
Five-line medaka, red spots on the body are connected into a line, a characteristic ornamental fish "fish farming said" today's headline column: medaka population series 178 five-line medaka

author:Fish farming said
Original author: Crazy Man [Insist on sharing the most down-to-earth fish farming experience in the most understandable language] Special statement: reprinting is allowed, please indicate the source; please do not move, otherwise appeal and defend your rights
Five-line medaka, red spots on the body are connected into a line, a characteristic ornamental fish "fish farming said" today's headline column: medaka population series 178 five-line medaka

Dear friends of today's headlines, good evening! The article we continue to bring the African medaka series within the medaka family, the five-line medaka.


The five-line medaka originates in Gabon, Africa, and is about 5 cm long, making it a native African medaka. The main highlight of this fish is that there are red spots on the body connected into a line, and there are about five or six of them. Hence the name of the five-lined medaka. The main feature of appreciation is the red markings on its body, which are slightly regular and look a little confused. To give a wild beauty, and to see that its tail is the state of the tail, that is to say, it is not round. Like a fan, the same tail has some red stripes on it, but it is also irregular. Then look at the lower part of his fin, and the lower part of the tail with yellow edges. This can also be counted as an embellishment of the main color of the body, red.


The fish tank that raises this five-lined medaka generally does not need to be too large. About 30-40 cm is enough. It is still relatively simple in terms of breeding. However, this medaka has a characteristic, that is, most of the small fish it breeds are male fish, which is also a special place for the five-lined medaka. If you want to create a better atmosphere, you can properly lay some bottom sand in the fish tank, plant some aquatic grass or put some sunken wood.


The five-line medaka still has a certain market share. Because after all, they are relatively simple to raise, and they also belong to the more common african native medaka species. So some studios that specialize in breeding African medaka have this species.

Five-line medaka, red spots on the body are connected into a line, a characteristic ornamental fish "fish farming said" today's headline column: medaka population series 178 five-line medaka

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