
Crispy Danish crisp, it turns out that the small twist flowers eaten by Westerners are like this

author:Flavor of the bookizest

Foodies always have the same idea, Chinese have small twists, and Westerners have a similar dim sum - Danish pastry. To be precise, it is closer to the combination of durian puff pastry and small twist flowers, of course, the durian must be removed.


Operating time: 1 hour and 10 minutes

Total time: 2 hours and 30 minutes

The finished product is 16 pieces

Crispy Danish crisp, it turns out that the small twist flowers eaten by Westerners are like this


< dough >

Active dry yeast

2 1/4 tsp. (11ml)

whole milk

1 cup (237ml)


1 large


1/4 cup (56ml)

Coarse salt

2 teaspoons (9ml)

Normal flour

3 and 3/4 cups (844ml)

Unsalted butter


< fillings and toppings >

11 Tbsp (163ml)

1/2 cup (113ml)


Black Sesame Seeds (1)

3 Tbsp (42ml)

White sesame seeds

1 Tbsp (14ml)

【Here is nagging】

(1) The original use of poppies is obviously illegal in China. I changed it to black sesame seeds, you can also change to other favorite nuts, if you choose too big, remember to chop.


1. Make the dough first. Take a small bowl, pour in the yeast and milk and stir until dissolved, then pour in the eggs, sugar and salt, beat well, pour in a little bit of flour and stir until a homogeneous dough is formed, move to a plate covered with dough and knead into a smooth dough.

2: Roll out the dough into a square of about 28cm x 28cm. Take the butter out of the refrigerator, take 1/3 and cut it into very thin slices, spread it in the middle, about 1/3 of the area, and then lift the left and right sides 1/3 of the dough pieces and fold them in, folding them into three stacks (butter flakes are wrapped in the middle). Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate with the remaining butter for 30 minutes.

3. Take out the dough sheet, face yourself with the short side, and roll out into a rectangle of 25cm x 38cm. Then cut 1/3 of the butter into thin slices, lay the middle of the dough as in step 2, repeat the complete step and refrigerate for 30 minutes before taking it out, then roll out the dough thinly and roll out, spread the last 1/3 of the butter on the ground, still repeat step 2, complete the dough.

4. Make the top material and filling. Soften the butter at room temperature and preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Whisk the butter and sugar until smooth. Spread the dough on a pre-sprinkled panel, roll out into a rectangle of 28cm x 40cm, apply the beaten butter to 1/3 of the area in the middle of the dough, and then fold the upper and lower dough.

5: Face the long side of the dough, brush the whole egg mixture, sprinkle with sesame seeds or other nuts, and press and hold it firmly. Then cut through the middle and cut into 8 slices on each side. Pick up the ends of one of the slices, twist them into a twist, and spread them on a large baking sheet covered with baking sheet paper, pressing the ends tightly. Repeat in turn to process all the Danish pastries. Set aside and let cool for 15 minutes.

6: Bake for 18 minutes, bake until golden brown, bake, put on the shelf and let it cool thoroughly.

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