
Xu taught Li Rusong the Art of War? This is Zi Xuyue, Xu Wenchang: wake up a lost fan

author:Cold Weapons Research Institute
Xu taught Li Rusong the Art of War? This is Zi Xuyue, Xu Wenchang: wake up a lost fan

Xu Wenchang is one of the three great talents of the Ming Dynasty, leaving many stories, and there are many true and false legends, such as Xu Wenchang,d'hô taught Li Rusong the Art of War, which has become popular in recent years, which is purely a matter of the virtual moon (I am not mistaken, this matter is due to someone). Xu Wenchang was very talented, but he was really not the martial arts and staff officer in Hu Zongxian's shogunate, and he and Li Rusong were really not the teacher-student relationship of the art of war.

Xu taught Li Rusong the Art of War? This is Zi Xuyue, Xu Wenchang: wake up a lost fan

Li Rusong and Xu Wenchang first met in the capital in the fourth year of the Wanli Calendar, when Xu Wenchang was not a recommended teacher, but an aide to Wu Dui, the inspector of Xuanfu (a year later Wu Dui became the governor of Xuanda and later became the Shangshu of the Military Department); Li Rusong was not a young lang, he was already a young general of 27 years, and had already followed his father Li Chengliang on the battlefield to practice martial arts and martial arts for 11 years. Li Rusong followed his father and beat up the Tumut Mongols, very proud. In the ninth year of the Wanli Calendar, Xu Wenchang recalled that when he met Li Rusong, he said, "Yu came from five years ago to see Li Changgong of Samrong at the Yan Residence, and threatened his two brothers to come with a new broken beard. The blood of the bow knife is still yin, the whip is thrown day after day, the qi is uncontrollable, and the world's sergeant is not enough,...... The size is no less than dozens, and the first fu gong is full of books."

Xu taught Li Rusong the Art of War? This is Zi Xuyue, Xu Wenchang: wake up a lost fan

The fate of the two people is exactly Xu Wenchang's painting of bamboo, and Xu Wenchang, who paints in the Buddhist temple, will send the painting on the spot because Li Rusong likes his own works. This was a very normal exchange, because Xu Wenchang's calligraphy and paintings were already famous in the world at that time, and Xu Jie, Zhang Juzheng and other bigwigs had asked him for works. Li Rusong himself was a lover of calligraphy and painting, with a certain cultural foundation, and later drank poetry with Liu Chenglong and others on the Korean battlefield, Li Rusong visited famous calligraphers and painters in the capital, and Xu Wenchang was also his target. As for Xu Wenchang sending paintings is not afraid of Li Rusong or intentionally colluding, it should be known that Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng have a good relationship with Xu Wenchang (Xu Jie is a student of Xu Wenchang's cousin Xiao Mingfeng, Xu Wenchang's release from prison is Xu Jie's single-handed, Xu Jie's article written when Zhang Juzheng's father died is Xu Wenchang's ghostwriting), Xu Wenchang and Yu Dayi are also very iron relations, on the relationship network Xu Wenchang is really not worse than Li Rusong, the two are fans to meet the relationship of idols.

Xu taught Li Rusong the Art of War? This is Zi Xuyue, Xu Wenchang: wake up a lost fan

Li Rusong and Xu Wenchang saw each other as they always were, and the two talked about calligraphy and painting, and also talked about some border affairs (talking about drums, hoping for bows and swords). Regarding the affairs of the Wokou, Xu Wenchang was not actually the number one in the shogunate of Hu Zongxian, and the tactical summary of the Wokou was not his job. The master of Hu Zongxian's shogunate who summarized the tactics of coastal defense and Wokou was Zheng Ruozeng, who was "a master of sand tables in Hu Zongxian's shogunate, who was "a master of sand tables in Hu Zongxian's shogunate, and the first half of his "Compilation of Charts for the Sea" was all coastal defense geography; the second half was a technical summary of the Wukou operations, describing in detail the successive battles of pacifying the Wokou (many people think that the second half of Hu Zongxian is the true author). Old Zheng died in 1570, and he really wanted to teach Li Rusong in his youth about Wokou tactics, and he was the first choice (the age is right, Li Rusong's youth Xu Wenchang was crazy because of various things). Xu Wenchang's greatest task in Hu Zongxian's shogunate was to write various auspicious articles to Hu Zongxian and write letters to Yan Song and Xu Jie and other big men.

Xu taught Li Rusong the Art of War? This is Zi Xuyue, Xu Wenchang: wake up a lost fan

Li Rusong has a family martial art, and what he wants to learn most is Xu Wenchang's calligraphy and paintings. Admiral Li had a literary and artistic heart, and Xu Wenchang did not dare to really treat him as a student to delay the ming dynasty's border defense cause, "a gentleman can mean things, but can not pay attention to things", persuading Li Rusong not to waste too much energy on calligraphy and painting.

This article is the original manuscript of the Cold Weapons Research Institute and the signed author of the cold weapons research institute. The editor-in-chief and author Li Congjia shall not be reproduced by any media or public account without written authorization, and the offender will be investigated for legal responsibility.

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