
The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

author:Gold Edition Life Classroom

Classic Shanghainese cuisine, the crispy shell wrapped in tender pork, the meat is full of flavor and flavor.

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

200 g pork chops 80 g tempura powder 80 g breadcrumbs

3 g salt, chicken powder, pepper 5 ml cooking wine

Edible oil to taste

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

1 Take a bowl and pour in the washed pork chops.

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

2 Add salt, chicken powder, cooking wine and pepper and mix well.

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

3 Pour in tempura powder, pour in an appropriate amount of water and mix well.

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

4 Then wrap the pork chops in an appropriate amount of breadcrumbs and put them on a plate.

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

5 Heat the pan with enough oil, heat to 70%, add pork chops and fry until golden brown.

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

6 Turn off the heat and remove the fried pork chops into the dish and serve.

The old Shanghai traditional pork cutlet method, if you want to make tonkatsu in the future, you can make your own tonko-fried pork chop ingredients to prepare cooking steps Food common sense making tips

Tonkatsu is a very special Shanghai snack. It has a long history of practice, and you can feel the charm of this special cuisine during the production process. Not only that, pork chops are rich in nutrients, can provide high-quality proteins and fats necessary for human physiological activities, especially rich calcium, can maintain bone health, and have the effect of nourishing yin, moisturizing, moisturizing and replenishing blood. Everyone may wish to try to do it at home, there will be no small gain!

A few drops of lemon juice can be dropped when washing the ribs to eliminate the fishy smell in the ribs.

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