
Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

author:Big Red won 110,000

It was another year of autumn wind, but also the second time to come to Tao Tao Ju Restaurant, I remember that the last time was in the tenth Fu Road main store located in the Shangxiajiu business district, there were many people in line that day, and the relationship of time could only be abandoned.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

This is also one of the very cost-effective restaurants in Guangzhou that Mr. Cai Lan once recommended, dating back to the Guangxu years of the Qing Dynasty, and it is said that the three words of its gold lacquer sign "Tao Tao Ju" are from Kang Youwei's handwriting.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

For foreign visitors who come here, the opportunity to eat here is also very precious, so it is especially cherished and looked forward to.

Unfortunately, the weather forecast for that day was approaching that night, the wind was in front and the rain was behind, and at this time it was already a fierce wind roaring and dark clouds outside, so I made plans and had to leave before six o'clock in the evening.

With only two hours left, we thought about what else to do, so we had a flash of inspiration to satisfy the temptation of food.

I originally decided to eat "Guangzhou Restaurant", but I had to pass by it because of "closure".

So I temporarily came to the nearby "Tao Tao Ju", and I had just eaten the lesson of the closed door soup, so I checked it on the Internet before going, and closed at 16:30 in the afternoon, which was exactly 16:05 at this time.

Hurrying up, it was already 16:10 when I arrived, thinking that I must sit in before closing, although the store is not big enough to pick up customers.

Either way, we're mentally prepared. Probably because there will be no more guests coming at this time, and there is no leader at the hotel gate, so I hurried to find a window seat.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

It's not easy to be a loyal fan of food!

The waiter trotted all the way over, presumably because the rest was imminent, and there was no signature smile on his face, telling us the service time of the back kitchen and urging us to order immediately. I thought it was an eviction order, first calm the excited little heart, and temporarily fade the determination of the heart in addition to the food and the fierceness of the pet food.


Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

Since I was a child, I have loved to eat, and my mouth has been cut off for so many years. Hurriedly go around to eat and eat, and there is no way to taste the signature dishes, so I have to leave regrets.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

While waiting for the dish, I had time to sip tea and look around.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

This hotel is hidden in the building of the shop-in-shop, the overall design is a new style of decoration, the dining area uses a large floor-to-ceiling window, the scenery outside the window should be a panoramic view, the corridor should be a sky garden, pay attention to the green plants tall and low staggered tangible arrangement, hindering the hustle and bustle of the city, but also suspended

Took the footsteps of the people.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

In Guangzhou's scarce area, such a quiet and comfortable environment to eat, so that guests feel relaxed, is really rare.

Because it is close to the rest, the huge restaurant only has one table for us to eat, which is a courtesy of the private room!

During the conversation, the service sister also faded away from the previous dullness, and soon one dish after another was put on the table.

Hopefully, chefs won't default to work because of the rush of time


First taste this dish - ice cold grunt meat, wrapped in sauce meat pieces casually fall on the ice cubes, the ice permeability sets off the whole piece of meat three-dimensional rich.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

At first glance, this dish is similar to the meat section in the northern restaurant, which is made of pork tenderloin hanging paste and fried, and everyone knows that the unique skill of testing cooking lies in the thickness of the paste and the control of the heat during the frying process.

But the magic stroke of this dish today lies in the crystal clear Xiaoice pieces that are laid out underneath it.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

So it's not good to say that the ice cubes are not delicious, what is there to say. At first I was skeptical of this...


However, everyone knows that the best time to taste it is just out of the pot and plate to be able to taste the taste of that moment.

The regular action of the diners, facing the hot meat segment, is often after the entrance along the bottom of the tongue along the bottom of the cool breeze, while rolling the meat segment back and forth a few times before biting the first bite, quickly releasing the high temperature in the muscle, then the mouth contains a meat segment divided into two, continue to wait for 2 to 3 seconds on the cool breeze, and then bite down twice or three times. The ingenious method of iced grunt meat is a completely different taste, and the surface temperature of the meat segment after being iced is rapidly reduced, which not only does not affect the taste of the meat, but also makes the diners


After the fried meat segment, golden caramel, crispy skin tender meat, full of gravy, muscle fiber texture is still there, delicate slag-free potato flour wrapped on the meat segment, and then fused with sweet and salty suitable sauce, the taste is more intense, the more chewy the more fragrant.

Due to the addition of ice cubes, the taste of the food is more mellow, and the contact with the mouth is fuller, making it a jumping taste.

As a result, the skill requirements for the frying process will be higher, and the temperature time must be set more scientifically, including the delay time due to the decrease in surface temperature without affecting the texture of the muscle fibers.


With one second, one second, the next second, even if it is a second of hesitation, at this time the ice cube and the room temperature contact temperature rise and begin to slowly melt, the meltwater wrapped around the meat section of the hanging pulp, it will soon fall off the hanging pulp, the meat segment is soft, then the feeling is not the same.

This is the hidden story of the food on the plate. After realizing it thoroughly, I not only tasted unusual tastes and marveled at his wonderful cooking skills, but also understood the expression of the maker's imagination.

Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

Writing here can't help but think of childhood, when materials were scarce, eating enough to eat and wear warm was the biggest demand, unless you eat a slice of boiled meat every New Year's Day, it is already considered to improve your life.


Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

In fact, the times are different, people are more pursuit of personalization and differentiation, ice cold grunt meat is likely to be the improvement or innovation of the meat segment, whether it is the old taste or the new method, it emits an unusual light and elegant fragrance, adding a different taste to our lives.

Sometimes I often think that the kitchen after the pots and pans collide is like a chemical laboratory, cooking a dish after cooking, that is, the ingredients and flavors plus temperature, time-consuming assistance, after the chemical reaction, to promote new products. 而这些鲜活的生成物却‬具备自己的语言和标识。

As Ren Shaotang wrote in Food Linguistics: "The language of food is a window through which we can see these intersections, see the collision of ancient or modern civilizations, and see the hidden clues of human cognition, society and evolution." ”


Follow Cai Lan to eat and eat - Guangzhou Tao Tao Ju Restaurant

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