
Zhou Huang, a native of Fuling, proved 258 years ago that the Diaoyu Islands were China

author:Xinhua network Chongqing channel

Chongqing, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- On July 6, 2014, the Chaoyang Sunflower Service Group of the School of Literature and Journalism of Chongqing Fuling Yangtze River Normal University arrived at the tomb of Zhou Huang in Mingjia Shuangxing Village, Dashun Township, fuling old revolutionary area, at 9 a.m. on July 6, 2014, braving the scorching sun to conduct social research. Knowing this Emperor Wang's teacher Zhou Huang once again proved 258 years ago that the Diaoyu Islands are China's territory and a great contribution of Zhou Huang, a Fuling native, to China. In 1775, Zhou Huang brought back his hometown from the capital and contributed to the Fuling people by leaving the Fuling Royal Gong, which is the intangible cultural heritage of Chongqing Municipality, and is being reviewed for the declaration of China's intangible cultural heritage...

The tomb of Zhou Huang is located in the third group of Shuangxing Village, Dashun Township, Fuling District, and was completed during the Qianlong period (1792). Zhou Huang as the qing Dynasty Jiaxing Emperor's teacher, known as the "Emperor Master" buried here more than 200 years ago, volunteers in the investigation of the division of labor, the cemetery and the surrounding environment of the investigation, although in the hot sun their way forward by the roadside weeds constantly blocked, but also can not wear away their enthusiasm for research, in practice volunteers learned that zhouhuang cemetery covers an area of nearly 100 acres, the tomb mound is very large, the sealing soil is built with a stone, tight drills, fine carving.

In front of the archway, two male and female stone lions squatted in the stone drum lotus seat in front of the arch. In an interview with the elderly Li Yuxiang, who is nearly sixty years old in Shuangxing Village, the volunteers who came to investigate learned about the legend of the two stone lions, and it is said that 300 years ago, the feng shui of zhouhuang's tomb was relatively strong, and the male and female stone lions would be resurrected in the middle of the night, trampling and destroying the wheat field in front of the archway, bringing unexpected disasters to the people... Later, it was protected by Zhou Huang. ZhouHuang tomb is solemn and elegant, magnificent, but after 212 years of wind and sun, the tomb in front of the stone man, stone horse and Xiangtang and other ancillary buildings have long been weathered damage, only the archway, tomb niches and other buildings remain, volunteers interviewed the elderly Li Yuxiang in Shuangxing Village for more than sixty years, he recalled, "In recent years, Zhouhuang tomb basically every day there will be tourists to visit, in order to further preserve the monuments, Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics has allocated 250,000 funds to repair the Zhouhuang tomb, with the material support of the Fuling District Government, The weathering of cultural relics has been greatly improved. ”

Zhou Huang's "Zhou Huang Sealed the Original Scroll of the Ryukyu Boat Climbing Map" left by Zhou Huang proves the fact that the Diaoyu Islands are China's territory. The author has witnessed many times the treasures of the "Zhou Huang Seal Ryukyu Boarding Map Original Scroll" 255 years ago.

Geographically located between Taiwan and Japan, the Ryukyu Kingdom was a vassal state of China during the Ming and Qing dynasties. In 1756 (the 21st year of Qianlong), the new king of the Ryukyu Kingdom ascended the throne, and as a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty, he needed to issue canonical documents from the imperial court. In May of that year, Zhou Huang and the Hanlin Academy attendant Quan Kui were ordered to go to Ryukyu and crown Shangmu as the King of Zhongshan in the Ryukyu Kingdom. In Gumi Mountain, Zhou Huang and more than 200 people accompanying him encountered a hurricane and did not stop for three days and nights. The ship was hit by violent bumps, the trees were destroyed, and the sea poured in. Everyone in the same boat landed on the shore to avoid danger, and Zhou Huang refused to leave because he had an edict on the ship. In the end, the group escaped and arrived in Ryukyu and completed the mission of canonization.

Through actual investigation, Zhou Huang described the dividing line between the Diaoyu Islands and the Ryukyu Islands very clearly: that is, with Kuroshio as the dividing line, the Diaoyu Islands are China's inherent territory and a subsidiary island belonging to Taiwan Island, which has nothing to do with the ancient Ryukyu State, let alone Japan.

After Zhou Huang made a long scroll of "Climbing the Boat Map" and asked the emperor's fifteen sons and six other people to read it, he left the original volume of the Zhou Huang Book Sealing Ryukyu Boat Map. The Zhou Huang Seal Ryukyu Boat Climbing Map Original Scroll recreates the history of 258 years ago. The Original Volume of ZhouHuang's Seal of the Ryukyu Boat Climbing Map is collected in the Fuling District Children's Library, which is the treasure of the Fuling District Children's Library.

In 1775, Zhou Huang returned to Fuling from Beijing in old age, bringing back the royal Su Gong of the capital, which later became the Fuling Imperial Gong. Fuling Royal Gong is the intangible cultural heritage of Chongqing, a unique instrumental music in Fuling and a unique instrumental music in China. Fuling Royal Gong is a 400-year-old Su Gong, a royal band after entering the palace court, from the royal to Chongqing Fuling, with a strong Sichuan flavor local instrument. Fuling people Zhou Huang is the Fuling Royal Gong matchmaker, in 1775, Fuling Royal Gong formed a 229-year love affair.

In the nearly one-hour practice and visits to nearby farmhouses, the volunteers learned that Zhouhuang Tomb, as a cultural relics protection unit in Fuling, has unique architecture and plays a role in promoting the development of the tourism economy of Dashun Township in Fuling District.

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