
This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

author:I am the founding of the country

The change of the six Bond is Bond's progress with the times, but also Bond's breathlessness.

Holding the "killing license plate", he once again stood on the front line of sweeping away criminal syndicates and eliminating evil.

Daniel Craig, the sixth James Bond, wears a straight suit, shakes the Martini and squirts her hormones. In front of the flying Marvel superheroes, there may be some old-school, but this gentlemanly demeanor can not be lost to death.

"007: No Time to Die" is returning and subverting. It is not as gloomy and low as the previous "Ghost Party", and you can still see many classic elements of old-fashioned Bond films. The classic layout of M's office made Bond directly sigh: "Is the desk getting bigger, or are you getting smaller?" After some argument, Bond muttered that the table should be the same!

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

The leaders who do clerical work have shrunk physically and mentally, and how can Bond, who has worked hard for more than ten years, not feel tired. For example, the human stroke problem when the villain shoots: a dozen people with rifles strafing but practicing gun as if following Bond's outline. Bond probably had a fire in his heart, but you guys aimed at it once.

Daniel Craig had complained earlier: "I'd rather cut my wrist than play Bond again." Therefore, in order to help the actors go offline, the filmmakers of "No Time to Die" arranged an ending for james Bond, who never gave up and escaped. Emotion transcends reason, and the degree of subversion is staggering.

Fortunately, the phrase "james bond will return" pulled the audience's bottom-down emotions back. This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse fans. Death on the screen is definitely a double kill, not only can the actor temporarily get rid of the role troubles, but also the hero's twilight of receiving a box lunch can also play a wave of emotional killing.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

Bond will be back, and the real question is in what guise. Is this African-American woman who succeeds him 007? Or is it the dead-end agent Old Color Batch? Or the new good man who cured misogyny in the meta-era? After all, the tide of the times is rushing forward, and a generation of agents will inevitably be lost.

"007: No Time to Die" is reminiscent of Pierce Brosnan's (fifth Bond) die another day in 2002. The names of the two farewell works are obviously intertextual. "No time to die" and "Die another day" are both heroic farewells.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

Over the past 15 years, from being ridiculed as a reckless man to being remembered as Bond today, Daniel Craig has perfectly interpreted the meaning of persistence. While the beaters were still groaning in 996, 53-year-old Craig was still practicing the 007 work system in the way of 007. The performance is still hard, and even filming with injuries.

Unfortunately, the story of "No Time to Die" is still lacking in novelty. At the beginning, the moment the villain rides the motorcycle to the tower, Hard Candy Jun feels that the motorcycle must become Bond's car. Sure enough, five minutes later Bond was speeding down the narrow road, and all kinds of extreme jumps seemed to return to the Royal Casino in Montenegro more than a decade ago.

The beauty of the ancient city of southern Italy by the mountains and the sea makes this action scene pleasing to the eye. But after being illuminated by the yellowing light of the setting sun, Craig grew older and older, and could only wait until Cuba put on his dress and pull back a city slightly. The opening of the film is undoubtedly the most wonderful and capable part of the whole movie, and the next two hours of content is almost a warm version of "Kamen Rider W".

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

In the movie, there is still a fierce villain and a scientist who has developed the ultimate killing weapon, which can still threaten the existence of the community of human destiny. In Kamen Rider w, Narumi Shoyoshi hid from his daughter from childhood to adulthood because he was cursed by the Spider Monster, and if he came into contact with someone close to his beloved, the other party would die because of the curse.

In "No Time to Die", Bond, who was finally poisoned by "Hercules", chose to stay on the island that was about to explode, and said goodbye to his beloved Madeleine and her daughter. The furry rabbit toy is the emotional bond that 007 once regarded as a luxury.

Bond is still Bond, but both the story and the logic of action seem plausible. When we try to connect this British dad with his mouth to the reckless and gentle gentleman in Casino Royale and the agent who breaks through himself in "Skyfall", we feel that there is no way to talk about it.

In 1997's Empire of Tomorrow, Bond infiltrates a submarine at sea to fight the villain. In "No Time to Die" 24 years later, similar world crises, similar sea fortresses, similar "Cold War" relics. Bond is still Bond, the taste of Martini has not changed, if there is any difference, probably just Bond has become less important.

He's too busy, too busy finding his partner's trust, busy showing his fists and feet to the new 007, busy saying goodbye to the old guy Philip... Busy being a flesh-and-blood middle-aged man instead of a misogynistic agent who "doesn't love me fruitlessly."

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

As the end of a series, the audience is still tolerant after all. From "he can't do it" to "he can't do it", it is an indisputable fact that the personal heroism genre is declining day by day. Craig's appearance and acting skills are not strong, but they are also difficult to replace in terms of toughness and fighting.

The enduring secret of the 007 series of movies is that after breaking through the fog of paper drunken fans, it is still possible to smell the existential crisis of mankind in the post-Cold War era from the confrontation between good and evil. In the long river of nearly 60 years, an elegant gentleman's clothes to save the world without staining are inseparable from the three elements on which the 007 universe is built.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

The reason why Bond is Bond is first of all the British agent Bond under the Cold War system. In Fleming's original novel, the most prominent contradiction is the battle between Mi6 and the Soviet KGB represented by Bond. In the reconstruction phase of Britain in the 1950s, in desperate need of a superhero to satisfy their resentment of reality and fading imperial fantasies, Bond was undoubtedly the perfect vehicle for this radical patriotism.

In 1963's "007 Russian Love", the Soviet Union harbored the code machine that the British were looking for, and Bond finally succeeded in rebelling against the Soviet Tardina, and a pair of handsome men and women fought fiercely in the Soviet Union against the local devil's party. In 1977's "007 Undersea City," Bond collaborated with Soviet agents for the first time in a fight against Strendenberg, a tycoon who was trying to conquer the world.

In 1995's GoldenEye, terrorists replaced Soviet agents because the Soviet Union had long since disintegrated and Bond had to find new adversaries if he wanted to continue his job. The film's countless scythes and hammers fall to the ground and are shattered, and its political metaphor is self-evident.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

The second element of the Bond metacosm is the decades-long history of objectifying women. Bond may not be able to make men more able to fight, but his prodigal son image of "a kaleidoscope of flowers" has plunged generations of male audiences into a misunderstanding - as long as Lao Tzu is handsome enough, it is not a big deal to have misogyny. There has never been a 007 movie without Bang Girls, whose presence is even more memorable than notorious villains and dazzling high-tech weapons.

Bond Roger Moore in the '70s, whose lifestyle was to have erotic relationships with women of varying charms, some even approaching the brink of abuse. In 1973's "007 You Die and I Live", Bond immediately pulls out a gun and points it at her after sleeping with Rosie Carver, which is the originator of the ruthlessness of the ass.

Bond's gender consumption, most of which appears in negative images, has a dark and tragic past, and Bond's greatest interest is to "educate" them so that they can take sides in their own camp. However, Bond also has a time to roll over, in 1999's "007 Black Sun Crisis", elektra King's purpose is actually to conquer Bond to make him change his position, women are no longer simple prey can also be hunters.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

Third, with the constant update and iteration of Bond's actor, the character's life is placed in a cycle of infinite replication, overshadowed by formatting. Forever sexual encounters, forever flowing, never dying. Tough on the outside, he is destined to be an "amorous and ruthless" loser.

In the entire 007 lineage, Bond has only had one marriage in his real identity ("The Queen's Secret Envoy"), but unfortunately his wife was killed not long after the new marriage. This feeling is not expressed until the 12th book, Top Secret, when Bond begins by paying tribute to his dead wife Tracy.

When the 007 series of films involves the East, the real Oriental culture is fragmented and fragmented. It is often not its long history and the remarkable achievements of modernization, but the magnificent exotic scenery, the strange mysterious customs or the beautiful women who are beautiful and delicious.

In "Thunder Valley", Japanese actors Hideko Wakabayashi and Hama Mie play two bang girls, which is the first time that the role has been played by an Asian. However, the two only serve as assistants and have no room to play brilliantly. The opening chapter of "Thunder Valley" sets up a Chinese prostitute image, and then shows the beautiful and generous Japanese women. They are all Orientals, and their identities and expressions are completely different.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

In "Empire of Tomorrow", Yang Ziqiong played a bang girl Lin Hui, who represented China's Xinhua News Agency. She broke the uncertain state of mediocrity and low status of the Orientals in the film, and the appearance of the character also had the capital to be equal to Bond. Her encounter with Bond takes place in public discourse, and she is not a simple female symbol, but a conscious person.

Lin Hui is as elegant and sexy as the white women of the past, and even has the excellence that most white girls do not have. But at the end of the film, she still submits to Bond's male body, no different from other Bond girls.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

In addition to the Asian Bang Girl, the setting of the yellow race villain is also a certain paranoia of the early 007 films. In the opening work "Dr. No", the villain boss is a Chinese-German mixed-race child wearing a Zhongshan suit. The ultimate villain of the later 5th-7th films, The Devil's Party leader Robfield, also wore only a Nakayama suit. Just like Bond's obsession with the suit, the villain's Zhongshan suit is also a very symbolic existence.

Dr. Noe has a classic line: "I am an abandoned baby made by a German priest and a Chinese lady, but I became the accountant of the largest gangster in China." "He is first and foremost a tragic character who has been abandoned, but at the same time a man who lacks a right hand, and the image of the other cannot be more typical.

At the moment when Marvel's Fu Manchu was repeatedly discussed as a suspect of insulting China, Dr. 007's Dr. Nuo was forgotten. It's not like 007 is particularly favored, maybe it's because the 007 series is not working, and the most active young people on the Internet don't know this thing.

And, of course, there are the villains who are easily killed. In "Choosing a Day to Die", Bond single-handedly breaks into the military base, but is unexpectedly recognized by Colonel Wen. In extremely unfavorable circumstances, Bond blew up the military base and let Colonel Wen fall off a cliff with his car. 007 aims to induce the conclusion that the Bond of the West is wise and composed, and the enemies of the East are stupid and dull.

Looking back at the imagination of the East in the 007 series, it is often stereotyped and poor. In 1974's The Man with the Golden Gun, Scamanga's employer has a grand mansion in Hong Kong. The scarlet gate and classical garden, the decorations in the courtyard are the culmination of orientalism: luohan, night fork, Japanese sumo sculpture, the guards are dressed in Qing dynasty costumes that are out of touch with the times; the decisive point of "No Time to Die" is on the island on the border between Russia and Japan, and the dry landscape played by the villain has no Zen opportunity.

This year, veteran secret agent films have learned to abuse the fans of agents are very busy, no time to die politics, women, formatting: 007 yuan universe three elements are analogous to the orientals

The change of the six Bond is Bond's keeping pace with the times, but also Bond's breathlessness, after all, it is difficult to be compatible with himself between the melody of the times and the core of the character. From a Cold War icon in the '60s to a warm dad in the 21st century, the omnipotent Bond was asked to get off the altar. At the fork in the road where the Bond symbol disintegrates, is the 7th successor only a Marvel-style superhero to go?

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