
Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

author:Volleyball GoldenEye

After the National Games, each team will be replaced, in addition to the need to change the team members, some teams will also challenge the manager. Cai Bin, the head coach of the Jiangsu women's volleyball team, the runner-up of the National Games, has also announced that he will not renew his contract with the team. Many fans are speculating about where Cai Bin's next stop will be. Is it to continue to run in the domestic league, or to take over the Chinese women's volleyball national team?

Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

Recently, CCTV Sports Channel conducted a special interview with Cai Bin on this issue in its special report on the women's volleyball team. Cai Bin responded with 5 words: "First go home and rest." "Although Cai Bin did not respond positively to this matter, in the author's opinion, he should be full of expectations for the women's volleyball position." The meaning of "going home to rest first" is very clear, that is, to take a break and then come out to work.

Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

Since the league is close to the start, if Cai Bin does not immediately find a good home and start the new season of the league, then he will waste 1 year. As far as Cai Bin's current attitude of not being in a hurry, it is very likely that he has decided to take over the women's volleyball team, and the special report of CCTV also gave Cai Bin a 3-second shot. If Cai Bin is not willing to take over, he can completely refuse in the interview, without answering such an ambiguous answer.

Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

Cai Bin once took over the Chinese women's volleyball team in 2009, when he proposed the same team concept as Lang Ping, that is, double main attack and pass. Unfortunately, at that time, he was too rigid and self-conscious, abandoning many veterans who could pass on the help, resulting in the loss of the Asian Championship to the Thai women's volleyball team, coupled with the fact that the relationship between him and the media was not harmonious enough, and a large area of "inverted Cai Tide" swarmed, so he let wang Baoquan be replaced.

Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

In fact, looking back, Cai Bin's concept is still very advanced, but he underestimated the status of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the minds of the Chinese people, and the volleyball association can only choose to give up in the absence of large-scale criticism. After Lang Ping retired, there were not many managers who could control this system, and Cai Bin was one of them. Compared with other competitors, Cai Bin's biggest advantage is that he is young and has a lot of coaching experience.

Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

Compared with Wang Baoquan, the old coach of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, Cai Bin is in better health and more suitable for the position of the manager of the Chinese women's volleyball team; compared with the current assistant coach An Jiajie, Cai Bin's coaching experience is richer and more convincing. Of course, after Cai Bin takes over, he must also face a problem, that is, how to fill the gap in the second pass and the secondary attack position. Cai Bin's system requires a strong second pass and a strong secondary attack.

Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

The second pass requires a player with sufficient finger strength, fast passing speed and open passing ideas. Looking at the current domestic second-pass candidates, it is still difficult for anyone to reach this realm. Ding Xia, Yao Di and Diao Linyu 3 people's four-position pass, there are certain problems, either there is no speed, or there is no height, making it difficult for the attacker to slam the ball comfortably. As the second generation, Cai Bin does have his own unique features in adjusting the second transmission, but it is still difficult to cultivate a successor in a short period of time.

Cai Bin 5 words to answer the rumors! I am afraid that I intend to run for the chinese women's volleyball team, 2 difficulties need to be solved quickly

The ability of the secondary attack to block the net is also crucial to Cai Bin's system, if there is no super strong sub-attack, then the team will suffer defeat. With the retirement of Yan Ni, the Chinese women's volleyball team's vice offensive line appeared lame, although Wang Yuanyuan can take on a part of the burden, but in the face of European and American players, the hand shape is still weak. , it is easy to be beaten by opponents to break through the netsman. Therefore, the new manager of the new cycle must solve this problem as soon as possible.

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