
How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

author:Stir up the movie

In drama films, there is a type of film that takes tear-jerking as its mission, and in order to leave the audience with precious tears, the director and screenwriter have worked hard and have the momentum of not reaching the goal! In fact, most of these kinds of movies express a feeling that touches the softest part of our hearts!

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

This expression is so natural that it comes into our hearts like spring wind and rain. Another advantage of watching this kind of movie is that your heart will become stronger and stronger, the valve of your tear glands will become tighter and tighter, and you will no longer be laughed at and cry your nose! Let's taste these masterpieces with a Douban score of more than 9 points!

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

No.5 "Perfect World"

This is a very unique work of the famous Hollywood director Clint Eastwood, he directed a police film into a warm film, although it is a crime movie, it does not have too many hot scenes like other action movies, but more about the emotional display between people. The film was released in the United States in 1993 and has a Douban score of 9.0.

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

The film features Kevin Coster as a villain who doesn't resemble a villain, and director Clint Eastwood starred as a Texas Detective. It tells the story of butch, a convict who escaped from prison, hijacks Philip, a single child, and in the process of police pursuit, Butch and Philip get along more and more harmoniously, like father and son. This extraordinary feeling finally sublimated, making people cry a mess!

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

The combination of middle-aged men and children is a killer, and it always seems that people always associate it with the search for paternal love, but obviously you can also see from another point of view, this is a child's adventure, Butch's life has been somehow continued in Philip's body, and through this adventure journey to complete self-redemption!

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

no.4 "Love Homecoming"

This 2002 Korean film also scored 9.0, telling a story of a strong family relationship between a grandson and a grandmother. It is directed by Lee Ting-hsiung and starring Kim Yi-fen and Yu Seung-ho. The film was a huge success in South Korea, not only breaking the record number of viewers, but also winning the Best Film Award at the Korea Grand Bell Awards and the Best Film Award at the Baeksang Arts Awards.

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

This film, which is almost all starred by amateur actors, is based on Li Tingxiang's memories of his grandmother, and because of this, it is more real and more touching! This movie is not sensational, it is silently telling every little thing in life, but it is this movie that can make people cry incomparably!

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

no.3 The Death Poetry Society

This is one of Robin Williams' best works, a very classic inspirational film, because the story is well told, so it won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, and also won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor! The film is a big-name film starring Robin Williams, Ethan Hawke, and Robert Sean Leonard. The film was released in the United States in 1989, and the Douban score is still 9 points.

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

The film tells an inspirational story between teachers and students, and the film brings us a teacher who wants the children to succeed and cultivates them on the road to success, and a group of students who do not want to leave the teacher but are helpless.

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

The Death Poetry Society was so moving that the students stood on the table and said, "Oh captain, my captain!" "The bridge section reaches a climax and always makes people cry! The film not only brings moving but also thinking behind it, many people watching this movie will think of their student career, in the end the pursuit of free inner ideals or a fascination with rebellion? “”

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

no.2 Cinema Paradiso

The Italian film Cinema Paradiso is a 1988 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, directed by Giuseppe Tornadore and starring Philippe Novari and Savateli Casio. Douban score 9.1 points.

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

Through Salvador's colorful and helpless life, Cinema Paradiso tells the story of love, friendship, sincerity, and youth. The second half of the film is particularly disturbing, Salvador's love ends in vain, the childhood memory theater collapses and disintegrates, all of which turns into tears and washes away our hearts!

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

This is one of the few films that can make people extremely moved, not only tear-inducing, the development of the story is very rhythmic, the details of the psychological description is also very expressive, the charming main color is mixed with the beautiful scenery of southern Italy, people can't help but brush again and again, to commemorate their own beautiful innocent era!

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

No.1 "A Beautiful Life"

Released in 1997, "A Beautiful Life" is the most classic work of the famous Italian director Roberto Bernini, starring Roberto Bernini and his wife Nicoletta Blaski and The likes of Giorgio Cantarini. The film won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, Best Actor and Best Score. Douban score 9.5 points.

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

It's a legendary work like The Shawshank Redemption, the greatest film about fatherly love, about a Jewish father who died tragically in a Nazi concentration camp to protect his son.

How strong do you have to be to dare to watch these 5 movies?

"A Beautiful Life" teaches us that tragedies can also be performed in this way, so that the front and back parts of the film are like the two heavens of ice and fire, how happy there is in the front, and how sad it is in the back. This is the most suitable movie for one person to watch, you can laugh alone, and you can cry alone!