
At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

author:Ah is talking about history

One autumn day in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in front of the heavily fortified Hezhou Thorn Shi Mansion, a young scholar came from the dusty servants. It seems that this scholar is about twenty years old, thin and weak, ordinary dress, not very eye-catching, but the natural air in his demeanor and the pity that looms between his eyebrows make people think that he is something different. Only to see him go straight to the lieutenant who was holding the door and say, "Please tell Lord Assassin Shi, Shanyang Zhongchang asks to see you." The lieutenant went in to report, and the scholar stared at the Thorn Shi Mansion in front of him, frowning slightly, and a trace of unhappiness flashed on his face. This scholar was Zhong changtong, a famous scholar of Shanyang who was known for his erudition and good at writing, and was known as one of the "three sons of the late Han Dynasty".

At this moment, he had been away from home for several months. Originally, Zhongchang Tong's family was rich.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

Since childhood, he has been fond of learning and reading a lot of books, although his talent is not as good as that of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an", but he is also quite famous in the surrounding states and counties. In the year of the weak crown, he studied the scriptures every day, danced and inked, chanted poems against each other, and strolled leisurely, but he was also at ease. But. The quiet life could not appease Zhong Changtong's young and turbulent heart, and the suffering life of the people around his own "sea land" stimulated his nerves all the time, and he felt that he could no longer be silent, determined to explore a salvation strategy that could enable the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Therefore, he resolutely bid farewell to his parents and embarked on the road of studying abroad.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

At that time, in the period of powerful and powerful struggle at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Yellow River Basin, which had always been the economic and cultural center, became a slaughterhouse and suffered unprecedented devastation. Zhong Changtong was sadly discovered that in today's Han Dynasty, "the name is empty, there are no people in the hundred miles, and there are innumerable", and the formerly rich Central Plains has become a wasteland, which can be described as "going out and seeing nothing, white bones covering the plain". In sharp contrast, however, is the extravagance and absurdity of the rich and powerful, who live in hundreds of large mansions, occupy large tracts of fertile land, enslave thousands of slaves, raise countless horses, cattle and sheep pumps, and "concubines of the child, fill the room, advocate the return of prostitutes, and list the deep halls." The flesh of the three animals is smelly and inedible, and the mellow is resistant, and it is defeated and inedible."

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

At the same time, Zhong Changtong also realized that although after more than ten years of great fighting, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zou and other great warlords had achieved a temporary balance and divided their own sides, but they were all desperately accumulating strength and preparing to annex each other, and there was a great trend of "mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of buildings", and greater disasters are still ahead. The harsh reality that he had witnessed in the past few months of running between Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Jizhou had gradually cooled Zhongchangtong's fiery heart of serving the country. Later, when he heard that he had assassinated Shi Gaogan and hongcai, loved talents, and attracted celebrities from all over the world, in order to plan a big plan, he lit up a glimmer of hope in his heart, and hurriedly came to his name. No, the first thing that catches the eye is the Thorn History Mansion, which is no different from the official residences of other dignitaries and nobles, its style and prestige are chilling, but a face of "reasonable and no money can not come in", and I can't help but discount it in my heart.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

A "please" interrupted Zhong Changtong's reverie, only to see that at the opening of the palace gate, a large group of entourage led by high-ranking cadres dressed in official uniforms greeted them out of the door. Zhong Changtong thought that since he had come, he might as well act on the opportunity to see what kind of character Gao Qian really was, and it would not be too late to make a claim. So, he hurried forward, a little cold, and entered with high courage under the guidance of gao gan. At that time, Gao Gan was in charge of the military and political power of the prefecture, and his status was above that of the state officials, and his uncle Yuan Shao was the most powerful separatist in the north who occupied the four prefectures of Ji, Qing, You, and Hezhou, so the power was temporary, arrogant and lascivious, and the luxury of the furnishings in the palace was even more unexpected by Zhongchang Tong. Gao Qianjiu heard of Zhongchang Tong's great name, so he did not treat Zhongchang tong slowly because he was young, and set up a sumptuous feast for him, advising him to toast and be attentive.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

However, the table full of zhen understands good food, and the rou song and dance that are cheered up seem to have transformed into the Russian martyrdom and tired white bones everywhere in front of Zhong Changtong, especially the vulgar talk of high cadres and the sound of flattery and compliments on the table, which makes ZhongChangtong lose his appetite. Through careful observation, he became more and more aware of the high-ranking cadres. He found that this famous assassin was actually a vassal, elegant, chest-no-ink, and relied on Yuan Shao to climb to a high position. The so-called "celebrities" are just a bunch of wine sacks and rice bags that climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. Relying on them to save the people of Li is tantamount to letting a group of shooting wolves protect the sheep.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

The facts confirmed Zhong Changtong's judgment, and he was very disappointed. Seeing the tiredness on Zhongchangtong's face, Gao Gan thought that it was caused by the fatigue of the journey, so he advised Zhongchangtong to stay and live a few days of leisure in comfort, and assisted him to become his "great cause". He Zhi asked Zhong Changtong with satisfaction, "What do you think of me as a person?" Zhong Changtong looked around at the four seats and said without humility: "Jun has ambitions but no talents, likes talents but does not know talents, I am very worried about Jun!" As for my Zhongchang tong's freedom and habituation, and there is no blessing of waiting for the nobles, please do it yourself! Leave. After saying that, he left the table and walked away, leaving only a tall cadre with a handsome face and a group of stunned "famous soils".

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

The difficult search, repeated encounters with walls, coupled with the bitter Thinking, made Zhong Changtong more sober, and he realized that the Han Dynasty was like a building about to collapse, to the point of being incurable. But this soberness made him feel inexplicable contradictions and pains, and he was worried about the decline of his own class, but also lamented the misfortune of the toiling masses, and lamented that his own life was not opportune. In a troubled world, what can you do? He felt very confused for a while, and even once had a negative and reclusive mood, hoping to find a quiet house surrounded by bamboo and trees behind the mountain, study the scriptures with friends on weekdays, reduce the characters, stroll between the pastoral trees in his leisure time, play in the cool breeze of the clear water, fish and shoot geese, play the piano and sing, and live a relaxed life.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

Fortunately, in the end, his simple conscience did not make him sink into the discussion, and one thing he made clear was that he was in a chaotic world, and even though he did not have the power to return to heaven and could not save the people from water and fire, he still had to use the pen in his hand to expose the darkness of society and eliminate the bad deeds of the nobles, and never collude with those corrupt officials and warlords. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the darkest periods in China's history, the people's livelihood was subdued, the world was getting worse, how many people were willing to sell their souls for small profits, and how many people were fighting for an official and a half-job. Zhong Changtong's behavior really puzzled the ordinary people at that time, and people called him "crazy life".

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the chaotic world "crazy birth" Zhongchang tong, only seeking comfort and not seeking officials

Zhongchang Tong ignored this, and he became arrogant and strange, unworldly, often evading the summons of the powerful, acting uncertainly and silently. However, his sharp pen was not idle, he boldly disclosed what he saw and heard during the study tour, wrote a large number of needlework and bad times, and vividly painted the foolish lord at that time, the monarch declares adultery, the upper and lower levels are evil, the eyes are extremely, and the voice of the poor Zheng Wei is heard. When you enter, you are delayed by the woman, and when you go out, you are in the hunt,... Let the hungry Russian wolf guard the kitchen, the hungry tiger graze the dolphin, and then boil the fat of the world, and cut the bone marrow of the people. The dark inner admiration of "resentment and boredom, the simultaneous rise of disasters, the disturbance of China, the invasion and rebellion of the Four Yi, the disintegration of the earth, and the one-way departure", and profoundly refuted the "Heavenly Dao" of the ruling class to play with the people, composed a heavy elegy for the class, and at the same time, provided a solid historical evidence for future generations to know and understand the dark conditions at that time, which was unique in the brilliant forest of Jian'an literature and also left a monument in the history of Chinese philosophy.