
Remember the lessons of war And there is hope for peace

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

Source: China Military Network - People's Liberation Army Daily

Pearl Harbor is a beautiful sight in the summer, and the battleship USS Missouri docked at ford island docks is eye-catching.

The USS Missouri entered service in 1944 and was decommissioned in 1992. During World War II, it participated in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. At present, the warship has been used as a memorial for people to visit.

At about 9 o'clock local time on July 8, Chinese naval officers and men who were participating in the "Rim of the Pacific-2016" exercise in Hawaii boarded the "Missouri". For chinese soldiers, this battleship has a special significance — on September 2, 1945, the signing site of Japan's unconditional surrender was on this ship.

On the deck, looking at the signed photos of the scene, the surrender letter, touching the commemorative disc, railing and other objects, listening to the narrator tell the story of the year, the situation of the past came to mind.

"During World War II, the Chinese people finally defeated the Japanese aggressors through arduous struggles and made great contributions to the victory of the world anti-fascist war." Wang Xiaoyong, commander of the reserve command post of the Chinese Navy's participating formation in the "Rim of the Pacific-2016" exercise, said: "Only those who can fight can stop the war." Peace-loving Chinese naval servicemen must bear in mind the mission of strengthening the army and make due contributions in the journey of building a strong navy. ”

On the bottom of the sea not far from the Ussulius, another giant ship, the USS Arizona, slept. In pearl harbor, the USS Arizona and nearly a thousand American servicemen on board the battleship were buried at the bottom of the sea. Today, in the waters where it sinks, a white ship-shaped memorial stands on the surface of the sea, silently telling people about the cruelty of war and the hard-won peace.

At the "Arizona" battleship memorial, the officers and men of the Chinese Navy touched history with their eyes and felt peace with their hearts. "To remember history is to prevent the tragedy of war from repeating itself. The world needs peace, and even more needs the strength to maintain peace, and the Chinese Navy is an important force for maintaining world peace. During the visit, Zhang Lisong, political commissar of the reserve command post of the Chinese Navy's participating formation in the "Rim of the Pacific-2016" exercise, said with emotion.

(Hawaii, July 8, 2019)

Remember the lessons of war And there is hope for peace

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