
The United States 'put its fangs on Japan' sadness rather than a gospel for Tokyo

author:Martian phalanx
The United States 'put its fangs on Japan' sadness rather than a gospel for Tokyo

In fact, the United States is not stupid, and there is some room for maneuver in the confrontation with China to avoid the "ballast stone" of the big ship of Sino-US relations and the impact of economic and trade relations between the two countries. Although the great power competition in the United States continues, the Sino-US economic and trade relationship has unexpectedly flourished. As total U.S. imports to China continue to soar, So do China's imports to the United States. According to Xinhua News Agency reported on the 4th, Sinopec signed a 20-year, 4 million tons of liquefied gas long-term purchase and sale contract with the US Virgil LNG Company on the same day.

For the United States, China is not only a major export market, but also a major guarantee to ensure that the U.S. supply chain does not collapse. The increasingly close economic and trade relations between China and the United States in a sense also ensure that the relations between the two countries will not get out of control, at least the United States is unlikely to completely turn its face to China for the sake of so-called "political correctness".

The United States does not want to see the rise of China, but it does not dare to completely turn its face with China, let alone provoke a great power conflict, so the Biden administration sacrificed traditional skills: "kill dogs"! Constantly pushing stupid allies to the anti-China front, making them consume China's diplomatic resources and weakening their commercial competitiveness with the United States.

In recent times, the European Union, britain and Japan have been betrayed by the United States. These vassals have only heard Biden's generous statements, but they have never seen the actual growing economic and trade ties between China and the United States. According to the Global Network reported on the 4th, at the same time that Sino-US companies signed a long-term energy cooperation agreement, the Japanese Self-Defense Force recently received a latest KC-46 air tanker from Boeing in the United States, becoming the first country in the world to equip this tanker in addition to the US Air Force.

The U.S. is providing Japan with the latest tankers at this time, which is clearly related to Japan's value. In the eyes of the United States, Japan is more suitable to act as a pioneer than South Korea and Australia. The country's right-wing ambitions to restore militarism are destroying the sanity of Tokyo's policymakers as the nation's helmsman.

Japan's defense military expenditure has soared year by year, military expansion has become the focus of future policy, and the Jiefangjun Daily recently issued an editorial warning: Be vigilant against Japan's development of "attack capabilities against enemy bases."

By providing Japan with tankers that help the Self-Defense Forces improve their long-range attack capabilities, the United States is catering to the Japanese government's ambition to develop "attack capabilities against enemy bases." The intention of the move is clear: to put Fangs on Japan and contain China's military influence.

Of course, this does not mean that the United States allows Japan's restoration of militarism to run rampant, because it is not in the interest of the United States. The move is more like pushing Japan to the end of the road. In a country with a bad record in history, any turmoil in the development of military power will arouse the vigilance of neighboring countries. This is very beneficial for the United States to continue to create regional tensions and control Japan.

The geopolitical conditions that Japan possesses are conducive to the United States containing China and Russia at the same time, but it is a kind of sadness for Japan. It has become the eye of the storm in the great power game between China and the United States and Russia, and once the situation gets out of control, tokyo will bear the brunt of it.

China and the United States are chess players, while Japan is a chess piece at best. In the fierce confrontation, China and the United States have not forgotten to develop bilateral economic and trade relations and have their own needs, but Japan, because of its military expansion ambitions, can only be at the mercy of the United States and is placed on the meat case of confrontation between major powers.

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