
As soon as Karen Mok opened her mouth, she dreamed back to "The King of Comedy"

author:QQ Music

This week's main hit

Remember the entangled love affair between Yin Tianqiu, Du Juan'er, and Liu Piaopiao? Remember the wind that blew through Hong Kong that year? After 22 years, "Du Juan'er" Karen Mok once again performed the classic theme song of the movie "The King of Comedy" "The way you make me feel". Karen Mok, who returned to her hometown, re-created the arrangement. This time, let us follow Karen Mok's singing voice back to the movie "The King of Comedy" and relive the different emotions that span twenty years.

莫文蔚《the way you make me feel》

Issue date: 5.18

As soon as Karen Mok opened her mouth, she dreamed back to "The King of Comedy"

Many of Karen's Cantonese songs are the favorites of music fans. In her latest video album, "The Voyage," Karen will perform five of her classic Cantonese songs in the form of a music documentary, including the theme song "The Way You Make Me Feel" from the movie "The King of Comedy". Spanning 22 years of cover songs, fans relive the good memories brought by that classic love movie through the notes.

Twins "Little Women"

As soon as Karen Mok opened her mouth, she dreamed back to "The King of Comedy"

Time flies like a white colt, and the 20th anniversary of twins is coming as scheduled. In order to give back to the long-term companionship of fans and friends, but also a small summary and commemoration of my 20 years, twins released a new song "Little Woman" on the day of the 20th anniversary. The tune of the song is gentle and delicate, mixed with a hint of stubbornness of a little woman. Gillian and Asa have experienced 20 years of growth, from ignorant girls to now little women, there are regrets, gains, injuries, and happiness, although time has passed, but it is more important to cherish this moment.

Yu Wenwen "Cooperation"

As soon as Karen Mok opened her mouth, she dreamed back to "The King of Comedy"

The strong love song "Cooperation" in the second act of Yu Wenwen's third creative album brings a new aspect of love to everyone. In love, in addition to leaving room for each other, often love too much, pay without hesitation, just to fully cooperate with the pace of the other party. Only when Ai Li wakes up and tells herself that you don't have to "cooperate" like this, do you begin to move towards the stage of complete "self-healing". Pain is a necessary process in love, but whether to "cooperate" or not has its own choices.

TV series "Moonlight Variations" ost

Issue date: 5.21

Poke chart to listen to the "Moonlight Variations TV Series Soundtrack" song list

Starring popular actors Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi, the TV series "Moonlight Variations" 520 sweetly began broadcasting, and the soundtrack lineup of the drama is also highly anticipated. The lead actor Yu Shuxin brought the theme song "The First Lily" to sing the shyness of the girl; Ding Yuxi brought the character song "Poetry of No Heart", a romantic interpretation of the story of love; shuangsheng dedicated interlude "niūniū", sweetly singing love. Fans of the drama, don't be happy to sound!

The original soundtrack of the TV series "My Dear Little Cleanliness"

Issue date: 5.17

Poke Tu listen to the soundtrack of the TV series "My Dear Little Cleanliness"

The TV series "My Dear Little Cleanliness" starring Shen Yue and Liu Yihao was released in surprise! Guo Jing, Dong Youlin, Jian Hongyi, Duan Aojuan and other powerful singers gathered to sing sweet love into songs and performed moving love songs.

Kim Hyun-gi "It's Good to Have You"

(Episode of the TV series "Warm Taste")

Issue date: 5.20

As soon as Karen Mok opened her mouth, she dreamed back to "The King of Comedy"

The TV series "Warm Taste" starring Jin Dong interlude "It's Good to Have You" was sung by the creative talent Jin Weiqi. The brisk tune and Jin Weiqi's simple and comfortable singing voice place the audience in the play, making people can't help but raise the corners of their mouths and feel the human days full of fireworks together.

Write at the end

Romantic 520 past, whether you are single or have an object, it is worth feeling the throbbing in the sweet singing! This issue of the playlist is still sweet and full of points, I hope to become your life flavor, let the notes ignite joy for you! Xiaobian also welcomes everyone to leave a message in the comment area to share the touch Oh ~ a period of one meeting, we will see you next week!

As soon as Karen Mok opened her mouth, she dreamed back to "The King of Comedy"

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