
Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

author:Cocoa's gastronomic life
Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Is there a highest state of eating that is raw? The foods I know to eat raw are: Chaoshan drunken shrimp, raw blood cockles, drunken white shrimp among the three whites of Huzhou, Ningbo red cream stewed shrimp, raw pickled shrimp maggots, sauce hair crab, Wenzhou sauce green crab, Japanese sashimi, these are the unique seafood lake fresh eating methods in the coastal areas, the inland areas have Xuanwei ham, Spain's Iberian ham, all can be eaten raw, and they are all the best taste in the cuisine, human treasures.

When it comes to raw pickled seafood, many people dare not put down chopsticks, first of all, they can't accept the concept of raw food, and they can't accept it in terms of perception, thinking that seafood and meat must be cooked at high temperature before they can eat; secondly, they are afraid of bacteria and will diarrhea. In fact, where the food is eaten raw, seafood is mostly made of the freshest ingredients, while ham is pickled over the years. Bacteria have basically been killed, and people who still have diarrhea are mostly uncomfortable with the stomach and intestines, and there is no habit of raw food since childhood, and then the ingredients are not fresh.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Because I was born in a coastal city, I enjoy the delicious taste of raw pickled seafood, whether it is shrimp, crab, shrimp goo, cockles, raw meat is q bouncy and creamy, with the umami taste of seawater and aquatic products themselves, coupled with the salty aroma of marinade, it is a good dish to eat. If there is a table of dishes on the table, but where there are pickled crabs, drunken shrimp, drunken shrimp and maggots, my chopsticks undoubtedly reach out to them first, the sauce crab is cut open with yellow, the drunken cockle peels off with blood, the drunken shrimp licks open the thin shell flesh as if it is still beating, and other dishes can be indifferent.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Every time you go back to Huzhou, there is a circle of night stalls on the edge of Taihu Lake, hairy crabs can not be ordered, Taihu Sanbai must eat, silver fish scrambled eggs, steamed white fish, Taihu lake drunken white shrimp successively up, the favorite taihu lake drunken shrimp, live shrimp fished up and put in the lidded utensils, poured into the liquor let it first drunk, and a bowl of garlic paste, ginger, coriander, shao wine, soy sauce, vinegar seasoning together, the waiter opened the lid in front of you, the white shrimp with good wine is still beating, some have been drunk and fainted, and then poured into the sauce, the drunken shrimp is stirred by the sauce, Jump up and splash the soup all over your face. The waiter put on the lid again and said he could eat it in 10 minutes! After ten minutes, I found that the other dishes looked tacky compared to it.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Because I love to eat, so I will do, I made drunken shrimp is not worse than the stalls on the edge of The Lake, now is the time when the white shrimp with seeds, exceptionally fat, the price is not expensive, 45 yuan a pound, buy half a pound can be pickled half an ice box, I will pickle for a while, two hours or so. Don't need to buy more, the family is less, buy half a pound at a time, take advantage of the fresh day to eat. If you want to eat it next time, as long as you remember the seasoning, it is not difficult to make. After all, fresh ingredients are the first meaning of drunken shrimp!

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

【Gangnam drunken white shrimp】

Ingredients: 250 g of live white shrimp

Accessories: 1 small piece of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 sprigs of red pepper, 2 coriander, 2 shallots, 40 grams of soy sauce, 30 grams of steamed fish sauce, 180 grams of rice wine, 40 grams of white wine, 15 grams of sugar, 20 grams of vinegar

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Method: Step 1, white shrimp is small in size, easy to taste, so pickle for a while can eat, the key is that the shrimp should be alive and jumping, fresh to do, dead shrimp bacteria breeding, not can not eat, is to pickle for a long time. The second is the seasoning and ingredients, which are written very clearly in the ingredient list.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 2, white shrimp slightly cleaned, there will be shrimp jumping out of the plate, now many shrimp are still seeded.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 3: Cut all the ingredients such as green onion, garlic, ginger, and chili pepper into small pieces and set aside. Other spices are also prepared in advance in the bowl, white is white wine, more is Shaoxing yellow wine, less bowl is soy sauce, oyster sauce, steamed fish sauce and sugar, may wish to use chopsticks to stir it, let the sugar melt.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 4: In addition to white wine and rice wine, pour the bowl filled with soy sauce, oyster sauce, steamed fish sauce and sugar into the chopped onion, ginger and garlic.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 5: Find a container with a lid and put the shrimp in

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 6: Pour in the liquor first

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 7: Pour in Shaoxing rice wine

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 8, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, the white shrimp drink in it, jump at first, and gradually get drunk and not move.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 9: Open the lid and the shrimp are already drunk and won't move.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 10: Add all the remaining spices and ingredients

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 11, mix well can actually eat, eat the shrimp meat q bomb, the meat is light, the juice is salty, just right.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

Step 12: If you don't dare to eat it or want to eat something more flavorful, put the lid on the refrigerator and marinate it for another 2 hours.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious

This is definitely a delicious dish in the world and treats guests.

Raw pickled white shrimp, eaten in the mouth as if still beating, once tasted will never forget the delicious