
Xia Junsong as vice mayor of Kunming City Xia Junsong resume photo

author:Minnan Net

  On the afternoon of October 29, the second plenary session of the 40th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th People's Congress of Kunming Was held. The meeting voted to approve a number of personnel appointments and removals.

  1. Appointment and dismissal


  Yang Zhihua is the director of the office of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal People's Congress.


  Du Wen is the deputy secretary-general and director of the office of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal People's Congress.

  2. Decide on appointment and removal

  Decides to appoint:

  Xia Junsong is the vice mayor of Kunming Municipal People's Government.

  Decided to dispense with:

  Zhang Bin's position as Vice Mayor of Kunming Municipal People's Government;

  Zhou Hongbin's position as vice mayor of Kunming Municipal People's Government;

  Sun Jie served as vice mayor of Kunming Municipal People's Government.

  3. Appointment and removal

  Yang Li is the deputy director of the Kunming Municipal Commission of Supervision.

  Zheng Nan held the post of deputy director of the Kunming Municipal Commission of Supervision.

  4. Appointment and removal

  Zheng Yun is the vice president of the first case filing division of the Kunming Intermediate People's Court;

  Gu Weixian is the vice president of the Second Case Filing Division of the Kunming Intermediate People's Court;

  Yang Xue is the vice president of the Third Civil Trial Division of kunming intermediate people's court;

  Xiong Zixu is the vice president of the Trial Supervision Division of the Kunming Intermediate People's Court;

  Zhang Bin is the vice president of the Liquidation and Bankruptcy Trial Division of Kunming Intermediate People's Court.

  Zheng Yun is the vice president of the second case filing division of the Kunming Intermediate People's Court.

  Fifth, dispense with it

  Zhang Fuquan and Zheng Qing served as members of the procuratorial committee of the Kunming Municipal People's Procuratorate;

  Zhang Xiaodong and Yang Hong served as procurators of the Kunming Municipal People's Procuratorate.

  Source Kun Pao headlines

Xia Junsong resume

Xia Junsong as vice mayor of Kunming City Xia Junsong resume photo

  Xia Junsong, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1972, on-the-job master's degree candidate, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the work in September 1993.

  He has successively served as a member of the Standing Committee and Director of the Office of the Jinning County Party Committee of Yunnan Province, a member of the General Office of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee, a deputy secretary-general of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee, the director of the Management Committee of Kunming Qiandian Industrial Park and kunming Shanzishan Tourism Development Zone, a deputy secretary and secretary of the Party Working Committee, a deputy secretary of the Kunming Municipal Government, a director of the General Office, a secretary of the Panlong District Committee of Kunming City, a member of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee, and a secretary general of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee. (Resume from China Economic Network)