peripherals, sending snacks, and expressing his love for her with actions is what a man who really likes her should do isn't it:(

No one understood this work at that time, and today everyone eats lemons

Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "Clannad" to the heart of the mixed taste

I don't know if you remember, five years ago, there was a light modification work called "The Sword Dance of the Elf" was animated, and a wave began to be released in July of that year, it should be said that it was also tepid, for the senior two-thorn salamander, it is still a typical disregard for the object, because this kind of work is too much, there is no feature, a grab, and even can be said to be rotten to the flood. However, this work, which has no characteristics, has recently been fished out in some groups and fed everyone a mouthful of lemons. Unexpectedly, this male protagonist actually changed the ambiguous practice of ordinary harem work, really opened the harem, and became another one after the gray series, the Dragon Emperor and a few other male protagonists, which made many people sour. In the future, will the real harem become the norm?

Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "clannad" higami to the heart of the mixed taste

Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "Clannad" to the heart of the mixed taste

Not long ago, because the famous Japanese artist Jun Tamura tweeted that he was moved to cry after watching "clannad", he once again made the topic of this classic animation on the hot search. As one of the popular works of countless people in the point, Tamura also said in passing why he only watched it now, which probably means that he has not watched it because he could not accept the relationship of painting style, and now he knows how beautiful it is. Originally, this sentence seemed to be no problem, but in Japan, Tamura was an ordinary netizen after all, so this word was also seen by the original painter Higami, so Higami replied in the past to apologize, because the relationship between his painting style made him almost lose touch with the work. Tamura also quickly said that it is now his favorite painting, and because of this, he has learned that he can't just look at the surface. Although I don't know how the painter felt when he heard these words, it is likely to be this expression, right?

Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "Clannad" to the heart of the mixed taste

The black curtain funny bloody "Blade Tooth" has an opponent! "Fist Wish Asura" is scheduled to air in July

Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "Clannad" to the heart of the mixed taste

I believe that as long as the small partners who have watched "Blade Teeth" will admit that although this fan is very curious, although this fan performance is very exaggerated, although this fan is very funny, although this fan is very thorough, but in fact, as long as you accept the above settings, it still looks very emotional! Recently, in addition to the news that "Blade Tooth" will have a sequel, there is another "Fist Wish Asura" that will also be adapted into an anime and broadcast at the end of July. It seems that after these two will have a dragon fight, I don't know which of the small partners who have seen both parts think is better? Maybe it's the strongest creature on the ground, FanMa Yujiro, who is the most powerful?

The popularity of the net king did not diminish that year! 870,000 total votes show strength!

Jun Tamura tweeted praise for "Clannad" to the heart of the mixed taste

Unconsciously, the Prince of Tennis has been serialized for 20 years, if calculated according to the actual age, then the fifteen or sixteen-year-old tennis princes should now have become tennis Ogisang. However, of course, the time of the second dimension cannot be counted like this, Conan has handled hundreds of cases a year, and it is normal for the Prince of Tennis to play hundreds of games a year. Unlike Ke Huohai, the recent presence of Net King in China seems to have failed, but in Japan, the special popular voting event recently opened by Shueisha has received a total of 873208 votes! Seeing this, it really makes people have to sigh, the prince is the prince, even after so many years, it has not changed from a prince to a king, but the popularity is still very high. But I don't know how this tennis has been played recently, how much speed has the ball reached?