
Traditional Chinese medicine Qi Shi: Natural spleen tonic, long service light body is not hungry related to the discussion of medicinal materials story Qi Shi effect taboo crowd eating methods

author:Hundred Grass Health Exchange

Qi Shi, the name of Chinese medicine. It is a dried mature seed kernel of the water lily family. Large annual aquatic herb. Submerged leaves arrow-shaped or oval kidney-shaped, 4–10 cm long, spineless on both sides; no spines on both sides; non-spineless petioles; leathery floating leaves, oval kidney-shaped to round, 10–130 cm in diameter, shield-like, with or without curvatures, full margin, purple underneath, with short soft hairs, sharp spines on both sides at the branches of the leaf veins; petioles and peduncles are thick, up to 25 cm long, with hard spines. The flowers are about 5 cm long; the sepals lanceolate, 1–1.5 cm long, purple on the inside, with slightly curved spines on the outside; the petals are round lanceolate or lanceolate, 1.5–2 cm long, purple-red, arranged in several rounds, gradually becoming stamens inwards; no peduncles, red stigma, into a concave stigma plate. The berries are spherical, 3-5 cm in diameter, stained purple-red, with dense hard spines on the outside; the seeds are spherical, more than 10 mm in diameter, black. The flowering period is from July to August, and the fruit period is from August to September.

Preparation: Collect and process mature fruits in late autumn and early winter, remove the peel, remove the seeds, wash, and then remove the hard shell (outer seed skin) and dry it in the sun. Bran stir-fried mustard: Take the net mustard and fry according to the bran stir-frying method until slightly yellow.

Traditional Chinese medicine Qi Shi: Natural spleen tonic, long service light body is not hungry related to the discussion of medicinal materials story Qi Shi effect taboo crowd eating methods

1. "Records of Materia Medica": "The chicken head is solid, sweet, and the right taste of the soil is also the medicine of the spleen and kidneys." The spleen is damp and the kidneys are dry, the chicken head is light and sweet, it is not hurt to be wet, the texture is sticky and astringent, and the smooth and fat is moist, it does not hurt dryness, where the medicine of the spleen and kidneys, often the opposite, and this is the same, so it is especially expensive. ”

2. "Seeking Truth from Materia Medica": "How to replenish the spleen is due to its sweet taste; how to solidify the kidneys, because of its astringent taste." Only its taste is sweet and tonic, so it can be wet, and diarrhea and abdominal pain can be cured; but its taste is astringent and solidified, so it can hold the breath, and the will, belt, and urine cannot help but heal. The gong is similar to that of yam, but the yin of yam is too solid, and the astringency of yam is even more astringent than that of yam; and yam also supplements lung yin, while yam is stopped at the spleen and kidneys and not to the lungs. ”

Traditional Chinese medicine Qi Shi: Natural spleen tonic, long service light body is not hungry related to the discussion of medicinal materials story Qi Shi effect taboo crowd eating methods

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a widow named Qianqian in the village, who had a mother-in-law and a child, and every day she relied on digging wild vegetables and water plants to fill her hunger. One day she dug wild vegetables, due to excessive hunger fainted by the river, when she woke up to see a pheasant not far away with its head cocked high, fixed her eyes, found that it was an unnamed aquatic weed shaped like a chicken head, so Qianqian picked some "chicken head" back to steam, cooked and cut open to find that it was a full of fruit, peeled off the hard shell and revealed the snow white nuts, which tasted fragrant. In the future, Qianqian will pick some such chicken head fruits and wild vegetables to cook for the family to eat, so that the Qianqian family slowly survived the famine days, and people will call this food Qian (芡) food in the future.

Traditional Chinese medicine Qi Shi: Natural spleen tonic, long service light body is not hungry related to the discussion of medicinal materials story Qi Shi effect taboo crowd eating methods

Chinese medicine believes that the dried mustard is sweet, astringent and flat, and enters the spleen and kidneys, and the main function is to supplement the spleen and stop diarrhea, and to fix the kidney astringent.

"Good spirit, make the eyes and ears smart, serve for a long time and not be hungry, and endure the old gods." This sentence believes that Qi Shi is the top of the tonic, and this sentence comes from the Shennong Materia Medica.

Tonic and qi, in order to nourish strong food, and lotus seeds are somewhat similar, but the astringent sedative effect of mustard fruit is stronger than that of lotus seeds, suitable for chronic diarrhea and frequent urination, dream slip sperm, women with multiple waist acid and so on.

It is used for spermatozoa, frequent enuresis, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, white turbidity, and under the band.

Traditional Chinese medicine Qi Shi: Natural spleen tonic, long service light body is not hungry related to the discussion of medicinal materials story Qi Shi effect taboo crowd eating methods

1. For those who are on fire themselves, on fire, and have warm palms;

Second, those who cannot eat slowly take it with caution, and those who have unfavorable bowel movements;

Third, the mustard has a strong astringent effect, constipation, red urine and postpartum women;

Fourth, although the mustard is nutritious, it should not be eaten by infants;

5. It is forbidden to take it for those who have difficulty in urinating or defecating; Those who are stuck in food should take with caution.

Traditional Chinese medicine Qi Shi: Natural spleen tonic, long service light body is not hungry related to the discussion of medicinal materials story Qi Shi effect taboo crowd eating methods

Yam barley porridge

Ingredients: mustard, barley, rice, yam

Preparation Method:

1. Soak the hair with water one day in advance;

2. Barley and rice are soaked for one hour in advance;

3, wash the yam, peel, cut into small pieces, soak in water;

Traditional Chinese medicine Qi Shi: Natural spleen tonic, long service light body is not hungry related to the discussion of medicinal materials story Qi Shi effect taboo crowd eating methods

4. Mix all the above raw materials, rinse and add an appropriate amount of water;

5. Press the porridge button in the rice cooker;

6, the end of the program, you can keep warm for about 15 minutes out of the pot effect is better.