
The most widely circulated, Aesop's fable Mountain Eagle is the Fox

author:Plum Garden Lee

Aesop's Fables is one of the world's earliest collections of fables. At the same time, Aesop's Fables is one of the most widely circulated fables in the history of world literature. At the end of the 5th century BC, the name "Aesop" was well known to ancient Greeks, and the ancient Greek fables at that time were all under his name, and the fables he created were deeply loved by the ancient Greek people. The extant Aesop's Fables, originally titled Aesophes Fables, are collected in poetry or prose based on fables collected by the Byzantine monk Pranudez. As well as the compilation of ancient Greek fables and ancient Roman fables that people have discovered one after another, they are all under Aesop's name. 

The most widely circulated, Aesop's fable Mountain Eagle is the Fox

El águila y la zorra. Mountain eagle to fox


An eagle and a fox who were close friends decided to live together with the idea that this would strengthen their friendship. 

Afianzar v. Consolidation, reinforcement

Mountain Eagle and Fox became friends with each other, and in order to strengthen their friendship, they decided to live together.

The eagle chose a very tall tree to lay its eggs there, while the fox released her children under brambles on the ground at the foot of the same tree.

So the eagle flew to a tall tree and built a nest to incubate the offspring, while the fox went into the bush under the tree and gave birth.

One day when the fox went out to get her food, the eagle, which was hungry fell on the brambles, took the foxes away, and then she and her young rejoiced with a feast.

hambriento adj. Hungry, poor

regocijarse v.prnl. Happy, happy, happy

One day, when the fox was out foraging, and the eagle had just broken its cooking, he flew into the bushes, snatched the young fox away, and ate a full meal with the young eagle.

The fox returned and it hurt her more not to be able to take revenge, than to know of the death of her little ones. How could she, being a land animal, unable to fly, chase one who flies? He had to settle for the usual consolation of the weak and powerless: to curse his enemy from afar.

terrestre adj. terrestrial

Consuelo n.m

When the fox returned, he knew that this was done by the eagle, and he grieved for the death of his children, and what grieved him most was that he could not avenge for a while, because he was a beast, and he could only run on the ground, and could not chase the flying bird. So he had to stand far away and curse the enemy, which was the only thing that the weak could do.

But it did not take long for the eagle to receive payment for his betrayal of the friendship. Shepherds were in the field sacrificing a goat; the eagle fell on her and took a viscera that still retained fire, placing it in its nest.

Soon, Eagle's perfidious crimes were severely punished. Once, some people were killing sheep in the wild to sacrifice the gods, and the eagle flew down, grabbed the lamb with the fire from the altar, and brought it back to their nests.

A strong wind came and transmitted the fire to the straws, also burning their small harriers, which for small still did not know how to fly, which came to the ground.

Aguilucho n.m

At this time, a fierce wind blew over, and the small dry branches of the nest immediately ignited a fierce flame. The young eagles, whose feathers were not yet abundant, were burned to death and fell from the trees.

Then the fox ran, and calmly devoured all the harriers before the eyes of her enemy.

The fox ran over and ate all the eagles in front of the eagle's eyes.

Never betray sincere friendship, for if you did, sooner or later from heaven the punishment will come.

Castigo n.m. Penalties, Punishments

This story shows that for a perfidious person, even if the victim is weak and cannot retaliate against him, God will punish him.

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